我只想“呵呵”两声。Hmm. How interesting!How interesting表面在说“真有趣”,内心其实充满鄙夷和不屑,完美表达出“呵呵”的讽刺意味。
关于第三个问题,我看到了有关报道,我只想“呵呵”两声。 On your third question, I have seen relevant reports and twitter. Hmm. How interesting.
我只想“呵呵”两声。Hmm. How interesting!How interesting表面在说“真有趣”,内心其实充满鄙夷和不屑,完美表达出“呵呵”的讽刺意味。
因为你知道,中美经贸磋商一年多来,是谁出尔反尔、言而无信、反复无常,大家都有目共睹。而中方对于经贸磋商的立场始终如一。 We all know who has been flip-flopping in the trade talks over the past year or so. In contrast, China's position remains consistent.
事实上,自己生病,却让别人吃药,也是没有任何用的。 In fact, it's useless to ask others to take pills when the US is ill itself.
我认为,在经贸磋商问题上,美方应该更多地展现诚意和诚信。 I believe the US needs to show more sincerity and good faith on this issue.
❶ 还执迷于居高临下对他国事务指手画脚的恶习当中。 He is obsessed with condescendingly criticizing other countries.
❷ 仍然不思悔改,继续信口雌黄。 He keeps lying without remorse.
❸ 英方动不动就以“守护者”自居,这纯粹是自作多情、痴心妄想。 Claiming itself the guardian of Hong Kong is nothing more than self-entertaining.
❹ 这种说法简直是厚颜无耻! How brazen is that!
❺ 亨特先生罔顾事实,居然称特区政府是在“镇压”,这完全是颠倒黑白。 In total disregard of facts, Mr. Hunt called the SAR government's response "repression". That is entirely misleading.
❻ 如果英国议会被围攻、被闯入、被破坏,英政府会听之任之、坐视不管吗? If it were the British Parliament that had been stormed and vandalized, what would the British government do? Will it sit by idly and let the protesters have their way?
后来这句有力回应获得了多家外媒的转引报道。The US wants to make China a scapegoat. But so sorry, we don't want to be one. And don't even think of making us one. scapegoat:替罪羊
中国不是吓大的。Threats and intimidation will never work on China.
一段时间以来,一些美国政客揣着同一个唱本,满世界污蔑中伤中国,到处煽风点火,挑拨离间,言行令人不齿。 I need to point out that for quite some time, certain US politicians have been touring the globe with the same script in their pockets to smear China, starting fires and fanning the flames and sowing discords. Such behaviors are really beneath their dignity.
谎言就是谎言,说上一千遍还是谎言,蓬佩奥先生可以休矣! A lie will remain a lie, even if repeated a thousand times. Monsieur Pompeomight as well take a break.
These reports remind me of a Chinese saying, one's mentality will determine how they see the world. It doesn't surprise me in the slightest that such remarks were made by a person who heads the world's largest intelligence agency.
来源 | 中国日报双语新闻(id:Chinadaily_Mobile)
编辑 | 陈茜
校对 | 陈宇
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