

2016-10-11 美国驻华大使馆

#2016逛美国# 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区(Washington, D.C.),白宫及176个外交使团所在地,不仅仅是“首都城市”,而且堪称美国的心脏. 华盛顿是一座工作型城市,从事的工作就是政务,但这个城市也守护着国家的历史,守护着她的英雄和他们的梦想。访客们在翠绿的公园里和宽阔的大道上徜徉,不仅能了解美国的历史——她的不足和她的胜利——而且可以感受到她的精神。在这种精神鼓舞下,这个国家勇于迎接挑战,同心协力实现开国元勋的希望.

#Traveling Around the U.S. – State of the Week:Washington D.C.

Home of the White House and host to 176 diplomatic missions,Washington, D.C., is more than “A Capital City,” it’s the heartbeat of theUnited States. However, D.C. is also a special addition to this campaign, as itis actually a federal territory and not a state. That means that it is actuallyfederally administered rather than locally like every other U.S. state. Whilein D.C. you may notice that the license plates, including the President’s read“Taxation Without Representation.” This is a subtle protest by the residents ofD.C., to paying taxes to the federal government, but not having a votingrepresentative in the U.S. Congress. The city is also the caretaker of anation’s history and guardian of its heroes and their dreams. Visitors whostroll its green parks and broad avenues not only learn the story of America —its shortcomings and its triumphs — but gain a sense of the spirit that moves anation to meet its challenges and live up to the aspirations of its founders.

