

2017-06-14 美国驻华大使馆

(AP Photo)

查尔斯·门罗·舒尔茨(Charles Monroe Schulz)1922年出生于明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯。从小他就因为读报纸上的漫画周刊而对漫画产生了热情。

二战中舒尔茨曾在美国陆军服役,退役后开始为一家天主教杂志工作,同时艺术指导中心(Art Instruction Inc.,一家漫画插画培训学校)教课。



如今,花生漫画及其主角为读者和观众带来了欢笑和娱乐。你有没有过 和查理·布朗相似的感受?


#AmericanAnimation&Comics – Famous Animator: Charles M. Schulz 

Born in Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1922, Charles Monroe Schulz acquired a passion for cartoons at an early age from reading the weekly comic section in the newspaper.  After serving in the United States Army during Second World War, Schulz began working for a Catholic magazine and teaching at Art Instruction Inc., a school providing training on cartooning and illustration.  Schulz created his iconic comic strip “Peanuts” and its characters Snoopy the Dog, Charlie Brown, Luis and Linus drawing inspiration from his own life – Schulz had an intelligent dog when he was a boy; he often felt shy and melancholy; and his good friend was named Linus.  In 1950, a media company in New York published Schulz’s Peanuts comic strip, and it quickly became popular, appearing in thirty-five different papers. To this day, the Peanuts comic strip and its main characters provide readers and viewers with a good laugh and entertainment. Do you ever feel like Charlie Brown?  

To learn more about American illustrator Charles Schulz visit (eng): https://schulzmuseum.org/about-the-man/schulz-biography/ 



