
【美国动漫】 超级英雄:蜘蛛侠

2017-06-22 美国驻华大使馆


Caption: The Spider-Man balloon floats in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014 in New York.

“蜘蛛侠谁是?”被问到这个问题时,很多人都想到最开始的蜘蛛侠彼得∙帕克(Peter Parker)。 不过,2011年,漫威漫画( Marvel Comics)推出了第一位西班牙裔黑人蜘蛛侠−16岁的迈尔斯·莫拉莱斯(Miles Morales)。 与帕克一样,莫拉莱斯被一种经过基因改造的蜘蛛咬伤,从而被赋予更强的力量、敏捷度,和黏在墙壁、天花板上的能力。 黑人蜘蛛侠的想法是受奥巴马2008年当选总统的启发。虽然这个想法最初得到的反应好坏不一,但蜘蛛侠的原始共同创作人斯坦·李(Stan Lee)赞同为年轻的非白人读者树立一个积极的榜样。 莫拉莱斯反映出美国社区愈发多元化。这些故事讲的不仅是放学后勇斗超级反派,还有这位美国少年如何在他独特的族裔、文化遗产和融入美国社会之间寻求平衡。你有最喜欢的、自己认同的超级英雄吗?更多请见(英文):http://marvel.com/characters/1016181/spider-man_miles_morales/featured

#AmericanAnimation&Comics –  Superhero: Spider-Man 

“Who is Spider-Man?” When asked this question, many people think of the original Spider-Man, Peter Parker.  In 2011, however, Marvel Comics introduced 16-year-old Miles Morales as the first Spider-Man of black Hispanic descent.  Morales, like Parker, was bitten by a genetically engineered spider that gave him enhanced strength, agility, and the ability to adhere to walls and ceilings.  The idea of a black Spider-Man was inspired by the election of President Obama in 2008; although reactions were initially mixed, original Spider-Man co-creator Stan Lee approved of creating a positive role-model for younger non-white readers.  Morales is a reflection of how American communities are increasingly diverse; the stories are not only about fighting super villains after school, but also about how this American teenager balances his unique ethnic and cultural heritages with fitting in.  Do you have a favorite superhero you identify with?  To learn more (eng): http://marvel.com/characters/1016181/spider-man_miles_morales/featured

