
【美国动漫】完结篇:漫威 vs. DC漫画

2017-06-30 美国驻华大使馆

 [Flickr Photo, JD Hancock]

[Flickr Photo, Pat Loika]


#美国动漫# – 完结篇:漫威 vs. DC漫画。

过去一个月中,我们向大家介绍了数位美国漫画和插画家,包括奥托·梅默(Otto Messmer)、李佛克 (Lee Falk)、沃尔特·迪士尼(Walt Disney)、弗洛伊德·诺曼( Floyd Norman),和查尔斯·舒尔茨(Charles Schulz),还介绍了吉姆·李(Jim Lee)、杨谨伦(Gene Luen Yang)和萨娜·阿曼纳特(Sana Amanat)等新秀。




票房收入方面,漫威的漫画角色显然更胜一筹,收入超过110亿美元。但还是那个问题,如果宇宙即将发生灾难性事件,到底谁才能拯救我们这些凡人?是漫威的复仇者,还是DC 的正义联盟?


#AmericanAnimation&Comics – Conclusion  Marvel vs. DC Comics 

Over the past month we have introduced you to a few of America’s animators and comic illustrators such as Otto Messmer, Lee Falk, Walt Disney, Floyd Nelson and Charles Schultz as well as new arrivals Jim Lee, Gene Luen Yang and Sana Amanat.  These animators and illustrators have created and preserved beloved cartoon characters, superheroes and villains that impact American and worldwide culture.  Now that you have met many of superheroes and their creators, are you a Marvel or DC comics fan?  Do you side with the Batman or Ironman? These two comic book powerhouses have been publishing comics since 1939 and 1934 respectively and have created iconic characters Superman, Spiderman, Captain America, and Batman that continue to live on in print, online and on the big screen.  When it comes to box office revenue, Marvel Comic characters are a clear winner with over $11,000,000,000 in sales.  But the question still remains, if we were to have a cataclysmic event in the universe, who would save us mere mortals, Marvel’s Avengers, or DC Comic’s the Justice League? 

