

2017-07-17 美国驻华大使馆

#美国作家# J.D. 塞林格

J.D. 塞林格(J.D. Salinger)在青年时代帮助将法国从纳粹手中解放出来,他作为一名士兵袭击了诺曼底的海滩,参与了解放纳粹集中营,并在战后的巴黎与朋友欧内斯特·海明威(Earnest Hemingway)一起庆祝。

塞林格于1951年出版了《麦田里的守望者》(Catcher in the Rye),然而在两年后,他过起了隐居生活,直到去世—具有讽刺意味的是,塞林格对公众的回避只是让他更加成为了一名传奇性的文学人物。

《麦田里的守望者》探索了青少年的焦虑和孤独、成长的挣扎以及纯真的丧失,并且仍然深受当今青少年的喜爱,他们在本书异常坦率的年轻叙述者霍尔顿·卡菲尔德(Holden Caulfield)身上找到了一种共鸣。


你觉得哪位作者在一本书中完美地捕捉到了你的感受?更多了解J.D. 塞林格,请见(英文):http://www.pbs.org/wnet/americanmasters/jd-salinger-salinger-timeline/2838/.  

#AmericanAuthors# J.D. Salinger 

In his youth J.D. Salinger helped free France from the Nazis as he stormed the beaches of Normandy as a soldier, participated in the liberation of Nazi concentration camps, and celebrated with his friend Earnest Hemingway in post-war Paris. Two years after he published Catcher in the Rye (1951), however, Salinger became a recluse until his death, and shunned the public—a move that ironically made him only more of a legendary literary figure. Catcher in the Rye explored teenage angst and isolation, the struggles of growing up, and the loss of innocence, and is still beloved by teenagers today, who find a kindred spirit in the book’s unapologetically frank young narrator Holden Caulfield. For its unvarnished, sometimes expletive-filled narration Catcher was banned at various times throughout American history, but is now required reading at many U.S. high schools. Who is an author that you feel has perfectly captured your feelings in a book? To learn more about J.D. Salinger see (eng): http://www.pbs.org/wnet/americanmasters/jd-salinger-salinger-timeline/2838/.  

