
【北京美国中心活动】美国橄榄球大联盟@BAC, 09月26 日, 周二, 晚 6:30

2017-09-22 美国驻华大使馆

Extract the QR code to register.


你是美式橄榄球球迷吗?你知道 “pigskin”和“field  goal”都代表什么? 你想知道为什么橄榄球在美国文化中如此重要吗?来加入我们北京美国中心9月26日,周二晚6:30的活动吧,我们将观看橄榄球比赛的一部分,美国大使馆的外交官将为你解答关于这项体育运动的问题。活动中你将有练习投球的机会!快来玩吧并学习美国最喜欢的消磨时光的方式。



Are you a fan of American  football? Do you know what “pigskin” or a “field goal” is? Are you interested  in learning more about why football is so important in American  culture?  Come join us at the Beijing American Center on Tuesday,  September 26, at 6:30pm, where we will watch part of a football game and  officers from the U.S. Embassy will answer all these questions and more about  the sport. At the event you will also have a chance to try throwing a  football! Come join us and have fun learning about one of America’s favorite  pastimes.



To RSVP: http://www.wanshe.cn/orders/view/21431


