
#黑人历史月 - 阿拉巴马农工大学

2018-02-13 美国驻华大使馆

今天,我们介绍一下Alabama A&M University(阿拉巴马农工大学)。阿拉巴马农工大学的前身是由曾经被奴役的非裔(美国人)William Hooper Council于1875年创建的亨茨维尔师范学校,现已成为一所集教学、研究、公共服务和成人教育于一体的综合性大学,提供41个学士学位、23个硕士学位和4个博士学位,宁静的校园位于离原校址所在小镇几分钟之遥,被亲切地称为“小山”。该校的5000多名学生来自美国44个州和全世界11个国家,现有93个学生社团,75%的学生参加社区服务项目。@EducationUSA中国#HBCU# www.aamu.edu/

Founded in 1875 by formerly enslaved African (American) William Hooper Council as the Huntsville Normal School, Alabama A&M has evolved over the years to incorporate teaching, research, public service and extension programs. Today the serene campus setting that has come to be known fondly as "the Hill" is just minutes away from the school’s original downtown location. AAMU’s student body of over 5,000 hails from 44 states and 11 countries worldwide. The university offers over 41 baccalaureate degrees across five undergraduate schools, 23 masters and four doctoral degrees.

Alabama A&M is home to over 93 student clubs and organizations

75% of students participate in community service projects.

