
SQL Server 获评2016 DB-Engines年度DBMS榜首

2017-01-06 云和恩墨 数据和云

DB-Engines 网站刚刚发布了年度DBMS排行,在这个榜单上SQL Server获评年度DBMS冠军,紧随其后的是 MySQL 和 PostgreSQL 数据库产品。计算结果基于当前(2017年1月)积分和2016年1月差值获得。而且我们知道,前两年的年度冠军得主分别是Oracle、MongoDB 。我们祝贺SQL Server取得的好成绩,也欣喜的看到两款开源产品占到了排行榜的前三。

DB-Engines 按月度跟踪和发布数据库流行度数据(考察多重因素,包括工作岗位、搜索引擎、趋势变化等),下图是当前(2017-01-04)的流行度,我们看到Oracle和MySQL是长期领先在前面的位置(两者已经非常接近),而整个榜单列举的产品也已经多达315个。

其实在这个榜单中,各个产品的波动并不大,前10名基本没有变化。Oracle、SQL Server、DB2三大商用关系型数据库,MySQL、MongoDB、PG 是最流行的开源关系型和NoSQL产品。


Microsoft SQL Server is the database management system that gained more popularity in our DB-Engines Ranking within the last year than any of the other 315 monitored systems.

We thus declare Microsoft SQL Server as the DBMS of the Year 2016.

在DB-Engines排名计算的315个产品中,Microsoft SQL Server获得了更佳的人气,我们因此选择其作为2016年度DBMS。


DB-Engines 使用 2017年 1月的人气积分,减去 2016年1月的同期数字,我们使用差值而不是百分比,获得的结果代表了一个产品在2016年获得的人气。

For determining the DBMS of the year, we subtracted the popularity scores of January 2016 from the latest scores of January 2017. We use the difference of these numbers, rather than a percentage, because that would favor systems with a tiny popularity at the beginning of the year. The result is a list of DBMSs sorted by how much they managed to increase their popularity in 2016, or in other words, how many additional people started to communicate about it in one of the ways we measure in our methodology, for example job offers, professional profile entries and citations on the web.


DBMS of the Year: Microsoft SQL Server

微软的SQL Server在过去几年排行几经起伏,但是在2016年收获了好成绩,超过了Oracle,在年度积分榜上排在了第一位。微软的 SQL Server 2016 发布 和 Linux版本极大的吸引了用户的关注和兴趣。同时,SQL Server在岗位需求也相当强劲,在LinkedIn、搜索引擎、Google趋势和StackOverflow等也取得了好成绩。

Microsoft SQL Server had its ups and downs throughout the years in our ranking, but 2016 was exceptionally good, regaining ground towards Oracle, the leading system in the ranking. The release of SQL Server 2016 and the announcement to port SQL Server to Linux has certainly helped to curb interest in that product.

SQL Server is particularly strong in the ranking categories job offers and LinkedIn profiles, but it scores very well also in all the other ranking components such as Search Engine hits, Google Trends and StackOverflow discussions.

Runner-up: MySQL

MySQL在2016年获得了提升,在排行榜上有接近Oracle的排名。 自2010年被Oracle收购以来,Oracle对MySQL的这一成功负有相当大的担当,Oracle大大消除了用户在收购之后对MySQL发展可能停滞的担忧。最近的很多新版本和功能发布证明MySQL仍然是一个非常有竞争力的数据库系统,我们的排名显示,社区看起来非常赞赏这些改变

MySQL raised its score in 2016 enough to come pretty close to Oracle in the ranking. Oracle, who owns MySQL since 2010, is pretty much responsible for that success, as they managed to largely dispel fears that development of MySQL might stall after that acquisition. Recent releases proof that MySQL remains a very competitive systems and our ranking shows that the community seems to appreciate that.

Third place: PostgreSQL

2016年显示了PostgreSQL和MongoDB之间在整体排名上的争夺,排行榜的第四位,几乎每月切换。 最终MongoDB排名第四,PostgreSQL在2016年增长榜上领先,位列第三。


The year 2016 showed a fight between PostgreSQL and MongoDB for the 4th rank in the overall ranking (behind Oracle, MySQL and SQL Server), switching places almost monthly. While MongoDB finally managed to run in at rank 4, PostgreSQL is ahead in the 2016 growth list, securing the third place in the DBMS of the Year competition.

In 2016 PostgreSQL released two new versions (9.5 and 9.6) which introduced a new UPSERT capability, row level security, new BigData features and improvements to both scale up and scale out high performance workloads.

祝贺Microsoft,MySQL和PostgreSQL在2016年的成功,这是我们第一次看到三个RDBMS赢得了前三,过去我们至少有两个NoSQL系统的赢家。 然而,这并不意味着NoSQL系统有一个糟糕的一年。 所有领先的NoSQL系统,如MongoDB,Cassandra,Redis,Elasticsearch,Neo4j和Couchbase在2016年提高了他们的排名分数,只是不足以使它进入前三。 


在2017年,云和恩墨开始全面为用户提供 SQL Server 和 MySQL 的咨询、服务和运维产品提供,云和恩墨已经在这些技术方向上储备了行业领先的技术人才与资源,愿以专业态度,服务中国用户!



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