
展览 | 翟倞:想象的喜剧

千高原艺术空间 千高原艺术空间 2020-10-19

想象的喜剧 Imaginary Comedy

展览日期:2020/05/16 — 2020/06/28开幕酒会:2020/05/16 15:00-18:00(星期六)艺术家:翟倞出品:千高原艺术空间作品媒介:绘画展览地点:四川省成都市高新区盛邦街,铁像寺水街南广场,千高原艺术空间电话:+ 86 - (0) 28 8512 6358邮箱:info@1000plateaus.org



▲翟倞,早餐,布面油画,135 x 180 cm,2020
ZhaiLiang, Breakfast, Oil on canvas, 135 x 180 cm, 2020

▲翟倞,乐观主义的逃亡,布面油画,185 x 185 cm, 2020
Zhai Liang, The Escape of Optimism, Oil on canvas, 185 x 185 cm, 2020


Zhai Liang: Imaginary Comedy

Duration: May 16, 2020 - June 28, 2020Opening: May 16, 15:00-18:00, SaturdayOrganizer: A Thousand Plateaus Art SpaceArtists: Zhai LiangMedia: PaintingVenue: A Thousand Plateaus Art Space, South Square, Tiexiang Temple Riverfront, Shengbang Street, High-tech Development Zone, Chengdu, ChinaTel: + 86 - (0) 28 8512 6358E-mail: info@1000plateaus.org

A Thousand Plateaus Art Space is pleased to launch Zhai Liang’s solo exhibition “Imaginary Comedy”on May 16, 2020, as the first exhibition of this year, and the exhibition will last until June 28th,2020. Zhai Liang has been cooperating with A Thousand Plateaus Art Space for about ten years and has always maintained the avant-garde spirit of exploration and unique personal style, through which he gradually grows into a high-profile cutting-edge artist.


Zhai Liang, Wild Ball, Oil on canvas, 156 x 231 cm, 2020

Zhai Liang’s work is famous for its fusion of pictorial representation and literalization. His early series “The Garden of Forking Paths”regarded the novel of Jorge Luis Borges’novels as the breakthrough point, transforming the stories and characters into visualized “hypertext”and extending the observation of painting to the spatial narrative itself. Later, he entered a new progress of thinking and accumulation. In solo exhibition “Slow”, he simplified the narrative structures and strengthened the experiments of brush strokes and picture’s textures, unfolding his own “literature”in his unique way. 

翟倞,6天,纸本水彩,66 x 101.6 cm,2020

Zhai Liang, 6 Days, Watercolor on paper, 66 x 101.6 cm, 2020

This solo exhibition will present Zhai Liang’s latest works created since 2019. “Imaginary Comedy”maintains the creative style as that of exhibition “The Garden of Forking Paths”in which the literalization and visualization are fused. Starting with the surreal depiction of famous comedian Charlie Chaplin, the artist penetrates the comedy itself and the tragic core behind that, as well as the relationship among different actors, artists, philosophers and their historical backgrounds. Meanwhile, Zhai Liang keeps exploring into methodologies of painting and visual structures, thus the insightful painting language and speculative themes can be integrated. This makes his work visually pleasant while not lose its critical foundation.

翟倞,夜晚,纸本水彩,66 x 101.6 cm,2020

Zhai Liang, Night, Watercolor on paper, 66 x 101.6 cm, 2020

Special Tips: The epidemic hasn’t finished yet, and life still goes on; A Thousand Plateaus Art Space suggests that the audience avoids to travel in rush days and takes protective measures. Health First. 


千高原艺术空间 A THOUSAND PLATEAUS ART SPACE开放时间:周二至周日(周一闭馆),10:30-18:30地址:中国. 四川省成都市高新区盛邦街,铁像寺水街南广场电话: +86-28-8512 6358邮箱:info@1000plateaus.org网址:www.1000plateaus.org微信:千高原艺术空间


