
展览 | 杨述:一切神圣的东西

千高原艺术空间 千高原艺术空间 2022-12-25


展览日期:2021/11/02 — 2022/01/09开幕时间:2021/11/02 15:00-18:00(星期二)出品:千高原艺术空间策展人:鲁明军艺术家:杨述作品媒介:绘画展览地点:四川省成都市高新区盛邦街,铁像寺水街南广场,千高原艺术空间电话:+ 86 - (0) 28 8512 6358邮箱:info@1000plateaus.org


▲杨述,S No.1,布面丙烯,喷漆,树脂,硅胶,碳笔,铅笔,树枝,杂志,打包带,塑料扎带,纸胶带,广告钉,纸片,250×220cm,2021
Yang Shu, S No.1, Acrylic on canvas, spray painting, resin, silicone, charcoal pencil, pencil, twig, magazine page, packing belt, plastic cable tie, paper tape, nail, paper, 250×220cm, 2021

▲杨述,S No.24,布面丙烯,喷漆,树脂,硅胶,碳笔,树枝,塑料扎带,240×160cm,2021
Yang Shu, S No.24, Acrylic on canvas, spray painting, resin, silicone, charcoal pencil, twig, plastic cable tie, 240×160cm, 2021

由此认为杨述“反绘画”显然简化、甚至狭隘化了他的实践。在我看来,杨述所反对(准确地说是亵渎)的与其说是绘画的历史秩序,不如说是一切循规蹈矩的事物,一切神圣的东西。他不避讳艺术史(如劳申伯、汤布利 )和当下流行趣味(如荧光、喷绘)对他潜移默化的“干扰”;他亦无所谓画面好看与否,当然他的画并不难看;他拒绝让画面承载任何绘画以外的功能,尤其厌恶那些企图用某种符号证明自己身份,乃至一切具有象征和意义的表达,他认为绘画其实就是表面;……可见,他真正信奉的就是不(想)受任何(人)支配和影响的极端个人主义——当然前提是他也不会去干涉或影响他人。如果说这是一种绘画达达主义的话,那么它真正的底色是无政府主义。不过,他既不想被归类、被定义,目的也并非煽起一场摧毁一切惯例的革命,而是回到消极野蛮的动物性这一朴素的个人原始主义,以抵御或抗拒无处不在的精神压迫和内心分裂。

All that is Sacred : Yang Shu's Solo Exhibition

Duration: November 2, 2021 - January 9, 2022Opening: November 2, 2021, 15:00-18:00, TuesdayOrganizer: A Thousand Plateaus Art SpaceCurator: Lu MingjunArtists: Yang ShuMedia: Painting Venue: A Thousand Plateaus Art Space, South Square, Tiexiang Temple Riverfront, Shengbang Street, High-tech Development Zone, Chengdu, ChinaTel: + 86 - (0) 28 8512 6358E-mail: info@1000plateaus.org

Yang Shu has been a rebel since the 1980s. Contrary to many radical experimentalists, he has never strayed away from canvas, the furthest from which is his occasional addition of everyday readymades. “What medium does an artist choose depends on whether it opens up one’s own nerves.” For him, such medium is painting. Therefore, Yang Shu has never agreed on that painting is an outdated language. Neither is he a fundamentalist painter. To his view, there is no medium distinctions, painting is but a simple format, one that we go through as we eat, drink, shit and piss, as we experience love and hatred, living and dying… In a word, for Yang Shu, painting is an personal life condition in-itself and for-itself. To that extent, the space of Huangjueping and Organhaus are both considered extensions of his body.
▲杨述,S No.2,布面丙烯,喷漆,树脂,硅胶,碳笔,粘土,发泡胶,尼龙线,塑料盖帽,220×180cm,2021
Yang Shu, S No.2, Acrylic on canvas, spray painting, resin, silicone, charcoal pencil, super-light clay, spray foam, nylon thread, plastic cap, 220×180cm, 2021

Yang Shu has always been painting without premeditation, he paints when he wants to, vice versa. He refuses to express any profound thoughts or concepts through painting. Thus his works have no messages, representations, or anything behind. This is no return to pure formalism, for his disbelief in anything “pure” – which always insinuates some sort of fascism. Yang Shu does not intend to resort to chaos – for most of times, there are precise judgments and boundaries to what he identifies with or argues against. After all, the colorful, disorderly and children's graffiti-like depictions or writings in the paintings are actually his daily traces: random, irregular and slightly disturbed lines and brushstrokes are often the masks for latent potential. Transparent mediums (such as paint, light perception) often makes the picture more opaque and invisible. This seems to be a very subjective act of writing, but it is actually an automatic writing after objectifying oneself.
Therefore, the inference that Yang Shu’s style is"anti-painting" obviously simplifies or even narrows his practice. In my opinion, what Yang Shu opposes (to be precise, commits blasphemy against) is not so much the historical order of painting as all the things that follow preset rules and all the sacred things. He does not shy away from the subtle "interference" of art history (such as Rauschenberg, Twombly) and trendy interests (such as fluorescence, inkjet); he does not worry about whether the pictures are good-looking or not, of course his paintings are not ugly; he refuses to allow the picture to carry any function other than being a painting, especially detests those who try to use some kind of symbol to prove their identity, and even all symbolic and meaningful expressions, he believes that painting is actually the surface; ... It can be seen that what he really believes in is extreme individualism free of dominance or influence from any person - of course, the premise is that he will also not interfere or influence others. If this is a kind of painting Dadaism, then its true background is anarchism. However, he neither wants to be classified or defined, nor is his purpose to instigate a revolution that would destroy all conventions. Instead, he returns to the simple individual primitivism of passive and barbaric animality, in order to defend or resist the ubiquitous mental oppression and inner division.



杨述Yang Shu
杨述,1965年出生于重庆,1985年毕业于四川美术学院油画系并继续深造研究生,后于1988 年毕业后留校任教至今,1995年在荷兰阿姆斯特丹的荷兰皇家视觉艺术学院(Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten)驻留一年,是中国实验绘画早期的探索者。杨述天生的造型才华,以及 扎实的学院写实功底帮助他建立了对抽象的结构与色彩的深入认知。从1990年代开始,杨述的 创作就逐渐从受表现主义影响的非具象作品,发展为今天具有独特魅力的“杨述式”的视觉创 造。他的创作不仅关注现实世界的变迁,还将批判精神和美学创造融为一体,将对平面结构的 破坏转化为综合材料的重组,凝结出冷峻而富有爆发力的诗意。


鲁明军Lu Mingjun




展览日期 | 2021/11/02 — 2022/01/09策展人 | 鲁明军艺术家 | 陈秋林作品媒介 | 摄影、影像、装置、声音展览地点 | 四川省成都市高新区盛邦街,铁像寺水街南广场,千高原艺术空间

展览日期 | 2021/11/07 — 2022/01/09
策展人 | 何桂彦
艺术家 | 庞茂琨
作品媒介 | 绘画
展览地点 | 四川省成都市高新区盛邦街,铁像寺水街南广场,千高原艺术空间

千高原艺术空间 | A Thousand Plateaus Art Space

除了在超过1000平方米的画廊空间的展览项目,千高原艺术空间亦积极参加国际国内的重要艺术博览会,包括香港巴塞尔艺术展 (Art Basel HK)、香港国际艺术展(ART HK)、艺术登陆新加坡(Art Stage Singapore)、今日亚洲 | 巴黎亚洲艺术博览会 (Asia Now | Paris Asian Art Fair)、上海廿一当代艺术博览会(ART021)、上海西岸艺术与设计博览会(West Bund Art & Design)、艺览北京 JING ART、艺术成都 Art Chengdu、上海艺术影像展(Photo Shanghai)、西班牙路普艺术节(Festival LOOP)、Paris Internationale 、LISTE in Basel等等。

A Thousand Plateaus Art Space was founded in 2007 in Chengdu, China. It is a professional gallery committing to presenting and promoting China’s contemporary art. Equipped with exhibition halls for artworks and collections and a screening room for videos and discussions, it focuses on researching, presenting and promoting outstanding works and experimental projects of China’s contemporary art and culture by carrying out domestic and international projects.

A Thousand Plateaus Art Space devotes itself to presenting works by emerging artists who have outstanding talent and merit, and to discovering and promoting new creative artists. To date, it has represented and cooperated with over 20 artists of all ages. Using exhibitions, art fairs, academic discussions, publications and so forth, it is dedicated to establishing the communication channels between artists and the society, institutions and collectors. The gallery also organizes artwork sales, tailored art projects, collection management consultings, art education projects and curatings.

In addition to the exhibitions and events in the over 1,000 square meters gallery space, A Thousand Plateaus Art Space also takes an active part in important international art fairs including Art Basel in HK, Art Hong Kong, Art Stage Singapore, Asia Now | Paris Asian Art Fair, ART021, West Bund Art & Design, JING ART, Art Chengdu, Photo Shanghai, Festival LOOP and Paris Internationale, LISTE in Basel etc.. 



千高原艺术空间 A THOUSAND PLATEAUS ART SPACE开放时间:周二至周日(周一闭馆),10:30-18:30地址:中国. 四川省成都市高新区盛邦街,铁像寺水街南广场电话: +86-28-8512 6358邮箱:info@1000plateaus.org网址:www.1000plateaus.org微信:千高原艺术空间


