
陈萧伊个展 | 「横断涟漪纪」:我在说从深海听来的几个词

千高原艺术空间 千高原艺术空间 2022-12-25

展览日期:2022/03/19 — 2022/05/08开幕时间:2022/03/19 15:00-18:00(星期六)出品:千高原艺术空间艺术家:陈萧伊作品媒介:摄影、影像、装置海报设计:音和展览地点:四川省成都市高新区盛邦街,铁像寺水街南广场,千高原艺术空间电话:+ 86 - (0) 28 8512 6358邮箱:info@1000plateaus.org



Chen Xiaoyi, Kataskapos#1, Giclée Print, 168×100cm, 2021



The Epoch of Rippling Hengduan Mountains: 
I am supposed to tell you some of the words I heard deep down in the sea

Duration: March 19, 2022 - May 8, 2022Opening: March 19, 2022, 15:00-18:00, SaturdayOrganizer: A Thousand Plateaus Art SpaceArtists: Chen XiaoyiMedia: Photography, Video, InstallationPoster design: YinheVenue: A Thousand Plateaus Art Space, South Square, Tiexiang Temple Riverfront, Shengbang Street, High-tech Development Zone, Chengdu, ChinaTel: + 86 - (0) 28 8512 6358E-mail: info@1000plateaus.org

A Thousand Plateaus Art Space is pleased to announce artist Chen Xiaoyi's solo exhibition "The Epoch of Rippling Hengduan Mountains - I am supposed to tell you some of the words I heard deep down in the sea" from March 19 to May 8. The exhibition continues the artist's "image-scanning" work on mountains since 2018, focusing on The Hengduan Mountains in Southwest China.
From rocks and minerals to tools and technology, we have expanded the grand picture of the current world by digging down into the earth after a long period of evolution. Metals and mining industry are irreplaceable in the long history of mankind. When casting the internal world of capital, from the surface of the sphere to the interior of the sphere, "mines" also draws a panoramic view of human beings’ madness system. The mining industry in the inaccessible mountains of Southwest China is essentially a game of exchanging time between people and the earth. In the artist's works, mines, tunnel and ores exist as metaphorical representations, with the intention of discussing the modernity experience, geological time and ecology hidden under the image, as well as the madness system. Through various medias such as video and photography, the artist has been trying to gather heterogeneous things and re-measure those faults, cracks and contingencies, and to draw atlas for the areas before they are named, so as to open a virtual geological age.

Chen Xiaoyi, When Tethys Sea retreats westward, leaving the reverberation,  4K Video, 24’52”, 2022, Sound: Baishui

Text / Chen Xiaoyi

As Nan Shepard described in “ The Living Mountain”, "the real sign of a long-term connection with a territory is to be ready to face uncertainty and accept the fact that you can't get all knowledge." I have long forgotten the reason for returning to Hengduan Mountains in the southwest of China. After the stage of "building towers in the void", the distant / nearby, known / unknown world scale is reopened with another kind of in-depth promotion. Therefore, in the experience that I must experience, I began to explore the power of connecting the sense of locality, so the mountains began to appear that they had a story of themselves’ to tell.
No matter they are mountains or rivers, what people cherish are not necessarily the dominance of things. In the visible and unimaginable nature, the mountains at a glance are just a thin image of reality. Whether it is the "past and present lives" of glaciers or the "sublime fragments" of mountains, those secrets are about the internal and ancient life force that has been flowing for thousands of years in the huge scale of eternal movement. Since the absolute beginning, the "vein" bred in the ocean seems to be an internal clue, leading to the mystery of lost time, nature and the earth. The southwest regions of China are considered as the "resource area" in the linear history, I take the mines and relics of the region as the incision to work in the temporal and spatial stacking of mountains and the land relationship. From the past mining industry to today's mountain ecology, I try "image-scanning" the western mountains through a broader narrative.
As the original ark, will the motionless earth ripple? On the way of exploring, I carry such questions and am determined to lead some fragmented knowledge stored in distant time and space here, and believe in and follow some certain traces. Invent the future with ancient knowledge and disappearing language in this re-illuminated area; Also dedicate it to those dark, deep and unknown time, things that have disappeared or are about to disappear.
In the end, let's go to the wilderness tacitly, no matter where we meet.


陈萧伊Chen Xiaoyi

陈萧伊(b.1992)出生于中国四川,于 2014 年获得伦敦艺术大学纯艺术摄影硕士学位,目前工作生活于成都。她的作品基于摄影,并不局限在具体的媒介当中,通过生产图像的方式,关注于生命体的微妙感知,并不断挑战既定的逻辑、感知与想象来探讨存在本身的问题。她将创作定义为面对「存在本身」的一种度量,以「反定义」的图像生产去还原现代技术所遮蔽的时间意识,其作品尝试从二维平面到三维图像的转换,通过还原因加速度而被「淹没」的感官,来显现出「临界」的微妙转换状态,使我们在与之有过共同经验的事物里感受间歇,并还原事物之间的「暧昧」。


她的作品曾获得中国第七届三影堂摄影奖大奖,入选福布斯2017“30 UNDER30(Art)”亚洲榜单,并参与诸多国内外展览。她的个展项目有“横断涟漪纪:我在说从深海听来的几个词”(千高原艺术空间,成都,2022),“争执”(成都当代影像馆,成都,2020),“他乡异客”(千高原艺术空间项目,瑞士巴塞尔LISTE,2019),“他乡异客:当我独自盛开时,世界还在沉睡”(瑞士The Crochetan剧院,2018/三影堂摄影艺术中心,2018),“One Giant Leap” (Matèria Gallery,罗马,2017),“Never!”(千高原艺术空间,成都,2017),“Art projects”(伦敦艺术博览会,2017),“The Inadequacy of Language”(Matèria Gallery,罗马,2016)。作品曾展出于瑞士沃韦影像双年展,西班牙LA NUU摄影节,东亚文化之都当代艺术节(日本京都造型艺术大学),厦门集美·阿尔勒国际摄影季,连州国际摄影年展,德国Folkwang博物馆,雅典Benaki博物馆,深圳OCAT艺术中心,上海当代艺术博物馆,北京三影堂摄影艺术中心,成都麓湖A4美术馆,北京民生现代美术馆,上海视界艺术中心,成都蓝顶美术馆等。




展览日期 | 2021/11/07 — 2022/04/09
策展人 | 何桂彦
艺术家 | 庞茂琨
作品媒介 | 绘画
展览地点 | 四川省成都市高新区盛邦街,铁像寺水街南广场,千高原艺术空间

千高原艺术空间 | A Thousand Plateaus Art Space

除了在超过1000平方米的画廊空间的展览项目,千高原艺术空间亦积极参加国际国内的重要艺术博览会,包括香港巴塞尔艺术展 (Art Basel HK)、香港国际艺术展(ART HK)、艺术登陆新加坡(Art Stage Singapore)、今日亚洲 | 巴黎亚洲艺术博览会 (Asia Now | Paris Asian Art Fair)、上海廿一当代艺术博览会(ART021)、上海西岸艺术与设计博览会(West Bund Art & Design)、艺览北京 JING ART、艺术成都 Art Chengdu、上海艺术影像展(Photo Shanghai)、西班牙路普艺术节(Festival LOOP)、Paris Internationale 、LISTE in Basel等等。

A Thousand Plateaus Art Space was founded in 2007 in Chengdu, China. It is a professional gallery committing to presenting and promoting China’s contemporary art. Equipped with exhibition halls for artworks and collections and a screening room for videos and discussions, it focuses on researching, presenting and promoting outstanding works and experimental projects of China’s contemporary art and culture by carrying out domestic and international projects.

A Thousand Plateaus Art Space devotes itself to presenting works by emerging artists who have outstanding talent and merit, and to discovering and promoting new creative artists. To date, it has represented and cooperated with over 20 artists of all ages. Using exhibitions, art fairs, academic discussions, publications and so forth, it is dedicated to establishing the communication channels between artists and the society, institutions and collectors. The gallery also organizes artwork sales, tailored art projects, collection management consultings, art education projects and curatings.

In addition to the exhibitions and events in the over 1,000 square meters gallery space, A Thousand Plateaus Art Space also takes an active part in important international art fairs including Art Basel in HK, Art Hong Kong, Art Stage Singapore, Asia Now | Paris Asian Art Fair, ART021, West Bund Art & Design, JING ART, Art Chengdu, Photo Shanghai, Festival LOOP and Paris Internationale, LISTE in Basel etc.. 



千高原艺术空间 A THOUSAND PLATEAUS ART SPACE开放时间:周二至周日(周一闭馆),10:30-18:30地址:中国. 四川省成都市高新区盛邦街,铁像寺水街南广场电话: +86-28-8512 6358邮箱:info@1000plateaus.org网址:www.1000plateaus.org微信:千高原艺术空间


