
【艺术家访谈】 异形绘画大师 迈克尔·唐斯

流动的画廊 流动的画廊 2022-12-25



本文翻译:李宇清 图文编辑:有一


T: Can you a little bit introduce of yourself: Where your originally come from ,Where your study and work , something like that.

迈克尔·唐斯Michael Downs(中文简称迈、英文简称M)

M: I was from England and I studied at Bath academy of Art a long time ago. I began my career painting in Bath, in London, in Manchester , in conventry , all England .and I had a lot of exhibitions in London. But in1990,I came to Australia. And I Stopped in Hongkong on the way to Australia and I was fastenated by , you know , the city.and at that time it was 25 years ago .but then I went to Sydney. I got my masters degree in Sydney.Again. and again I had lots of exhibitions in Australia.but I was always interested in exploring Asia. So I started to make some trips to China, to Korea and so on. and I came to BeiJing in 1998 for the first time and I was fastenated by the city . then and so eventually I gave up my teaching ; I was head of postgraduate studies , the National Art school in Sydney. I gave that up about six years ago . I started painting fulltime again. thats when I decided to work outside of Australia.so I came to China , first of all, I did two residencies of Red Gate Gallery, then I found studios in SongZhuang.then and , yes, I made exhibiting around BeiJing, KunMing , GuangZhou, places like that, for five or six years.


迈:我是英国人,多年前曾就读于英国巴斯美术学院。 我的职业绘画生涯开始于巴斯,伦敦,曼彻斯特,考文垂,乃至整个英国。我曾在伦敦举办了很多场个展,但在1990年, 我离开了英国去了澳大利亚。在去澳大利亚的途中,我经过了香港,我一下子就被这个城市迷住了, 那是25年前的事了。那之后, 我就去了悉尼,我在悉尼取得了硕士学位, 并且我也在澳大利亚举行了多场个人画展,但是我一直以来都对探索亚洲这块土地抱有很浓厚的兴趣 于是我开始游历中国、韩国,以及其他亚洲城市。我于1989年初次来到北京,我立刻就被它迷住了。最终我于六年前放弃了我在悉尼大学艺术学院的教学工作, 当时我是研究生教研组的组长。之后我又开始成为一个全职画家了。 当我决定离开悉尼到别处工作时,我就来到了中国。 首先,我受邀参与了红门画展的项目,并且在宋庄找到了一个工作室,于是在这五六年里我就开始围绕北京昆明广州这些城市举办个人画展。

《朝阳印象 2》,综合材料,2014年 ,36cmX36cm , RMB:5000

THow did you become a professional artist?Do anyone or anything impress you to make such decision?

M : look, I don't know . None of my family are artist or ever were . I enjoyed doing art at school. and I think actually I decided I want to be an artist when I was about 14 and my school tried to get me to do also the other things and I said : no no, I ' m going to be an artist. and once I got to art school, I found such an exciting life to be able to make these objects , meet interesting people, girls ; Of course, it's very very sort like romantic almost. do you know? of course , when I left school,I had to become a little bit real world ; and I became a mirror painter in hospitals for two years. pretty much I worked fulltimes , I mean, in art by teaching or painting or commissioning at things . yes, it's not my family work ; I spent my whole life doing it.


:是的 ,我不知道,我的家族里没有人是艺术家, 以前也没有过。 我开始读书时,我就热爱绘画。事实上在我大概14岁的时候,我就决定成为一个画家。那时学校里的老师也试图让我做些别的事情,但我会说,“不,不,我将来是要成为画家的。”当我开始在艺术学校学习时,你可以做这些东西,可以认识有意思的人,和女孩打交道,这些多么令人兴奋。这有些浪漫,不是吗?当然,我毕业之后, 我开始变得有些现实。在头两年里我为医院作壁画,然后我逐渐转为全职画家,也就是说,开始教绘画做艺术办画展。这和我的家庭没有关系,我忠其一生都在从事这项职业。


TCan you talk a little about your art style?

M: I've always been interested in landscape.. I've been interested in landscape on lots of different levels: about geology and farming and argriculture and how weather affects LAND . but in most of my life , I 've been interested in urban landscapes , I 've been interested in industry , factories , pollution, how mankind uses and changes the landscape . so maybe all my careers are really about that side of landscape.when , not the natual world say : mountain, things like that. I mean I am interested in industril

:请你简单介绍一下你 的作品风格

:我对风景一直都很感兴趣。 我所感兴趣的风景是不同层面的东西过去它所关注的多是:地理自然方面 比如田野 ,山林及气候变化。 但我的作品更多的关注工业景观,比如工业,工厂,污染,以及人类如何使用并改变这个景观的。因此可能我的大部分绘画风格都是反应风景这个层面的东西,并不是那些自然景观,比如山脉这一类的景观。我的意思是我对这种城市景观更感兴趣。



TAs I find lots of things including collage of materials and all kinds of wood applied in your art piece , are you used to collect materials for work creation, in your daily life ?

M: I think that comes from , I am interested in things like texture , texture,texture of landscape . When I was a child , I used to touch buildings and walls ; and the things I like touch surface of things. So in my paintings, I like to have lots of different textures . I also see urban landscapes that has been vast , collage of marterials and glass concrete , you know , paper everything is there .So I try to make my paintings as if they were almost like the real life . they have bits of awesome , awesome materials.

:我注意到你的作品里应用了许多拼贴以及木材,你是否在平常生活中有随时收集各种材料的习惯 ,以便可以运用到你的创作中去?

:我认为这些表现形式来自于我对物体纹理的热爱,尤其是景观的纹理, 在我还是孩子的时候,我就很喜欢触摸建筑物,墙面这一类的物体。我喜欢抚摸物体表面时的那种感觉。在我的作品里,我喜欢使用各种各样不同纹理的材料。我也看到工业景观被广泛应用于现实当中,各种材质的拼贴,比如玻璃,混凝土,报纸,它们到处都是,我努力让我的作品呈现出逼真的效果。这些材料都是非常好的


TWhen I watch your work , it hit upon me with its mmusicality, as if there were lots of notes jumping in my mind Do you put the concept of music into your art creation ?

MYeah, I am very interested in musics and sounds . I think there are rhythms in daily life, in cities and sounds ofcities and the energy of cities; Energy is to make something very important in paintings , drawing , in life. We see, all these energies , certainly, music is an energy . I like my paintings to dance, to perform on the wall . you know , they keep that how the energy being in the city .


:我对音乐和声音很感兴趣。 我觉得在我们日常的生活中存在着一种节奏, 它也存在于城市中,城市的各种声音组成了这种节奏,它是城市的能量。这种能量对于绘画和生活都很重要。我们可以看见所有这些能量,当然,音乐就是一种能量。我想让我的油画在墙上跳舞,就象音乐在演奏一样。 城市的能量就是以这种方式在油画中表现出来的。


T You have traveled to many countries in the world, but you become interest in the Asian countries in recent years ? I wonderif it is for the changes or vitality of these developing countries .

MI think I like about working in china is that it's always surprising me . and I think some cities send you to sleep . some enviroment , some countries are very safe, very predictable in- ordered . China, especially China now , is so in change , everything is happening . I find energy again , it's so exciting for my work .


:我喜欢在中国工作,因为它总能给你带来惊奇;有些城市会让你觉得困倦,这些地方一切都是按部就班的发生,没有丝毫悬念。 而中国,特别是现在的中国,处于风云变幻当中,每天都会有新的事情发生,我又重新获得了能量,这对于我的工作来说是非常令人振奋的。


TCan you show stories that any specific situations inspire you to the art work ?

MThere are lots of , lots of little things I have seen that , fascinate me ; things like big signs , road neon signs.Obviously which I can find how to read anyway , because of chinese . sometimes in the part-time walking. and all these shorts circuiting , lack electricity function . I just love the way : It is like order and chaos . that things happening everyday in BeiJing, where there is something as it should be and there is something is not working or it has been rushed or something . you know , it is a kind of mixture of order and chaos. I 'll think about one more little story .science .the things like, as you go near BeiJing, as you go near guoMao, there is a power station right middle of the city. It's amazing, no one else place will have the power station there . so you can get these offices,big and big chimneys . you see , and then coming to SongZhong first time five years ago : road, road, big road come to the end ,only but it still do: they have not been finished . only in China do you urge to progress, but it is not finished , you know.


我可以从很多事物中找到创作灵感,它们使我着迷。比方一些广告牌,公路边的霓虹灯 我知道怎样读懂它们 。有时候它们出现在人行道旁,那些电线就这么缠绕着,已经不能亮了。我喜欢这种方式。它代表了一种秩序和混乱之间的对比。这些事情北京每天都会发生。 就好像事情本来应有它自己的发展轨迹,但它却没有起作用。这里掺杂着秩序和混乱 。我再想另一个小场景。当你进入北京城里,去到国贸这样的地方,你可以看到一个巨大的发电厂在市区中心,这太不可思议了。 世界上没有别的地方会出现这样的一幕,你可以同时看到办公大楼和烟筒。我五年前第一次到宋庄的时候 看到到处都是公路,巨大的公路。但它们还没有修建完就已经在使用了 。你会发现北京是一个如此快速发展的地方,但它发展的程度却赶不上它的速度。



TWhat's your daily schedule ? or how do you arrange everyday's time.

MMy work takes a long time to do , a lot of things to make and I work on lots at once . I'm not like someone who can have one thing at one time . I'm always busy, I always have many hours making , sawing , building, then the painting happens to , the paint,they gets to pour on very quickly at the end, which is like a kind of explosion of color and energy . so everyday I have jobs to do ; I have a long list of physical jobs to do . Because for me, the balance in being an artist is between , it's making thing , it's human thing hangs on . There is lots of carpentry and so on then , it's authentic in the end, you know.it's balance between two other life .


:我的工作需要花费大量的时间,需要制作大量的东西而且我有很多东西是一次性完成的。我不像有些人可以一次只完成一件事情 。我总是很忙碌,我把大量的时间都用在对作品的雕刻和塑造上,最后就是把涂料迅速的涂在油画上,这个过程就好像是颜色和能量的集中爆发一样。我每天都需要完成很多的任务,每天都需要做大量的体力劳动。 对于我来说, 艺术家就是两种角色的平衡,一个是工匠,另一个就是普通人, 因为在创作的同时也需要投入许多木工等这类工作,最后作品才能呈现最真实的效果,这是两种不同工作的平衡。


TCan you say something about your work provided on the show this time ?

MBecause to make big wooden thing is slow.I love working on paper ,which the speed I deals can happen . So the work that's going to the show is fast thinking, fast creating . It's different time scale to the other painting . So I can add color, cut paper, swop this for that , bring this to that . the speed I love because suddenly in an hour you have something wonderful happen which might take a month in a big painting. I could say these works, when you make the journey on 808 bus from here to BeiJing, you see some different things , even just here outside SongZhuang . That is a big new building where walls while slope soaring . It is a piece of work about that . whenI saw it , I said , wow so I have to do something that night to put it down : get it out of my head and put it on the paper . that shape is now in quite a lot of paintings . but that collage ,paperessential the piece of work on the paper was an essential part of the process geting from here to the work .


:由于幅大作品制作起来很慢,所以我喜爱在稿纸上创作的这种方式,因为我可以控制它的速度。这次参展的作品就是这样快速思考,快速创作出来的 。这种方式的时间尺度不同于油画创作 。我可以在纸上任意添加色彩,可以从纸上剪下所需要的部分,把它从这里换到那里,也可以把这个部分拿到另一部分。 我喜欢这种速度是因为如果我在某个时刻突然有了灵感,我就可以在纸上花一小时的时间把它体现出来,而如果这一过程放到油画创作上则可能需要一个月之久。在你乘坐808公交车从这儿到北京城里的途中 即使就靠近宋庄 ,你都会看到一些不同的事物。 比如这里有一个新建筑,它的墙面倾斜并高耸着。它是我作品的一个原型。当我看到它时, 我惊叹道:啊, 我一定要做些什么。当晚,我就把它记录了下来, 将其从我的脑海里转移到纸上。这个拼贴,也就是这张画纸上的东西形成了从这里到我作品创作这一过程的主要部分。这个形状存在于我大量的作品里。


TAs you spent only a few months of a year in SongZhuang in BeiJing , how do you spent for the rest time of a year?

M I spent most the time when I am not here in China,in indonesia ; not far of Australia .

:你一年中只有几个月是在宋庄度过的, 那么这一年中的其他时间你是怎样度过的?

:我不在中国的时候 ,我大部分时间都在印度尼西亚度过,离澳大利亚不远。


TCan you talk a little about your homeland ? What does it look like ?

MWell , it's very small , when I think of Australia and China . It is a little country, but it has great artists and I have known some artists personally in my time . It has some wonderful museums , articles . But I don't ever really want to back live there again .You born by accident , you don't choose where to born.but I like England, I could never live there ; I need to meet the world somewhere . I like wandering around and travel , you know.


:英格兰是个很小的国家,相比较中国和澳大利亚而言。它虽然很小,但在我那个时期有很伟大的艺术家,我本人也认识很多杰出的艺术家。那里有很棒的博物馆,有很好的艺术作品。但我不会再回到那儿居住。我们的出生是一个偶然,既然不能选择我们出生的地方,我们还是可以选择自己居住的地方 我很热爱英格兰,但我再也不会留在那儿了,我需要去迎接这个世界,我想游历整个世界。


TWhich artist do you like the most ?

MIn the world , I like lots of artists . I think one artist has really been always my inspiration that was Picasso .Because he was someone who produced work on all scales , in all medium . when you look at his exhibitions , they are so full of ideas. and I love that.


:在这个世界上, 我喜欢很多艺术家。但有一位艺术大师确实是一直成为我创作的精神动力。他就是毕加索。他所创作的作可以不拘泥于形式和材料。当你去参观他的展览时 你会觉得它们充满了灵感。因此我非常喜欢他。


TDo you have any plans for your work creation recently ?

MYes , I'm going back down to indonesia soon and I come back to BeiJing soon in January. It's very cold, but I have exchanging exhibition.then with some working offices . I will go to europe for two or three months ,and I 'm going back to BeiJing in the summer. beyond that , I don't know .so , that's the plan . Maybe I could say what I should do is my pattern . In a year I go to somewheree I work very hard for seven days a week on a body of work for maybe two months . then I go somewhere else do the same thing, go somewhere do the same thing.. maybe three burst work a year. you know, maybe four some time. but I love being here and working here, it's different.


:我接下来会去印度尼西亚,一月份我会很快返回北京。那时这里会很冷 ,我在四月有个展览。 之后我会去欧洲待两到三个月然后明年夏天我又会回到北京。除此之外我就不知道了,这就是我近期的计划。可以说我是按照一种工作形式来计划的。我会在一个地方用两个月的时间来进行艺术创作,在这段时间里,我一星期七天都会投入到工作中去。然后我再去别的地方以同样的方式进行创作,接着又换一个地方。每年大概有三次这样的时期进行创作,有时会是四次。但是,我还是喜欢住在这里,并且在这里工作 这里是不同的。


TAs a foreign artist, what's the most inconvenience for you in SongZhuang?

MThe obvious thing I don't like here is the pollution. People has been friendly except someone. I have been attacked by some chinese young man who said :" foreigners should go away . " but I mean this is very rare ,for everyone I met attend , wonderful friendly people .and there is the thing is about from police . the effect they make , I had to mmove from last studio.,the because lend more have the right thing done . this is not serious , I mean not in hurry, but they do make the life sometimes for foreigners a little bit hard here.


:我最不喜欢的还是这里的污染情况 。这里的人们都很友好,但是我也遇到过一些年轻的中国人对我不客气,它们说,外国人就应该滚回去。不过这毕竟是少数,我所遇到的每一个中国人都表现的非常友好 。还有一个就是来自中国当局警察对外国人的限制。在他们的影响下,我不得不从上一个工作室搬出来。房东有权这么做。我的意思是他们没必要那么严,这会让我们这些外国人在中国的处境有点艰难。


TWhat do you think of Traveling Gallery? Do you have any suggestion?

MI think it's good , I talk to you the problem from the traditional margo galleries you know, where they stocking on one spot , I call it spide the web idea selling on when they are waiting for someone to come along , they are practical . I think it's will be able to go to different audience ; take the work moves rather than people go to gallery . It's very good idea.




THave you heard about this kind of gallery in foreign countries ?

MYes, there is some things. in london , there is a thing called Art for Offices " ,what what that did is quite clever; they find a building is about to become, , the architects will finish a building , so we have an exhibition . the new comers will move in . for three months the work stay there,yes . they can keep anyone for they love it. this is the similar idea . they chose buildings that were finished , where complete the building with personality to be lived in .


:是的,确有其事。在伦敦就有这样一个组织,叫“艺术的办公室” 他们的做法非常聪明 :先找到一个即将竣工的建筑楼,在新住户还没搬进去之前,先把展品布置好。三个月后这些展品会移走。在这期间,住户如果喜欢哪个作品, 就可以把它买下来。这个想法和你们的有些相似。不同的是 ,他们的画廊是在那些快要完工的建筑物里,用个性化的艺术品将居住环境装饰起来。


TWe also have living room exhibition which is in people ' s family.They hunging on the wall . They ask friends to come , have party ,have drink , have talk to see the paintings on the wall .

MMaybe I could mention that exhibition happened maybe two years ago, I had some work on a carriage on the train leaves beijing and goes to moscow. the carridge , this girl is dead unfortunately . but she organized the exhibition . we put a piece of art on the carriage. My exhibition would take to Ulaanbaatar then it came back to BeiJing . I thought it's a very good idea which all the passengers came to book the paintings. . When the train stops at a station , people get on and get off, and look the paintings . that lady was dead , I mentioned that because had she live, ,she might done more like that. She was only 28 , died of cancer.


:也许我还可以说一个有意思的画展 在一列从北京开往莫斯科的国际列车的车厢里展出了我的作品 我们把自己的一幅作品挂在车厢里。我的作品随着列车到了乌兰巴托以后又返回北京。我认为这是一个不错的主义,因为列车上的所有乘客都可以预定这些画。每当火车靠站时,上下车的乘客都可以观赏到这些作品。组织这次列车画展的女孩不幸已经去世了。我提到她是因为我觉得如果她还活着的话,她可以做的更多。她才28 ,死于癌症。

TWould you like to recommend any artist who you think is good in SongZhuang or in BeiJing?

MI may think about one , I do like NongShaoHua .I will definitely say him . I could think about it some time. his records will show on exhibition next month .


我可以说一个艺术家 我很喜欢龙少华的作品,我一定得提到他,我到时候可以再想几个,他的作品将于下个月在红门画廊举行展览

Qthank you very much.










迈克尔·唐斯住到中国以后,就为中国的双重性所困扰:宏观和微观的中国;一方面是推动国家前进的宏伟的五年计划,另一方面是现实生活中胡同里、路边的小摊。既有秩序,也有混乱——一个非线性时期的混 乱,这种非线性活动将形成一种新的现实,而这是无法通过直截的计算预测的。当15亿人处于运动中时,什么都不可能精确地预测。只能以开放的心态尝试理解不可预见的事物的出现。当唐斯带着这样的想法逛新华书店时,发现了构成美术教育基础的“怎样画素描”这类书。在复杂、不可预知的世界里的书店中看到这类书讲述规整的几何形体,对透视学和固定光源深信不疑,这显得有点好笑。于是唐斯采用欧几里得几何形体作为反映中国的一系列作品中的描绘对象。它们表现秩序,严格而刻板。在某种意义上,这种形体可以视作固定的宇宙中的一个支撑点。它们是对角、曲线的普遍的可信的认识,总是可以预测的,没错的。但在它们的周围却是凌乱无序的真实世界,这种凌乱状态是以零碎的形象、文字、涂抹、色点、扭曲的格子、完成了一半(涂刷了一半)的建筑、极端矛盾的透视关系和在空间中突然消失的道路来表现的。




艺术家Michael downs为展览开幕式特地录制的视频





北京·咖啡馆/酒吧/餐厅+画廊 联盟计划


