
风林火山 - 源自东方的抽象 | 东方画会


Eastern Painting Group



Li Chun-Shan and core members of Eastern Painting Group


From Left: Oyan Wen-Yuen, Li Chun-Shan, Tommy Chen, Li Yuan-chia, 

Hsia Yang, Ho Kan, Wu Hao, Hsiao Chin, Hsiao Ming-Hsien

图片来源于网络 © 萧明贤;Image from the Internet © Hsiao Ming-Hsien





Photo of Eastern Painting Group members in 1950s


Modernism began to evolve in Taiwan in the mid-1950s.  Li Chun-Shan, a member of the Storm Society,  brought modernist art to Taiwan and impacted a large number of young painters who came to Taiwan from Mainland China during the mid- and late 1940s.  The Eastern Painting Group, or Tung Fang / Ton Fan Art Group, was one of Taiwan’s first avant-garde art groups. In 1956, Li Yuan-chia, Hsiao Chin, Wu Hao, Oyan Wen-Yuen, Hsia Yang, Ho Kan, Tommy Chen and Hsiao Ming-Hsien founded the Eastern Painting Group, and later joined by other important artists including Chu Weibor, Lee Shi Chi and so on.  Eastern Painting Group became the echo of the Fifth Moon Group.

1960.01.05-01.30 “东方画会”于纽约 Mi Chou 画廊举办展览 © Hsiao Chin and Hsiao Chin International Art Foundation

Although the artistic styles of Eastern Painting Group members were dissimilar, these artists shared a common purpose in modernizing Chinese painting by synthesizing traditional Eastern aesthetic values with Western modern art forms,  particularly American abstraction.  These artists engaged in a variety of diversified art creation experiments with a broad vision of “modern painting”.  The group flaunted the traditional Eastern art features and advocated to reveal the spirit of the Chinese traditional art in the present. The Eastern Painting Group reflected the openness and internationality of Taiwanese art during that period through the breadth and depth of their artistic ideology,  and also in the aspect of their experimental style.  The establishment of Eastern Painting Group marked that the new generation of young artists had started a new chapter in the history of Taiwan modern art movement.

The eight founding members of Eastern Painting Group, Li Yuan-chia, Hsiao Chin, Wu Hao, Oyan Wen-Yuen, Hsia Yang, Ho Kan, Tommy Chen, and Hsiao Ming-Hsien, had their first exhibition in Taipei Xinsheng News Building.  The literary circle in Taiwan gave the exhibition a strong support.  He Fan, a distinguished writer,  jokingly called them "Eight Great Outlaws", meaning that they made great breakthroughs in the conservative Taiwan’s art scene, making themselves the first modern and avant-garde art group.  He also commended these artists that they were the pioneers of Taiwan’s modern art, who developed a broad idealism, abandoned the traditional and narrow naturalism.


“When we founded the Eastern Painting Group, we started our revolution against the Donnish Art.”

—— Hsiao Chin



李元佳 Li Yuan-chia  无题 Untitled 

水墨及水彩纸本 Ink and Watercolor on Paper

26.6x39.3cm 1954-1961


Exhibited in Zeigeist: Abstract Art of Eastern Origin at Asia Art Center (Beijing)  


Collection of Li Yuan-chia Foundation. © Li Yuan-chia Foundation. 

图片由亚洲艺术中心提供。Courtesy of Asia Art Center.

萧勤作品  Work by Hsiao Chin 

图片来源于Artnet  Image from Artnet

吴昊作品 Work by Wu Hao 

台湾美术馆典藏  Collection of National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts

欧阳文苑作品  Work by Oyan Wen-Yuen

台湾美术馆典藏   Collection of National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts

夏阳作品  Work by Hsia Yang 

图片来源于网络  Image from the Internet

霍刚作品  Work by Ho Kan

图片来源于台北市立美术馆  Image from Taipei Fine Arts Museum

陈道明作品  Work by Tommy Chen

图片来源:全球华人艺术网  Image from the Artlib

萧明贤作品  Hsiao Ming-Hsien

台湾美术馆典藏  Collection of National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts

李锡奇 Lee Shi Chi  墨语 2000-1 Splash Ink 2000-1

综合材料水墨纸本 Mixed Media and Ink on Paper 

78x106cm 2000


Exhibited in  Zeigeist: Abstract Art of Eastern Origin  at Asia Art Center (Beijing)

朱为白 Chu Weibor  净化 Purification

布面综合材料 Mixed Media on Canvas

118.4x260.7cm  1998


Exhibited in Zeigeist: Abstract Art of Eastern Origin  at Asia Art Center (Beijing) 


 "风林火山 — 源自东方的抽象”  亚洲艺术中心(北京)


“风林火山-源自东方的抽象”展览现场 亚洲艺术中心(北京)2019

View on Zeitgeist: Abstract of Eastern Origin  at Asia Art Center (Beijing), 2019

“东方画会” 作品   Artworks by Eastern Painting Group

正在展出 Current Exhibitions

亚洲艺术中心(北京) 《风林火山-源自东方的抽象》

