
庄喆:统览 · 微观


Chuang Che


庄喆 Chuang Che  珠露满山 Dewy Mountain

布面油画 Oil on Canvas  125.5x126cm  



Exhibited in Zeigeist: Abstract Art of Eastern Origin at Asia Art Center (Beijing)  

珠露满山 (细节)Dewy Mountain(Detail)

庄喆 Chuang Che  风晓映翠 Emerald Morning 

布面丙烯 Acrylic on Canvas  132x172.5cm   



Exhibited in Zeigeist: Abstract Art of Eastern Origin at Asia Art Center (Beijing)  

风晓映翠(细节) Emerald Morning (Detail)

Chuang Che was born in 1934 in Beijing, China and spent his formative years in Taiwan. In 1957, he graduated from the Department of Fine Arts at National Taiwan Normal University and joined the Fifth Moon Group in 1958, becoming one of the group’s principal members. Chuang’s father was the vice-director of National Palace Museum in Taipei; under the influence of his family, he became a reserved and scholarly artist. From 1963 to 1973, he taught in the Department of Architecture at Tunghai University. He was awarded a grant from the John D. Rockefeller III Fund in 1966, which enabled him to study contemporary international art in the United States. Since then, Chuang has been living and working in New York. Chuang Che has devoted much time to the study of painting, accumulating vast knowledge concerning its theories and those of abstraction. His approach to abstract landscape paintings has been nature’s outer appearance to ultimately the essence of physical world. Influenced by calligraphy, Chuang’s lines, forms and compositions overflow with spiritual and intrepid momentum. He uses the brush to paint lyrical colors and spaces in a rhythmic and ecstatic manner. Compositions include organic drips and splashes of paint that impart his work with feelings of force, gravitas, and desolation, and create areas of hazy richness. Profound rhythms of drawing in and pushing out glide chaotically through his compositions, and open pathways that reveal the artist’s genuine moments of epiphany.

庄喆 Chuang Che  春之道 Spring Way

布面油画 Oil on Canvas  152x129cm   



Exhibited in Zeigeist: Abstract Art of Eastern Origin at Asia Art Center (Beijing)  

庄喆 Chuang Che  醒 Awakening

布面油画 Oil on Canvas  167.5x127cm   



Exhibited in Zeigeist: Abstract Art of Eastern Origin at Asia Art Center (Beijing)  

醒(细节) Awakening(Detail)


“风林火山-源自东方的抽象”展览现场 亚洲艺术中心(北京)2019

View on Zeitgeist: Abstract of Eastern Origin  at Asia Art Center (Beijing), 2019

庄喆作品  Works by Chuang Che

鸿蒙与酣畅 - 庄喆回顾展 台北市立美术馆 台北 2015

Effusive Vitality: CHUANG CHE Retrospective Exhibition, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 2015

1960-台湾现代艺术滥觞 亚洲艺术中心 (台北) 2016

1960 - The Origin of Taiwan's Modern Art, Asia Art Center, Taipei, 2016

关于艺术家 About Artist

庄喆 Chuang Che (1934-

重要个展: “鸿蒙与酣畅 - 庄喆回顾展”(台北市立美术馆,台北,2015)、“统览·微观”(亚洲艺术中心,台北,2012)、“岭深道远”(中国美术馆,北京,2007)、“笔意纵横·参于造化”(亚洲艺术中心,台北,2006)、 “台湾现代艺术:2005关渡英雄志”(关渡美术馆,台北,2005)、“主题.原象”(历史博物馆,台北,2005) 

重要联展: “风林火山- 源自东方的抽象”(亚洲艺术中心,北京,2019)、“抽象艺术先锋(1955-1985)”(伊克塞尔博物馆,比利时,2017)、 “1960–台湾现代艺术的滥觞”(亚洲艺术中心,台北,2016)、“新东方精神II - 承启”(亚洲艺术中心,北京,2010)


重要收藏: 克利夫兰美术馆(美国)、底特律美术馆(美国)、密歇根大学美术馆(美国)、上海美术馆(上海)、中央美术学院美术馆(北京)、香港美术馆(香港)

Selected Solo Exhibitions: “Effusive Vitality: CHUANGCHE Retrospective Exhibition” (Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 2015), “Holistic View · Microscopic Vision” (Asia Art Center, Taipei, 2012), “Deep Ridge VS Remote Way” (National Art Museum of China, Beijing, 2007), Chuang Che Solo Exhibition (Asia Art Center, Taipei, 2006), “Taiwan Modern Art: 2005 Record of Kuandu Heroes” (Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei National University of the Arts, Taipei, 2005), “Primal Form-An Exhibition of Chuang Che’s Painting” (National Museum of History, Taipei, 2005)

Selected Group Exhibitions: “Zeitgeist: Abstract Art of Eastern Origin” (Asia Art Center, Beijing, 2019), "1960-The Origin of Taiwan’s Modern Art" (Asia Art Center, Taipei, 2016), “Pioneers of abstraction (1955-1985)” (The Museum of Ixelles, Belgium, 2017), "Spirit of the EastII-Bridging" (Asia Art Center, Beijing, 2010)

Public CollectionsClevel and Museum of Art (USA), the Detroit Art Museum (USA), University of Michigan Museum of Art (USA), Shanghai Art Museum (Shanghai), CAFA Art Museum (Beijing), Hong Kong Art Museum (Hong Kong)

正在展出 Current Exhibition

亚洲艺术中心(北京) 《风林火山-源自东方的抽象》

即将展出 Upcoming Exhibition

亚洲艺术中心(北京) 《青烟-李真新作展》

