
展览现场|空间的动态 - 法贾希迪个展 (台北)

展名 / Title: 空间的动态 - 法贾希迪个展

Fadjar Sidik: Space Dynamics

艺术家 / Artist: 法贾希迪 Fadjar Sidik

展览时间 / Duration: 2020.5.16 (Sat)- 6.28 (Sun)

展览地点 / Venue: 亚洲艺术中心(台北一馆)

Asia Art Center Taipei I

106 台北市建国南路2段177号 (周一休馆)

No.177, Sec. 2, Jianguo S. Rd.,Taipei 106

(Closed on Mondays)

  空间的动态 - 法贾希迪个展  

“空间的动态 - 法贾希迪个展”为印度尼西亚现代抽象绘画先锋法贾希迪(1930-2004)首次海外个展。这位出生于印度尼西亚泗水的艺术家,以简练构图中的活跃生息和大自然律动闻名,并发展出极具开创性的“空间的动态”(Space Dynamics)系列作品。本展精选十五件法贾希迪(Fadjar Sidik)自1970年代至2000年代初期的重要抽象画作,具体而微地展现艺术家创作成熟期中最精萃的代表性作品。



  Fadjar Sidik: Space Dynamics  

An inimitable figure in the development of Indonesian abstract painting, Fadjar Sidik presented a new aesthetic proposition in the age of urbanisation and industrialisation. The Surabaya-born artist is best known for simple compositions that evoke the vibrant pulse and movement of changing nature. Titled after his ground-breaking body of work ‘Space Dynamics’ (Dinamika Keruangan), the exhibition presents 15 paintings that trace Fadjar Sidik’s mature period from the 1970s to the early 2000s. It is also his first solo presentation outside of his home country, Indonesia.

Synthesising the universal language of geometric shapes and traditional Indonesian aesthetics, the paintings on view feature irregular patterns found in hand-drawn batik, script-like marks that recall Islamic calligraphy, as well as interlocking grids that resemble tikar weavings. While colour and form may vary across the series, negative space is a critical element in Fadjar Sidik’s paintings, with tension being maintained among floating shapes and formations. As inventive explorations of space, these works emphasise a sense of rhythmic dynamism, a bedrock throughout the artist’s stylistic evolution. For him, the serial reconfiguration of basic shapes was a gesture towards the pursuit of harmony, at a time when modernisation was sweeping through the newly independent Indonesia.

In the narrative of Indonesian modern art, Fadjar Sidik was an anomaly that contradicted the polemic that existed between artists working in representational realism and modern abstraction. Unlike his Yogyakarta peers who pursued in realism and nationalist subjects, Fadjar Sidik defied expectations and shifted from expressive representation to a purely abstract idiom in the early 1960s. In response to the changing social environment, he turned inwards to create works that reflected his emotional impulses and inner thoughts. This unique process also sets Fadjar Sidik apart from Bandung school contemporaries, who were predominantly driven by formalist questions and Western theory at that time. Fadjar Sidik’s abstraction is not simply a reduction of observed reality, but rather a critical device to weave profound connections between non-objective painting, textile art, Islamic geometry and design principles.


    Bentuk Bertumpuk dengan Dua Matahari

    (Stacked Forms with Two Suns)

    布面油画  Oil on Canvas 

    90x65cm  1996 


  ▲ 形式的构图  

       Komposisi Bentuk (Composition of Forms)

     布面油画  Oil on Canvas 

     65x65cm  1970 



    Metropole and Sangkala

    布面油画  Oil on Canvas 

    90x70cm  1991 



    Sangkala Hijau (Green Sangkala)

    布面油画  Oil on Canvas 

    90x60cm  1990 



     布面油画  Oil on Canvas 

     90x70cm  1990 

法贾希迪生前的重要个展为1991年于雅加达教育部艺术大楼(印尼国家美术馆现址)举办的“四十年回顾展”。于2004年逝世后,印尼重要美术机构如OHD美术馆及印尼国家美术馆,于仍持续策画重要群展,展出法贾希迪的作品。2020年于亚洲艺术中心(台北一馆)举办的“空间的动态─法贾希迪个展”,则是艺术家首场且最为全面的海外个展。法贾希迪的作品主要为国家机构及美术馆收藏,其中包括印尼国家画廊、内卡艺术博物馆,新加坡国家画廊、OHD美术馆(Oei Hong Djien museum)。

关于艺术家 About Artist

法贾希迪,1930年生于印尼泗水,1947年加入社会写实主义画会并受教于印尼艺术巨匠古拿弯及苏达梭,1952年于加查马达大学就读文学,1954年于日惹艺术学院就读艺术创作。有别于同侪印尼艺术家所追求的具象绘画表现,法贾希迪致力创新抽象形式与构图的视觉语汇,对印尼现代抽象艺术的发展有不可或缺的贡献。其创作以科学性的几何图形描绘自然景象,探讨自然、空间、自我的三元关系以及其中的宇宙秩序平衡,反映印尼当地的民俗文化与精神认同。法贾希迪生前的重要个展为1991年于雅加达教育部艺术大楼(印尼国家美术馆现址)举办的“四十年回顾展”。于2004年逝世后,印尼重要美术机构如OHD美术馆及印尼国家美术馆于仍持续策画重要群展,展出法贾希迪的作品。2020年于亚洲艺术中心(台北一馆)举办的“空间的动态─法贾希迪个展”,则是艺术家首场且最为全面的海外个展。他的作品为国家机构收藏,其中包括印尼国家画廊、内卡艺术博物馆,新加坡国家画廊、OHD美术馆(Oei Hong Djien museum)。

Fadjar SIDIK, was born in 1930 in Surabaya, Indonesia. He joined the social realist group Sanggar Pelukis Rakyat (The People’s Painters Studio) under the tutelage of Hendra Gunawan and Sudarso in 1947, studied Literature at the Gadjah Mada University in 1952, and studied Painting at Indonesian Institute of the Arts, Yogyakarta in 1954. Distinct from his artistic peers’ pursuit in realist paintings, Fadjar Sidik committed to the creative innovation of abstracted forms and compositions, which cemented his irreplaceable contribution to the development of modern abstract art in Indonesia. By using geometric imagery of natural elements, his compositions explore the universal relationship that exists between the trinity of nature, space, and human, while reflecting the regional characteristics and spiritual consciousness of Indonesian culture. Fadjar Sidik’s important solo exhibitions include the Tokoh Abstrak Indonesia (Indonesian Abstract Figure), One Gallery, Jakarta, in 2000. His works are collected by institutions, such as the National Gallery Indonesia, the Neka Art Museum, National Gallery Singapore, and the OHD (Oei Hong Djien) Museum.


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