

中国美国商会 中国美国商会AmChamChina 2024-03-03



Chair and Vice Chairs 

Elected for 2023

中国美国商会荣幸地宣布,华刚林 (Colm Rafferty) 再次当选为2023年董事会主席。徐旸女士 (Gloria Xu) 再次当选副主席,李碧菁女士 (Roberta Lipson) 同时当选副主席。这三位的任期从2023年1月1日开始,均为一年。根据章程,主席与副主席是通过2023年董事会全体成员选举产生的。

AmCham China is pleased to announce that Colm Rafferty has been re-elected as Chair of the Board of Governors for 2023. Gloria Xu has been re-elected as Vice Chair, with Roberta Lipson joining her as fellow Vice Chair. All three will serve one-year terms, commencing January 1, 2023. As per the Constitution, the three Officers were elected by the full 2023 Board of Governors, a list of whom can be found here.


Chair Elected for 2023

华刚林Colm Rafferty

华刚林(Colm Rafferty)是威猛新兴市场副总裁及威猛中国主席。威猛公司是一个全球设备制造商,旨在通过技术创新把我们的日常所需和自然资源紧密联系起来,保护珍贵的自然资源,满足日益增长的全球发展所需。威猛的产品应用广泛,从地下管线铺设到开发宝贵的矿产资源,从光伏发电到废弃物处理以及农业机械化都可以看到威猛的设备。在加入威猛之前,华先生任职于康明斯和阿里巴巴集团。他在布朗大学获得学士学位,在耶鲁大学获得工商管理学硕士(MBA)学位。



Colm Rafferty is Vice President – Developing Markets and Chairman – China for Vermeer Corporation. Vermeer is a global manufacturer of innovative solutions used to help connect people to the necessities of life, to help manage precious natural resources, and to help feed and fuel the world. Vermeer products are used in a variety of applications from underground utility infrastructure development, to precision mining, to solar field installation, waste material processing, and agricultural mechanization. Prior to joining Vermeer, Colm worked with Cummins and Alibaba.com. He holds a bachelor's degree in East Asian Studies from Brown University and an MBA from the Yale School of Management.

Colm has served on the Board six times previously, becoming Chair for the first time in 2022 after four terms as Vice Chair. In 2019, he received the Chairman's Service Award.


Vice Chairs Elected for 2023

李碧菁|Roberta Lipson

李碧菁女士 (Roberta Lipson) 是和睦家医疗创始人、新风医疗副董事长。李女士作为行业先锋,已经深耕中国医疗健康领域超过40年。李碧菁女士1981年与人合作创立和睦家医疗前身——美中互利公司,并将主营业务从中国一流的大型医疗设备分销公司扩展为中国第一家并且是最大的外资医疗集团。和睦家医疗在北京、上海、广州、天津、青岛、海南、深圳等地建立了11家医院和将近20家诊所。

李碧菁女士也是北京商界的积极领导者,目前担任美中贸易委员会(US-China Business Council)董事和审计委员会主席已经第9年,并进入了她在中国美国商会董事会的第7个任期。2009年,由于她的突出贡献,李碧菁女士获得“长城友谊奖”。2014年,李碧菁女士成为中国美国商会首位“中国先锋奖”的获得者。

Roberta Lipson is the founder of United Family Healthcare (UFH) and the Vice Chair of New Frontier Health. She has over 40 years of experience as a pioneer in the healthcare industry in China. She originally co-founded UFH's predecessor company Chindex in 1981, expanding the business from China's top medical equipment distribution company into China's first and largest foreign-invested healthcare system. UFH now runs 11 hospitals and almost 20 clinics in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Qingdao, Hainan and Shenzhen.

Roberta is an active leader in the business community in Beijing, currently serving for the ninth year as a director and audit committee chair of the US-China Business Council, and enters her seventh term on the AmCham China Board. In 2009, her outstanding contributions in China earned her "The Great Wall Friendship Award", and in 2014 Roberta was named the inaugural recipient of the AmCham China Pioneer Award.

徐旸Gloria Xu

徐旸(Gloria Xu)女士是雅保公司中国区总裁兼对外事务全球副总裁,负责为公司制定战略愿景和有效的参与计划,以实现在中国的可持续发展。在2022年2月加入雅保之前,徐旸女士在陶氏公司工作了七年多,担任其大中华区副总裁,代表公司负责与政府、行业协会和其他主要外部利益相关方的沟通与合作。在2014年加入陶氏之前,徐女士曾分别领导杜邦公司和渣打银行的中国政府事务部门长达13年。徐女士于2000年至2001年担任阿里巴巴集团的中国公共关系经理,于1993年到2000年担任《中国日报》的政治记者,报道立法、外交、军事及港澳台新闻。


Gloria Xu is China Country Manager and Vice President, External Affairs of Albemarle and is charged to develop a strategic vision and effective engagement plans for the company to grow sustainably in the country. Before joining Albemarle in February 2022, Gloria worked for Dow Inc for more than seven years, with her last role as Vice President, Greater China, serving as Dow's corporate representative with government, trade associations and other key external stakeholders. Before joining Dow in 2014, she led the China government affairs functions of DuPont and Standard Chartered Bank respectively for 13 years. Gloria was China Public Relations Manager of Alibaba.com Group in 2000-2001. From 1993 to 2000, Gloria was a political correspondent with China Daily, covering legislative and foreign affairs, military, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan news.

Gloria now enters her sixth term on the AmCham China Board, and her third year in the Vice Chair role.


华刚林 中国美国商会主席

Colm Rafferty, AmCham China Chairman

”中国美国商会的愿景仍然是我们的指导原则,即我们是一个会员驱动的组织,致力于改善中国的营商环境、促进建设性与可持续的中美经济关系发展。”华刚林主席如是说, “2023 年,我们将继续秉承商会愿景,努力开展工作,与新一届出色的董事会带来多样化观点与贡献。我期待看到我们将工作提升到新的高度。”

"The AmCham China Vision remains our guiding principle, namely that we are a member-driven organization dedicated to improving the business environment in China and promoting constructive and sustainable US-China economic relations," said Chairman Colm Rafferty. "In 2023, we will continue this important work of championing our Vision, with another fantastic Board that brings new diverse perspectives and contributions. I'm excited to see what we can do to take things to the next level."




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