亮点回顾|2023年政府事务年会: "直面未知: 发挥政府事务之战略性作用"
亮点回顾 | 2023年政府事务年会:“直面未知:发挥政府事务之战略性作用”
2023 Government Affairs Conference:
“Reassessing Uncertainty: Leveraging the Strategic Role of GA”
On April 26, AmCham China hosted the 2023 Government Affairs Conference with nearly 100 GA professionals in attendance. The exclusive event was centered around the theme of "Reassessing Uncertainty: Leveraging the Strategic Role of GA".
会议期间,第25版《美国企业在中国白皮书 》(下称“白皮书”)正式发布。这份年度标志性宣传刊物囊括了40个章节,从外资企业的角度,对中国的营商环境进行了全面的评估。《白皮书》由数百家会员公司代表参与编写,对其所关注的行业、跨部门综合性问题和不同运营区域的情况进行了深入分析。
During the Conference, the 25th edition of the American Business in China White Paper was officially launched. This annual signature advocacy publication comprehensively assesses the operating environment for foreign companies in China and comprises 40 chapters written by hundreds of member company representatives, providing thoughtful analysis of the industries, cross-sector issues, and regions of importance to AmCham China's membership.
中国美国商会总裁何迈可先生(Michael Hart)致欢迎辞,并介绍了第一位主讲嘉宾——中国发展研究基金会(CDRF)副理事长兼秘书长方晋先生。
AmCham China President Michael Hart gave welcome remarks and introduced the first keynote speaker, Fang Jin, Vice Chairman and Secretary General at China Development Research Foundation (CDRF).
本次年会第一场主题讨论聚焦于《白皮书》在过去25年的演变,讨论嘉宾包括中国美国商会的老朋友: 北京京西学校对外关系主任白晓白女士 (Catherine Beck)、科恩集团高级顾问蔡瑞德先生(William Zarit)、耐克大中华区政府与公共事务副总裁佘端志先生、东西方国际教育集团顾问王晓平先生。
The event's first panel discussion focused on the evolution of the White Paper over the past 25 years and included panelists who were also all alumni of AmCham China: Catherine Beck, Head of External Relations at Western Academy of Beijing; William Zarit, Senior Counselor at the Cohen Group; Duanzhi She, VP of Government and Public Affairs at Nike Greater China; and Patrick Wang, Consultant at East-West International Education Group.
第二场主题讨论着重探讨了政府事务从业者在策划、制定及实施本土化战略中的关键作用,讨论嘉宾包括商会中国政府事务委员会 (CGAC) 主席、英特尔(中国)公司事务副总裁周兵先生,中国美国商会副主席、雅保中国区总裁徐旸女士,Zoom中国区首席代表顾文杰先生,前香港铁路公司中国首席顾问易珉先生。
The second panel discussed the role of GA in facilitation and localization strategies with panelists Bing Zhou, Co-chair of the Chamber's Chinese Government Affairs Committee (CGAC) and Vice President of China Corporate Affairs at Intel China; Gloria Xu, AmCham China Vice Chair and China Country Manager, VP External Affairs at Albemarle China; Wenjie Gu, Chief China Representative at Zoom; and Min Yi, former MTR Chief Advisor at MTR Corporation.
The next keynote speeches were delivered by Zhang Xiaoqiang, Executive Vice Chairman and CEO of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE), and Ning Zhu, Senior Partner & Head of China at Brunswick Group. In their remarks, the importance of US-China relations and the state of China's economic development were discussed.
本次政府事务年会为与会者了解中国经济发展趋势,提升自身业务水平提供了宝贵机会。最后,商会中国政府事务委员会 (CGAC) 主席、英特尔(中国)公司事务副总裁周兵先生致闭幕词,并强调了政府事务专业人士在应对中国复杂监管环境中所能发挥的关键作用。
The 2023 Government Affairs Conference offered a valuable opportunity for attendees to learn about the latest developments and trends in China's economy and government affairs landscape. Bing Zhou, Co-chair of the Chamber's Chinese Government Affairs Committee (CGAC) and Vice President of China Corporate Affairs at Intel China, provided insightful closing remarks, emphasizing the importance of government affairs professionals in navigating the complex regulatory environment in China.
We thank the two sponsoring companies, Merck and Dell for their contribution to this successful event.
In the same afternoon, AmCham China and the China Center for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE) co-hosted the US-China Business Leaders Forum where around 30 participants from AmCham China, CCIEE, and senior executives from American and Chinese companies had a productive discussion on digital economy and sustainability.
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重磅发布 | 2023年度《美国企业在中国白皮书》
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