商会7月活动预告 July Events Calendar
[英文EN&中文CN] Chengdu | 4th of July BBQ
July 4, 2023 (7:00 PM - 11:00 PM)
*地点/Location: The Office Sports Bar and Grill 48 Renmin South Road 4th Section, 22 Wuhou District, Chengdu, Sichuan 四川省成都市武侯区人民南路四段48号附22号*
AmCham China is thrilled to invite you to the 4th of July BBQ on Tuesday, July 4th, co-hosted with the Office Sports Bar and Grill.
Join us as we celebrate the 247th year of American independence among friends and family, immerse yourself in a delightful summer moment with American food and beverages, live band and lucky draw.
[英文EN&中文CN] Beijing | The 5th CHINA LNG CONFERENCE
July 4-5, 2023
*地点/Location: CNPC Sci-Tech Exchange Center (中国石油科技交流中心, 北京市昌平区沙河镇黄河街与人行路交会处东北角) *
The LNG Conference is hosted by the Petroleum Storage & Transportation Committee of China Petroleum Society and China Natural Gas Standardization Technology Committee and several key energy institutions and corporations. The purpose of this conference is to comprehensively summarize the new achievements and progress made in China's LNG industry. It aims to provide an in-depth interpretation of the latest policies and standards and analyzes the impact of geopolitics and the green revolution on resources, markets, and trade strategies.
[中文CN] 线上 | AI 赋能办公软件: 高效办公自动化 Online Training|AI-enabled Office Software: efficient Office Automation
July 6-7, 2023 (9:00 AM - 4:00 PM)
*地点/Location: 线上Online*
在这门课程中,你将学习如何使用ChatGPT 以及其他自动化工具来提高你的工作效率。我们将介绍一些流行的自动化工具,并提供一些实用的示例来帮助你了解如何将这些工具应用于你的日常工作中。无论你是想提高工作效率还是学习自动化工具,这门课程都将是一个不错的选择。我们的目标是帮助你快速掌握这些工具,并将它们应用于你的日常工作中。
报名链接 🔗
[英文EN&中文CN] Beijing | Carbon Neutrality International Cooperation Forum
July 6, 2023 (9:30 AM - 2:30 PM)
*地点/Location: Fengda International Hotel, Beijing (北京丰大国际大酒店,北京市大兴区经济技术开发区荣华中路20号)*
The "Carbon Neutrality International Cooperation Forum" is hosted by China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products (CCCME) and supported by the Foreign Trade Division of MOFCOM and Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee on July 6 in Beijing. The forum focuses on pertinent topics such as domestic and international trends in carbon-neutral policies, innovative collaborations along the industrial chain, opportunities for international cooperation in the energy transition, green finance, carbon tariffs, and other popular areas.
Register here 🔗
[中文CN] 线下系列活动 | Meta出海品牌创造营Cross Border Business Academy
July 6, 2023 (2:00 PM - 5:00 PM)
*地点/Location: 广州市天河区海喜来登酒店*
今年6月,Meta将再度携手中国美国商会 、上海美国商以及Meta在中国的11家官方代理商,开启“出海品牌创造营”第二弹!创造营面向已在进行海外探索、对数字营销有一定基础的中国品牌和商家,推出进阶版线下培训课程,以帮助他们加速实现海外业务扩张。
出海品牌创造营第二场将于WEZO维卓网络合作,旨在帮助跨境电商企业找寻业务增长机会,助力国货出海,缔造全球品牌。活动特邀 Meta 官方讲师、出海领域领军人物以及WEZO维卓网络专家深度剖析跨境电商企业出海成功案例。
[中文CN] 线下培训:精益六西格玛黄带证书课程 Offline Training (CN) | Lean Six Sigma - Yellow Belt (With Certification)
July 7, 2023 (8:45 AM - 6:00 PM)
*地点/Location: AmCham China Washington Room Floor 3, Gate 4, Pacific Century Place, 2A Workers' Stadium North Road 北京市朝阳区工体北路甲2号, 盈科中心4号门3层。*
[英文EN&中文CN] 2023 America's Backyard BBQ&Family Day Festivities
July 8, 2023 (4:00 PM - 8:00 PM)
*地点/Location: Shangri-La Shougang Park 北京首钢园香格里拉 Qunming Lake West Street, No. 68 Shijingshan Road 中国北京市石景山区石景山路68号院群明湖西街*
AmCham China is inviting the community to celebrate the 4th of July with us!
Come and have fun with the whole family, eat some traditional American food, drink chilled beer, and enjoy multiple kids' activities, complete with a live band and raffle - with lots of fun trips and experiences up for grabs - all at the beautiful Shangri-La Shougang Park!
[英文EN&中文CN] AmCham China, Tianjin Annual Charity Family Day
July 8, 2023 (4:30 PM - 8:30 PM)
*地点/Location: Pizza Bianca, Uni Park
Terrace, 6F of Uni Park, Jiefang South Road and Lushui Road, Hexi District, Tianjin
AmCham China, Tianjin is thrilled to invite you to our annual charity family day on Saturday, July 8th. With the theme of Miami's endless summer, get ready to immerse yourself in a delightful summer moment with Miami-themed food and beverages, live band, mini pool, and games for kids. It will be a wonderful opportunityto have quality time with friends and family.
All proceeds will be donated to Tianjin Jian Hua Autism Rehabilitation Center.
The program is dedicated to social service, developing handicapped children's education, and rehabilitation training, and serving the children and their families here in Tianjin. We are proud to partner with such an impactful program.
[中文CN] 近期经济制裁对在华金融企业与机构的影响 Hybrid | The Impact of Recent Economic Sanctions on Financial Enterprises in China
July 10, 2023 (2:00 PM - 3:30 PM)
*地点/Location: AmCham China Washington Room Floor 3, Gate 4, Pacific Century Place, 2A Workers' Stadium North Road 北京市朝阳区工体北路甲2号, 盈科中心4号门3层。*
[英文EN&中文CN] Healthcare Industry Group Delegation Visit to Anhui 医疗行业工作组代表团访问安徽省
July 10-11, 2023
Members of AmCham China have always attached great importance to the development of Anhui Province's medical industry and have provided strong support for healthcare reform and the development of medical institutions. We believe that communication between businesses and policy makers can provide valuable references for the optimization of future policies, thereby better meeting the actual clinical needs of patients and safeguarding the health and well-being of the people. In line with this belief, AmCham China will lead a delegation of enterprises to visit Anhui Province in July 2023.
Register here 🔗
[中文CN] 邀请函 | 2023年中国国际贸易促进委员会外资企业"天津行" Invitation | China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT)'s 2023 Tianjin Trip-Dialogue, tour and more!
July 10-12, 2023
为全面贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于稳外贸稳外资的决策部署,进一步做好服务外资企业工作,2023 年中国贸促会拟组织赴天津举办外资企业地方行系列活动,通过政企对话、招商宣介、考察对接等形式,搭建外资企业与有关地方交流对接平台,切实帮助外资企业解决当地经营发展难题,促进更多外资企业在各省市的投资。
中国美国商会天津作为中国贸促会的重要合作伙伴,商会会员企业可优先获得免费参加"天津行"的名额。诚挚邀请您届时访问天津,出席 7 月 10 日至 7 月 12 日 为期三天的外资企业"天津行"。此报名仅对商会会员开放。
[中文CN] 医疗企业个人信息出境标准合同备案详细解读 Hybrid | Standard Contract for Outbound Transfer of Personal Information from Medical Enterprises
July 19, 2023 (3:00 PM - 4:30 PM)
*地点/Location: Han Kun Law Offices
9F, Office Tower C1, Oriental Plaza, 1 East Chang An Ave., Dongcheng District
Beijing, China*
1. 医疗企业数据出境安全评估最新动态回顾及前景展望
2. 个人信息出境标准合同要点解析
3. 企业如何开展个人信息出境自评估
4. 个人信息出境标准合同备案解读
[英文EN] Green Real Estate Development Seminar
July 25, 2023 (3:00PM-5:00PM)
*地点/Location: AmCham China Office 中国美国商会办公室*
The green and low-carbon development trend is driving the office building market towards a new era of sustainability. Our market observation suggests that being environmentally friendly has become an important factor in the location selection process for some Fortune Global 500 companies. Customer demand for sustainable buildings is promoting the upgrade of office assets, leading many tenants to choose office buildings with international certifications such as WELL and LEED.
We are pleased to invite you to join our Green Real Estate Development Seminar, to talk about how to reduce the negative impact of real estate construction on the environment and society.
Stay tuned for more details.
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Medical Benefits Program
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our EDP prigram
One-stop, high-quality insurance option for
your medical experience
*Join the Chamber to enjoy the benefits above*
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