
人才视角 • 微访谈 | 国际化人才大有可为!

宝武 中国宝武 2023-10-16

邂逅 · 2204 期 · 6283 篇

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为进一步深入贯彻落实中央人才工作会议和习近平总书记重要讲话精神,结合陈德荣党委书记、董事长在宝武庆祝建党101周年座谈会讲话精神,在宝武人才工作会议召开之际,我们官微开设“人才视角 • 微访谈”专栏,聚焦高科技、高技能、国际化等主题,通过微访谈形式听取员工对创新实践“人人皆是人才、人人皆可成才”理念的观点、关切和期盼,汇聚“同一个宝武”心声,凝聚共建世界一流伟大企业的澎湃力量。












Mấy năm gần đây, Baosteel Packaging phát triển rất nhanh tại khu vực Đông Nam Á. Năm 2021 thành lập Công ty tại Cambodia, năm 2022 Công ty tại Malaysia chính thức đi vào hoạt động sản xuất. Trong quá trình thành lập 2 nhà máy mới này, Công ty Việt Nam đã hỗ trợ rất nhiều nhân lực, đây chính là một quá trình tương trợ nhau đi lên, sau đó là có đồng nghiệp đảm nhận vị trí tốt tại Công ty mới. Sự phát triển nhanh với sự quốc tế hóa nhằm giúp chúng thôi tích lũy kinh nghiệm trong nhiều lĩnh vực, mở ra tầm nhìn quốc tế và tạo ra nhiều cơ hộ thăng tiến hơn.

Đến một quốc gia khác làm việc, kỹ năng nghề xuất sắc là điều kiện cơ bản quan trọng nhất, ngoài ra cũng cần phải hiểu văn hóa, lịch sử, chính trị, phát luật, tôn giáo…của họ, điều này sẽ không vi phạm pháp luật nước sở tại và thuận lợi triển khai công việc với nhân viên địa phương. Ngoài ra, khả năng giải quyết vấn đề một cách toàn diện cũng rất quan trọng.





Martin Stulpner

I joined Baowu’s international expansion when Baowu acquired Aquila Resources in 2014. The iron ore market in 2015 and 2016 was not supportive of a major iron ore project development, and Baosteel and its partner decided to put the Iron Ore Project on care and maintenance and pivot to the coal project instead. However, my career development continued, as the knowledge that I had gained about the Iron Ore projects resulted in me being asked to act as General Manager Iron Ore. It was fortunate that in 2021, the iron ore market was once again supportive of iron ore development, and my deep knowledge of the Project and relationship with our Joint Venture Partners enabled me to support effectively the negotiation of partnership and development agreements with our current development partners.

I have found that all Baowu representatives in Australia are very hard working and dedicated to Baowu, and very smart in the way that they approach the commercial negotiations. To achieve successful outcomes in an overseas environment, these capabilities must be combined with local knowledge, as there are many unique aspects to operating in each country.For example in Australia, the tenure, environmental and heritage legislation is unique, and it is important to have expertise in dealing with each of these, as each of these can lead to delays and obstacles to developing projects.

The concept of loyalty to a single employer is not as relevant as it was in the past, which means that employees are more selective of which employers they choose, and employers have to compete for talent. To acquire and retain the best talent, employers need to offer better development opportunities, as well as incentives for performance than competitors. A compelling corporate narrative and an attractive remuneration package (which may contain opportunity to earn an annual cash bonus and, for senior executives, share appreciation rights that may vest over a number of years) are key differentiating factors in the battle for top talent.



Rickard Björnssonm

My development experience from Sweden is that you have to take responsibility for you own future in the beginning and show your managers that you want to take the next level inside the company.

For example I start to work as one operator in the Swedish cutting line in year 2006, and from there I got the chances to be one team leader then the manager see I take big responsibility. After this I ask my manager if I can go for technical and production leader education at the same time I continue to work 100% in Baosteel.

After this I continue to work very hard inside the company and show good work output and my mangers all the time ask me if I like to take the next level! My answer so far have always be YES! And I believe that’s the reason why I have done great developments in Baosteel!

I believe that Baosteel need to continue show the Baosteel employer motivation and good example of good employees that have success on the company and how they have done that, the “detailed way or road map so to say”. For example if someone have done something good the leader or mangers need to inform this to higher level and also at the same time have good dialogue with the guy if he/ she like to develop and in what direction, together again try to find the corrects plan for each staff. Not all staff can be leader or manager for example but there are a lot of different ways of developments.

On other good motivator is the Young Zengle Prize for example… this is motivating for the staff and all top managers in Baosteel see the information at the same time.

宝钢股份宝钢印度市场部副经理Nilesh Jha

Baowu vision to becoming a leader in global steel and advanced material industry and mission of “Jointly building industrial ecosphere to promote the progress of human civilization” says it all. Being Sales Manager Automotive Steel proudly associated for 8+ Years for Baosteel-India , I see great opportunity for both company and myself .

The entire world is changing very fast and innovation for today is very soon part of fast history, following mechanism or best practises can be implemented to improve:

Framework can cover following points:

1.Mechanism to Teamwork: Cultivating an atmosphere where the teamwork for desired result is encouraged.

2.Mechanism to Foster Innovation: Innovation brings risk which often stops employees to choose newer ways of doing things and at times that subsidises the impact of over all work ,proper mechanism with boundary system defined can help organisation to be different within the factory gate even and amid high competition .

3.Mechanism to Recognise Effort: In long run this is very important, and this helps organisation to retain employee and avoid lot of training expenditure.

4.Building the winning Formula: If fundamentals are cleared with set of objective and clear goal in line with HQ then it put everyone on same page for same vision and strategy.

5.Cultural Training including training of Organisations core Value and Belief system: this is very important aspect of any overseas organisation lack of same can create lot of misunderstanding of work time understanding of cultural change and adaptation can work really wonders for organisation can clearly give edge.

6.Mechanism to address soft demand through timely support: Like New product training, Sense of belongingness are very important aspects of employee retention and confidence level when they encounter tough business situation.


销售主管Trista Yeoh

I am outgoing, like to interact to with people, with the desire to know about Baowu Company from China, I went to to interview session to apply the position for Human Resource Department, and become the very first staff of Baosteel Can making with 001 as my staff ID. From this position, I am able to learn the knowledge about building the system for the company and other related professional knowledge from packing HQ, and combine them with the culture, rules and law in Malaysia, to produce a human resource system and recruitment. Company top management evaluated my performance and output, advise me to try out a better position which is more suitable for me – Sales. From that on, they provide me a full training on can making producing with steps and details, sales technique and communicate behaviour skills, and I have gained a lot from them. Throughout the learning session, I get to feel the differences between the company in Malaysia and China, where Malaysia’s Company is more towards Commonwealth of Nations, such as prioritize more on system and its development, and everyone complete their task by adhering the SOP, while from Baosteel Packing, I felt more influence of inherited spirit from a professional to young generation.

In terms of employee personal development, I wish to have the globalize training material that applicable to every race with different mother language, especially training material in English language, this also can help to communicate with other branch among Baowu, and we will have better understanding about Baowu, to the extend of sharing the spirit of Baowu to the worldwide country. At the same time, this might be able to improve the development company system to create a better platform. Hope we can grow better together with Baosteel Can Making Malaysia to accomplish our value.

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人才视角 • 微访谈 | 让科技骏马“马到成功”

人才视角 • 微访谈 | 打造先进制造人才高地




