2、Alan Macfarlane, The Origins of English Individualism: The Family, Property and Social Transition, Cambridge University Press, 1978.
“英格兰在最近六百年中,或许堪称世界上建档最充分的一个国家。庞大的官僚机构和大规模的文化普及、庄园制、持久和平、适于保存档案的合理气候,这一切结合起来,意味着我们可以细致入微地考察13世纪中期以来的普通民众的历史,譬如说 ,我们完全可以跟踪调查一个村庄连续五、六个世纪的逐年史。16世纪以来,无数的原始资料纵横交叠,使我们得以考察高达95%的人口的至少部分生活情况。最近二十年又有大批档案被重新发现,一系列诸如此类的新进展,开辟了历史研究的新天地。因此,英格兰普通民众长达若干世纪的历史不仅意义重大,而且是便于发掘的。” (第14-15页)
“罗杰斯(Rogers, J.):《六个世纪的劳动与工资》(第12版,1917年),第17-18页,其中宣称:‘英格兰的历史档案比任何其他国民更为卷帙浩繁、更为连贯。……任何其他国家都未能拥有这样一大笔公共档案的宝藏。’……麦克法兰在《重建》第27-31页讨论了不同民族的原始资料保存情况,同一著作还讨论了较贫困人口的‘可见性’问题以及档案使用方法。” (第15页小注4)
Alan Macfarlane, Sarah Harrison and Charles Jardine, Reconstructing Historical Communities (Cambridge, 1977).
Alan MacFarlane has studied the parishes of Earls Colne in Essex and Kirkby Lonsdale in Cumbria, as well as other parishes, and has undertaken anthropological fieldwork in a contemporary community in Nepal. In collaboration with Sarah Harrison and Charles Jardine he has devised a method of collecting, breaking down and then reintegrating historical records in a way which makes it possible to answer some of the sociological, demographic, anthropological, geographical and other questions which interest many people. For the amateur historian or genealogist who wants to know about a village or family, the method makes it possible to find out almost everything that survives in historical documents concerning each person who lived in a village, each plot of land and house.
http://www.alanmacfarlane.com/reconstructing/contents.htm )
1983年,麦克法兰在Reconstructing一书的基础上,又出版了一本研究档案的指南A Guide to English Historical Records (Cambridge, 1983)
三、埃塞克斯郡的厄尔斯科恩(Earls Colne)村庄档案
“本书中文版出版前夕,作者艾伦·麦克法兰特地委托译者再次知会中国读者:厄尔斯科恩保存了特别全面而翔实的历史档案,通过它们,甚至可以复原该村庄数百年前的样貌,有很高的研究价值;这些历史档案现已全部汇编为电子数据库,读者可在网上查阅和下载: 访问www.alanmacfarlane.com, 点击首页上的厄尔斯科恩(Earls Colne)图表,即可进入这个网上数据库,或访问www.alanmacfarlane.com/files/earlscolne.html, 即可获得更多相关资料并进行下载。”(《致中国读者》第7页)
1. Alan Macfarlane, The Diary of Ralph Josselin, 1616-1683 (1976), Records of Social and Economic History, new series, 3.
荐书|Records of Social and Economic History)
2. Alan Macfarlane, The Family Life of Ralph Josselin, A Seventeenth-Century Clergyman: An Essay in Historcial Anthropology (Cambridge, 1970).