
【周四 · 连载】“一带一路”建设提供全球公共物品|《人民币国际化报告2015》

2016-03-24 IMI财经观察
导读人民币国际化是中国人民大学国际货币研究所(IMI)的重点研究领域。自2012年研究所首次发布《人民币国际化报告2012》并首创人民币国际化指数(RII)以来,已经连续三年编写并发布《人民币国际化报告》。尽管时间不长,报告因其独立性、客观性和决策参考性,得到了社会各界尤其是政策部门的高度关注。同时报告还被译成英文和日文同步发布,在国内外理论与实务界均产生较大影响。《人民币国际化报告2015》主题为“一带一路”建设中的货币战略。《IMI研报》栏目将于每周四连续刊登《人民币国际化报告2015》节选系列文章,以飨读者。本文系《人民币国际化报告2015》系列二十三:“一带一路”建设提供全球公共物品。RMB Internationalization is a key research area of IMI. In order to faithfully record the progress of RMB internationalization and objectively reflect the challenges in the long run, IMI has been releasing the “RMB Internationalization Report” since 2012. The Reports draw broad attention from all sectors of society due to the independence, objectivity and referential value for decision making. Currently, the Reports have been released in both China and abroad simultaneously in English, Japanese, Simplified and Traditional Chinese characters. RMB Internationalization Report 2015 themed monetization strategy in the execution of “One Belt One Road” strategy. Every Thursday, this column carries excerpt from the Report 2015.








China's the Belt and Road Initiative, namely the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Maritime Silk Road is one of most important national strategies for 21 century, and one of win-win public goods China will provide for the other countries. One Belt and One Road Initiative will shoulder major historical mission, will crease global public goods in the following four approaches:

First of all, new concept and pattern of international cooperation. Reform and open door policy are one of most influencial institutional innovation in the world. As a grand strategy of Chinese all-round open door policy for 21 century, One Belt and One Road Initiative will push inclusive development practice in international communities in effect. There is a ancient Chinese proverb: knowledge comes from practice. One Belt and One Road Initiative will rich our knowledge treasure using innovative economic theories like theory of economic corridors, theory of economic belts, theory of international economic co-operation for 21 century, theory of regional cooperation, theory of economic globalization, will bring new concepts and patterns of co-discuss, co-build, co-share and inclusive development for international cooperation for 21 century.  

Second, high efficient connectivity.Investment in infrastructure can push economic development. adequate and high efficient infrastructure is one of fundamental safeguard for sustainable economic development. Infrastructure like transportation, communication, energy in Asian countries along the Belt and the Road are backward and undersupplied, have the bottleneck effect upon their economic development. Chinese economy has experienced 30 years high speed sustainable economic growth, one of causes is obey the principle infrastructure ranks first.  One Belt and One Road Initiative will focus on the building of infrastructure and co-connection and co-communication between countries. China will use their developed infrastructure capacity, advanced technology and high-saving-rate funding, mobilize their international resources available, increase the infrastructure supply, overcome all barriers for international trade and investment, enhance regional economic cooperation as a whole, lay foundations for future stable development for all Asian countries along the belt and the road. Asia has been a region with most speedy economic growth. Stable and high speed growth in Asia will bring a good business environment for other regions around world.

Third, fresh supply of international currency. Every country with sovereignty issues and use itself currency, and currency will pay statutory compulsory under the paper currency system. However, in cross-border activities, supply of global accepted international currency in form of international currency institutional arrangements can prevent currency depreciation, make transaction cost saving, facilitate international trade and investment, build a ordered international finance system, so help and enhance world economic development. Since World War Two, US Dollar is most important international currency, used as measurement instrument for clearing and payment for international bulk commodities and international financial market, is major reserve assets for all currency authorities under framework of Bretton woods conference that established a new monetary and financial system called Bretton Woods System. After collapse of this system, position of US dollar somewhat decreased, especially after the birth of Euros, there is clear trend that international currency system became diversified. Up to now, US dollar remains over 60% share in international reserve currencies, but US share of world aggregate economy is less than 25%. This significant deviation between currency position and real economic position allows US dollar out of control of real economy easily and result in huge financial crisis.  Major volatility and crisis of US dollar may have spillover effects on other countries. World financial crisis in 2008 triggered by US subprime crisis caused more than 4000 billion enormous losses to other countries. As a result, it is necessary to crease supply of global public goods, add new international currency, those can be a anchorage and safe habor for sake of US dollar crisis. China started to push internationalisation of renminbi in 2009 as a practice for international cooperation. One Belt and One Road Initiative is a long term strategy for pushing Asian regional economic cooperation, Chinese government will do best to provide financial support, like funding, technical assistance and payment clearing system. As for trade and capital flows arise within Asia region, especially for the transactions between Chinese firms and their counterparts, it is convenient, safe, cost saving ,avoidance of exchange risk for renminbin as a clearing instrument. it has been proven that China is responsible and accountable, has a world fame for its macro financial prudential policy, control of financial crisis and exchange fluctuations. Internationalization of renminbin follows directions of international finance development and reforms of international monetary and financial system, well recognized by the countries along the one belt and one road.

Forth, establishment of new international financial organizations. International financial cooperation will play important roles for providing global public goods or maintain national economic sovereignty. There are several forums for international financial cooperation like International monetary fund, World Bank, International Clearing Bank, Development Banks in every continents, those are controlled and supervised by United States of America. Their corporate governance, institutional arrangement, service delivery standards were designed in accordance with systems and standard in developed countries, the characteristics and development requirements were rarely taken into consideration, even ignored totally, can almost meet the needs for international financial cooperation. As the largest developing economy, China has experienced a lot. In order to gain the development climate for leveling play field and required financial assistance, China is always pushing reforms for international financial system, to establish a more fair and reasonable international financial order. However, disturbed by US, the initiative proposed to increase the share in International Monetary Fund which was passed in G20 in Seoul three years ago has not been implemented at all to the present. So, China initiated to establish the New Development Bank by BRICS, build Asian infrastructure development bank, set up silk road fund, pay more attention to the needs by developing countries using practical and working attitude, new governance rules and standards, take involve in global financial governance, push reforms for international financial system, so increase supply of global public goods in the field of international finance.

The fifth, those can provide new instruments to erase regional war and terrorism. War is the fundamental reason for world refugee, terrorism is exposing a threat to existing safety around the world. How to maintain world peace? How to erase war and prevent the terrorism efficiently? All are the critical common issues we are facing. Without question, Violence for violence, to the eradication of war in the short term is undoubtedly an effective means, but they are impossible to erase war and the breeding ground for terrorism. Along the way countries along the uneven levels of economic development, for example, Central Asian landlocked countries and regions between the economic circle of East Asia economic circle and the EU has become the development of depression, poverty and despair for war, extremism and terrorism spread to provide a hotbed. In the southern peninsula of the "Golden Triangle" because of poor transportation infrastructure and more rely on the survival of the drug trade. In the "along the way", China not only welcomed the country free riders, take the express, but also to promote central Asia, South and South Peninsula countries common development. The Chinese government will and other international organizations and countries by the Asian infrastructure investment bank and the Silk Road Fund building full of vigor and vitality of economic corridor. The implementation of these measures will certainly from the land and the sea in two directions, will produce a broad demonstration effect, accelerate the eradication of poverty, resulting in the gap between the rich and the poor and the regional development imbalances. Therefore, One Belt and One Road Initiative is the drastic move, would help to eradicate the root causes of war, extremism and terrorism, promote regional hot spot cooling, accelerate the process of regional integration, and promote the establishment of a harmonious world of lasting peace, common security and common prosperity.


