

2017-11-11 WSC 华尔街俱乐部


一年一度的影响世界的封面人物将在12月8日的<时代周刊>刊登,今年,他将是谁? 年度人物评选正在进行中......

每年全球上万家大媒体争相报道选出的封面人物, 世界500强也借这个机会纷纷在<时代周刊>刊登广告,尽显各自的风采, 去年在人物特刊上就有多达50家广告, 几乎每隔一页就是产品和服务介绍的展示。

今年这一期刊出的广告, 也将随着人物的评选出炉轰动世界,享誉世界最高关注度, 广告的您将在全球脱颖而出, 最大量放大企业的价值。本期弥足珍贵,具有无法估量的历史收藏价值。

今年的封面人物评选宗旨是" 选出对新闻和人们生活影响最为重大的人, 不管是好是坏。 " 

<时代周刊>曾经评选出的影响世界的封面人物有:毛泽东、丘吉尔、爱因斯坦、毕加索、斯匹尔博格 、比尔盖茨、福特等。


现开放报名, 名额有限, 欢迎中国优秀企业参与报名, 与世界500强共同展示给世界你的实力。


------ 购买两页彩色广告赠送第三页

------ 请在11月16日之前签约, 发送两张照片及每页500字文字介绍,及付款。

------ 赠送当期100本时代周刊、纳斯达克大屏幕、新浪、凤凰深度报道。

------ 下次广告将得到更多优惠

Times Magazine

《时代周刊》世界最大发行量杂志。曾经举办过“20世纪最具影响人物”的评选,《时代周刊》为读者提供了百位候选人。其中领袖人物中有列宁、毛泽东、丘吉尔、罗斯福、曼德拉等,艺术家有毕加索、斯特拉文斯基、斯皮尔伯格等,实业家有福特、盖茨等,科学家思想家有弗洛伊德、爱因斯坦等,英雄偶像有海伦·凯勒、查尔斯·林白等。另一比较引人的特色栏目是每年一度的“封面人物”。Times Magazine  is an American weekly news magazine published in New York City. Time has the world’s largest circulation for a weekly news magazine, and has a readership of 26 million, 20 million of which are based in the United States. As of 2012, it had a circulation of 3.3 million making it the eleventh most circulated magazine in the United States reception room circuit, and the second most circulated weekly behind People.



《福布斯周刊》以“福布斯富豪排行榜“闻名, 被评为美国最多读者量杂志。

Forbes is an American business magazine, published bi-weekly. It features original articles on finance industry, investing, and marketing topics. Forbes also reports on related subjects such as technology, communications, science, politics, and law.  The magazine is well known for its lists and rankings, including its lists of the richest Americans (the Forbes 400) and rankings of world’s top companies (the Forbes Global 2000).  According to recently released GfK MRI Fall 2014 data, Forbes magazine has achieved its highest readership ever in the U.S., increasing by over 1.5 million readers in the past year to 6.7 million. Forbes increased its U.S. readership from 5,185,000 in the Fall 2013 to 6,706,000 in the Fall 2014 — a rise of 29% and the largest figure for Forbes in MRI’s records.

Wall Street Journal

《华尔街日报》 自1985年发行以来, 被评为最可信的世界权威报纸。皮尤研究中心显示作为最可信的报纸,华尔街日报重新定义了印刷的力量。它报告美国和世界的新闻,金融,艺术,文化,生活方式,运动。无与伦比的权威为世界各地雄心勃勃的人不可或缺

The Wall Street Journal redefines the power of print as the most believable and credible newspaper in very Pew Research study since 1985.  Its unparalleled editorial authority serves as an indispensable resource for ambitious people everywhere, covering U.S. and world news, finance, arts, culture, lifestyles ports and more.


福克斯新闻电视频道  美国最多受众的频道。 24 小时全方位新闻服务致力于提供突发新闻,以及政治和商业新闻。 排名前五位的有线网络,FNC 超过 12 年一直在该国的收视率最高的新闻频道和公共政策调查,是在该国最值得信赖的电视新闻来源。有100000000 家庭区: (包括电缆、 广播和卫星提供商) 福克斯新闻提供广告从星期一至日 6 下午 — — 12午夜。

Fox News – National HOUSEHOLD COUNT: 100,000,000 households ZONE: All USA (includes cable, broadcast, and satellite providers) SPOT LENGHT:30 seconds FOX NEWS Mon-Sun  6pm — 12mid7 spots (for 7 days).FOX News Channel is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service dedicated to delivering breaking news as well as political and business news.  A top five cable network, FNC has been the most-watched news channel in the country for more than 12 years and according to Public Policy Polling, is the most trusted television news source in the country. Owned by 21st Century Fox, FNC is available in more than 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.


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