

The following article is from REITs研究社 Author REITs君



In search of alpha: Updating the playbook for private equity in China




摘要:1986年第一家本土私募股权投资公司诞生以来,我国的私募股权经历了长足发展,迄今已达近16万亿元投资规模。2020年,披露金额的8999起投资事件的金额共计19938亿元人民币。截至 2020 年12 月底,已登记私募股权和创业投资基金管理人24309家。全球资产投资排名权威杂志《国际私募股权》数据显示,根据过去五年的融资规模排名,中国现有27家私募股权机构跻身全球前300名。可以说,中国的私募股权市场在全球已占得一席。




 ◎作者:倪以理、梁敦临◎翻译:徐照宜、薛拾叁     ◎编辑:胡威廉、徐诺亚




Private equity(PE) in China has been a story of growth. Spurred on by a burgeoning economy—in 2010, China contributed 9 percent of global GDP; by 2019 it contributed 16 percent—investors’ appetite for PE has made it the third-largest market in the world, with approximately $60 billion in additional capital deployed in 2019.

Other factors, however, have limited the growth of PE in China. State-owned companies have historically crowded the market, competing for assets. Private players have often not wanted to sell businesses, preferring to keep them under family ownership. Corporate buyers have remained powerful competitors when it comes to acquisitions, limiting the number of attractive deals. As a result, private equity as a share of GDP in China was just 0.5 percent in 2019. Even adjusting for the larger role that state-owned companies play in Chinese industry, this significantly lags that of more developed PE markets, such as the United Kingdom, where PE made up 2.6 percent of GDP, and the United States, where PE comprised 2.2 percent of GDP last year.

  • private equity (PE): 私募股权

  • state-owned company: 国有企业

  • private players: 私营公司

  • however: 段间逻辑,转折。欲抑先扬,前部分指出中国私募股权发展的旺盛,后部分点处依旧存在的问题。

  • lag:落后于

  • private equity as a share of GDP = this = that


This gap is one sign that the Chinese PE market has room to grow—and change may be coming. Indeed, it is clear that investors in China are optimistic that new opportunities will continue to arise. From 2009 through 2019, fundraising for PE firms operating in China grew at a compounded annual rate of 29 percent, the strongest growth among all major asset classes (Exhibit 1). And the market shows other signs of change: the size of the average fund in China has almost quadrupled since 2014, and the the complexity of the deals has increased as new co-investors have come on board.【注释】

  • Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR):复合增长率。CAGR并不等于现实生活中GR(Growth Rate)的数值。它的目的是描述一个投资回报率转变成一个较稳定的投资回报所得到的预想值。

  • come on board:上船(飞机、火车等);加入。

  • real estate and infrastructure:房地产与基建

  • venture capital:风险投资

  • 房地产包括未上市房地产基金、房地产共同投资;基建包括未上市基建基金、基建基金。风险投资包括早期、初创期、种子轮、扩张/后期基金;私募股权类型包括并购型、成长型、混合型、平衡型、重整资本型、共同投资基金。



The impact of COVID-19 on the economy could provide further opportunities for private equity. Although deal volumes in early 2020 dropped more than 70 percent year-on-year, the rebound is likely driven in part by cash-strapped companies rethinking their business portfolios. Many of their assets are increasingly coming up as potential acquisition targets.

  • year-on-year:adj. 与上年同期数字相比的

  • business portfolio 业务组合

  • 劣 and 优:对比逻辑,指出可能存在的反面,是为了强调和突出正面





One pattern is clear: funding increasingly flows toward the largest, highest-performing firms. The top ten China-focused PE funds contributed 23 percent of fundraising in 2015 (based on the trailing five-year average); by 2019, they contributed 30 percent. But whereas in the past many firms were able to benefit significantly from China’s macroeconomic growth, increased competition for deals likely means that relying on beta will not be enough in the future.

One type of fund that has not benefited from this growth are RMB funds raised by domestic financial GPs, which experienced a steep decline in fundraising between 2017 and 2019. This drop was the main reason why total funds raised by PE firms in China declined during this period (Exhibit 3).

  • beta:诺贝尔经济学奖得主威廉·夏普 William F. Sharpe(夏普比率)在1964年发表的一篇论文中,将金融资产的收益拆分成两部分:和市场一起波动的部分叫贝塔收益,不和市场一起波动的部分叫做阿尔法收益。对应到公式上就是 资产收益=阿尔法收益+贝塔收益+残留收益(残留收益为随机变量)。

  • GP:General Partner,普通合伙人。一般就是投资机构,比如私募管理人。是那些进行投资决策以及公司内部管理的人。他们也需要出一定资金负责,然后主要负责投资管理和运营。

  • LP:Limited Partner,有限合伙人。一般是投资者,出资方。他们以出资额对股权负责,享有回报的权利,不负责具体事务。




Valuations of target companies are likely to remain high due to intense competition. PE firms operating in China must also contend with higher levels of uncertainty and risk due to ongoing trade and geopolitical tensions. 

To continue to grow and thrive, PE firms operating in China, above all else, will need to acquire new capabilities and adjust their strategies to create value in their portfolio companies.

  • trade and geopolitical tension 贸易和地缘政治的紧张局势

  • 私募股权:平衡型、并购型、共同投资、多管理人共同投资、二级私募股权交易、增长型和重整资本。

  • private debt:私募债券权。包括但不限于:直接借贷(Direct Lending),不良债权(Distressed Debt),夹层债(Mezzanine),特殊债(Special Situations),风投借贷(Venture Debt),私人债务FOF等。




1. 向有限合伙人(LP)传达新颖、明确的价值主张。普通合伙人需要清晰阐释其创造价值的差异化策略:提升专业化程度,或向相邻资产类别扩展以实现规模化。

2. 实现人才、治理和组织卓越。作为专业服务公司,人才至关重要;在某些专业人才稀缺的中国PE市场上更是如此。

3. 完善交易发起和执行方式。在行业层面,更丰富的专业能力以及与潜在被投公司建立信任关系能够有效帮助PE进行项目寻源。此外,对特定资产的价值创造具备清晰观点和完备计划,也可提升PE在更复杂交易方面的执行能力及之后的价值实现能力。

4. 尽早为成功退出做准备。要实现成功退出,筹备工作的启动时间应至少比计划退出时间提前18个月,这样才能让资产持有人有时间构建令人信服的股权投资故事。

While in the past funds may have talked about generating alpha as a ‘nice to have’, in today’s challenging economic environment, generating alpha has become a must-have condition for success.

We believe that PE firms need to take four key actions to ensure that they can add value to individual companies, outperform the market, and become institutions that can reliably produce exceptional returns: 

1. Articulate a new, clear value proposition to LPs. GPs need to clearly state their differentiated strategy for creating value: become more specialized or achieve scale by, for example, expanding into adjacent asset classes.

2. Achieve excellence in talent, governance, and organization. As a professional services firm, talent is critical, especially in a market like China, where the availability of certain types of specialized talent remains constrained.

3. Refine how to successfully originate and execute on deals. More sector-level expertise and trust built with potential portfolio companies can help with deal sourcing. Having a clear view of—and plan for—how to create value in an asset can boost their ability to execute more complex deals and then deliver that value.

4. Prepare for successful exits, early on. Planning a successful exit should start at least 18 months prior to a planned exit. allowing time for asset owners to shape a compelling equity story.

  • nice to have 加分项

  • a must-have condition 必备条件

  • outperform the market 跑赢市场

  • the availability of certain types of specialized talent remains constrained:the availability remains constrained;两个of接后置定语修饰前面的名词。

  • shape a story 构建一个故事。动词的使用可以更加灵活。


Those firms that are able to take action and make changes now can sustain their success in the face of new challenges. To help private equity investors and others get a better understanding of the private capital market in China, we studied data and trends and found that there is still plenty of room to grow. The COVID-19 crisis is likely to further accelerate these trends and provide opportunities for savvy PE investors.

  • The COVID-19 crisis 再次提到新冠疫情,与前文呼应

  • savvy: having or showing perception, comprehension, or shrewdness especially in practical matters




As the market has matured, PE funds focusing on China have started to shift from buying minority stakes in companies toward deals that would give funds more influence over portfolio companies’ operations—and growth.

Fundraising is increasingly concentrated within a subset of GPs, driven by better visibility on historical track record and preference of LPs to deal with a limited number of funds. As the difference between performers and laggards becomes more pronounced over time, we expect the industry to become further concentrated. For funds that are able to create value, exits will remain a challenge, as funds operating in China currently rely on corporate buyers to exit in a significant way.

  • stake:equity stake 股权

  • driven by 因果逻辑,A driven by B and C,因为B和C,所以A

  • performer 绩优者

  • laggard 落后者

  • in a significant way 主要

  • A complex, maturing market with room to grow 市场日趋复杂、成熟,仍有增长空间



我们预计LP将继续关注中国。在本次调查中,一些领先LP在访谈中告诉我们,他们希望资产配置能够反映出一个国家和地区在全球GDP 中的比重。然而,多数机构在中国的资产配置比例尚未达到相应水平,2019年中国在全球GDP中占比16%。鉴于中国从现在到2024年对全球GDP增长的贡献率预计将高达25%,未来LP对中国的关注将有增无减。


In 2019, private equity and venture capital funds deployed $66 billion of their funds in China, compared to $71 billion in the United Kingdom and $471 billion in the United States.

We expect LPs to continue to focus on China. Some of the leading LPs we spoke with during this research told us they would like their asset allocation to mirror a region’s share of global GDP. Most firms, however, have not reached this for China, which contributed 14 percent of global GDP in 2019. This trend will likely continue as China is expected to contribute up to 25 percent of global GDP growth from now until 2024.

As investments in China have grown, so have the size of PE deals. Average deal size rose to $75 million in 2019 from $36 million in 2009. The same trend toward scale has played out at the other end of the market: both the share and number of deals over $500 million have increased in the last decade. In 2019, the number of such megadeals rose to 40 (four percent of the total), up from just 4 (1 percent) in 2009.

  • compare to 把...比作,比喻为 。The city is vast compared to our village 和我们村相比,这个城市非常大。

  • speak with 和…商量;和…谈话。We spoke with him in Washington, D.C 他刚从华盛顿和我们进行了连线。

  • a region’s share of global GDP 一个地区在全球GDP中所占的份额。

  • play out 做完,放出,精疲力尽 She continued to play out her role of dutiful daughter 她继续恪尽她作为女儿的职责。

  • megadeal 特大交易




We expect funds operating in China to increasingly seek deals where they purchase a controlling interest in an asset. Such deals give investors direct management control of capital allocation, talent, and exits. Where investors hold minority stakes, it has proved difficult to sufficiently influence their portfolio companies. Buyout funds, which grew by 105 percent CAGR between 2009 and 2019, are now growing more rapidly than growth funds, which grew by only 16 percent CAGR during the same period (Exhibit 4).

The contrast has been particularly stark since 2015, as the capital raised by growth funds fell by 19 percent annually, compared to 12 percent annual growth for buyout funds. The total value of buyout funds reached its highest ever level of $20 billion in 2019, which represented 58 percent of total fundraising.

This fundraising has raised questions whether too much ‘dry powder’—committed capital to GPs but not invested yet—could drive up pricing and erode discipline in the industry. While dry powder has nearly doubled since 2016, the years on hand (how long it takes to invest an amount at current investment levels) in 2019 did not materially go up, and at two years is roughly in line with global levels (1.9 years) (Exhibit 5). In any case, it is likely that capital will be less differentiating than in the past, putting even more emphasis on alpha creation.


  • deals where they purchase a controlling interest in an asset 控股型交易

  • management control of capital allocation, talent, and exits 管控资金配置、人才和退出战略

  • minority stakes 少数股权交易

  • portfolio companies 被投公司

  • buyout funds 并购型基金

  • growth funds 成长型基金

  • raised questions 引发担忧

  • Dry powder is a slang term referring to marketable securities that are highly liquid and considered cash-like.

  • committed capital to GPs 投资机构手中可投资金

  • the years on hand:资金,“代持年份”

  • In any case 无论如何

  • be less differentiating than in the past 不及从前

  • putting even more emphasis on alpha creation 从而更加凸显了创造阿尔法收益的重要性




1 Preqin投资者调查。


行业集中度如此之高,这让许多小基金未来面临着更大挑战。实际上,2009年募集的基金中,规模不到10亿美元的基金占比88%,而在 2019年这一比例仅为20%。2017年新基金共募资163亿美元,但2019年的新基金募资额仅为不到2亿美元。

The maturing market has made it easier for prospective LPs to evaluate GPs’ performance, which has contributed to the concentration of funding with large GPs. A recent survey indicates that past performance, deal pipeline, and duration of track record are now the top three factors in GP selection.1 At the same time, LPs prefer to deal with a limited number of funds for operational efficiency and compliance reasons. COVID-19 might have accelerated this trend, since the lack of in-person meetings may favor GPs that are already familiar to LPs. The average size of Greater China–focused private equity funds has increased to $816 million in 2019 from $93 million in 2009.

1 Preqin Investor Survey.

Although we see similar trends in other markets such as the United States, China has become more concentrated than these markets (Exhibit 6). The trend toward larger average fund size is likely to continue. This is also visible in the halting growth in new GPs in Greater China. The percentage of funds that raised capital for the first time is the lowest in at least the past ten years, dropping to 13 percent in 2019 and even lower in the first five months of 2020 (Exhibit 7).

This level of industry concentration suggests that many smaller funds could face a more challenging future. Indeed, funds of less than $1 billion made up 88 percent of the funds raised in 2009, but just 20 percent in 2019. New funds raised $16.3 billion in 2017, but less than $200 million in 2019.


  • past performance 过往业绩

  • deal pipeline 项目储备

  • duration of track record 过往业绩可追溯

  • operational efficiency 运营效率

  • compliance reasons 合法合规

  • the halting growth 增长停滞

  • indeed 实际上






Sales to a strategic corporate player, or trade sales, are the predominant exit route for PEs in Greater China. Since 2016, corporate buyers have accounted for 80–90 percent of exit value and 70–90 percent of the number of deals (Exhibit 8).

Over the last five years, the trend has been towards fewer, larger exits. The total number of exits in the China market had declined to 112 by 2019 after peaking at 229 in 2014, while the average deal value climbed to $267 million from $96 million over the same period.

IPO exits, which made up 40–60 percent of exit deal value between 2010 and 2014, have decreased substantially to around 5 percent in 2018–19, while secondary sales have always made up a comparatively small proportion of exit deals (6 percent on average between 2014 and 2019). Nevertheless, many GPs expressed their expectation that secondary deals could increase, driven partly by the growing number of PE-owned companies. This reliance on corporate buyers in China means that fluctuation in spending on corporate M&A poses a risk for the overall Chinese PE market.


  • a strategic corporate player, or trade sales 企业卖家

  • the average deal value 平均单笔退出交易价值

  • secondary sales 二级私募股权交易

  • driven by 原因在于,因果逻辑。

  • the reliance on corporate buyers 对企业买家的依赖

  • M&A(Mergers and Acquisitions )即企业并购,包括兼并和收购两层含义、两种方式。国际上习惯将兼并和收购合在一起使用,统称为M&A,在中国称为并购。

  • poses a risk 构成风险



转自REITs研究社 作者 REITs君

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