

The following article is from 三影堂摄影艺术中心 Author 三影堂

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- 策展人 -


- 艺术家 -



- 展期 -

 2022.12.16 - 2023.04.09

(逢周一、周二闭馆 )


- 主办 -


- 地址 -




《奥德沃特先生和夫人的60周年结婚庆典,代尔夫特》,黛娜·利申博格,2011,数码喷墨打印,80  x  100 cm

Mr and Mrs Onderwater’s 60th anniversary celebration, Delft, Dana Lixenberg, 2011, Digital inkjet print, 80  x  100 cm


《新荷兰风景#22》,马万·巴西奥尼,荷兰,2018,数码喷墨打印,165 x 125cm

New Dutch Views #22, Marwan Bassiouni, The Netherlands, 2018, Digital inkjet print, 165 x 125cm

来自瑞士的马万·巴西奥尼(Marwan Bassiouni)从本科到硕士期间在荷兰学习摄影专业。《新荷兰风景(New Dutch Views)》这个项目是他关注空间内外荷兰不同文化间的对话,目前共计已有50多幅作品。他进入到不同的礼拜场所中,拍摄窗户之外的空间,使得双重的空间在此显现,一个是外部的、荷兰现实中的场景与风景的呈现;内部是另外一种对话,是一种不同的文化、不同的人之间的一种关联,形成了广义的文化间的对话。他最近的作品使用后期处理将窗外的风景替换成想象中的荷兰风景,将非常多不同的细节嵌入在整个项目之中。

《新荷兰风景#23》,马万·巴西奥尼,荷兰,2018,数码喷墨打印,165 x 125cm

New Dutch Views #23, Marwan Bassiouni, The Netherlands, 2018, Digital inkjet print, 165 x 125cm

《喃喃XXIX》,约翰内斯·博斯格拉,2021,数码喷墨打印,100 x 80cm
Murmurations XXIX, Johannes Bosgra, 2021, Digital inkjet print, 100 x 80cm

摄影师约翰内斯·博斯格拉(Johannes Bosgra)于2020年至2021年的疫情期间,在荷兰家边附近的自然保护区发现并拍摄椋鸟的轨迹。不同于很多艺术家使用Photoshop或者CGI制图软件进行创作,博斯格拉的作品向我们天然地呈现出源自大自然的礼物,无论它会使观者联想出何种具体的形状。同时,他本人作为音乐家,也让乐句的流动嵌入到图像的环境之中。博斯格拉为我们提供了另一种荷兰的自然界——它并非人们老生常谈的荷兰农业——而是更靠近纯粹自然的当地影像。

《马维尔》, 马维尔·哈里斯,2011,数码喷墨打印,150 x  100 cm

MARVEL, Marvel Harris, 2011, Digital inkjet print, 150 x  100 cm

马维尔·哈里斯(Marvel Harris)是一位非常年轻的摄影师。这个项目所呈现的不仅仅是图像本身,而是马维尔作为一名跨性别实践者,自发地去记录手术前后的过程,包括内心同家人的挣扎以及与朋友沟通过程中所呈现的身份转化。最近,这本摄影画册获得了MACK “第一本书奖”,这是一个非常重要的奖项,也是马维尔·哈里斯本人作为一位实践者记录一次新生(New life)的全新创作。

《现代圣母》, 科琳娜·诺登博斯,1992,数码喷墨打印,尺寸可变

Modern Madonna, Corinne Noordenbos, 1992, Digital inkjet print, variable dimensions

《现代圣母》的拍摄者科琳娜·诺登博斯( Corinne Noordenbos )是一位摄影师,也是资深的摄影实践者,在教学领域也有深耕。这个项目于90年代拍摄的,关注年轻女性,这些女性住在人工填海的新建地区,后面那些房子都是完全新的。可以联想到中国现在有很多突然出现的新建地区,很多人会前往这些工厂或者办公区生活工作,对这些年轻人,包括孩子的教育来说是一个全新的开始。这组项目就是在这样的语境下,展现了女性在这种社会转型期间陪伴丈夫和家人去到一个全新的地方后,她们自己与生活的一种对话。

《现代圣母》, 科琳娜·诺登博斯,1992,数码喷墨打印,尺寸可变

Modern Madonna, Corinne Noordenbos, 1992, Digital inkjet print, variable dimensions

科琳娜的作品看起来特别像宗教绘画(圣像画),与艺术史有一定的形式上的关联,但是当我们去仔细看这些女性的时候,其实很难分辨她们的时代,背后的信息似乎被抹去了。策展人何伊宁觉得恰恰是这种母亲、新生(new born)跟《想像荷兰》展览奥拉夫作品的母亲去世故事之间会有一种非常大的关联。

《布兰奇角》,吉勒姆·特拉彭伯格, 2020,数码喷墨打印,60 x 75.5cm

Point Blanche, Gilleam Trapenberg, 2020, Digital inkjet print, 60 x 75.5

吉勒姆·特拉彭伯格(Gilleam Trapenberg)出生在位于加勒比海南部的库拉索岛。从荷兰到加勒比海,作品《这肯定是天堂》的拍摄背景囊括了一段追溯至500年前海洋帝国时期的殖民历史。与本次展览中其他呈现荷兰风貌的作品不同,这个项目中的拍摄对象并非是移民,而是生活在圣马丁岛上的荷兰人——一个荷属的地区。它呈现出一个异域的,距离欧洲地理概念上的荷兰非常遥远的地区,而在这里的荷兰人的生活被外界想象成一个天堂。 类似的叙事不断出现在电影或是小说中,当下的艺术家正不断重新演绎这段历史。我们希望通过这个展览为观众呈现完全不同的观看视角——无论是艺术家对荷兰的观看,还是观看荷兰自身的历史脉络。


Installation view of “NL Imagined” at Shanghai Center of Photography, 2022



Life - For Mom, Erwin Olaf, Stop-motion, 2018


「 NL Imagined 」


- Curators -

Yining He、Ruben Lundgren


- Artists  -

Marwan Bassiouni, Johannes Bosgra, Hans Eijkelboom, Marvel Harris, Erik Kessels, Dana Lixenberg, Corinne Noordenbos, Erwin Olaf, Paulien Oltheten, Viviane Sassen, Gilleam Trapenberg

- Duration -

2022.12.16 - 2023.04.09

(Closed on Mondays, Tuesdays)


- Organizers -

Three Shadows Photography Art Centre、

The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in China

- Location -

155A Caochangdi Chaoyang District, Beijing

Curated by He Yining (China) and Ruben Lundgren (the Netherlands), “NL Imagined” is a unique cultural project initiated by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in China for the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and the Kingdom of the Netherlands in 2022. After two years of preparation, the exhibition was presented first in August at the Shanghai Center of Photography, and will be on tour from 16 December 2022 at the Three Shadows Photography Art Centre (Beijing). Three Shadows cordially invites you to come to Caochangdi to experience these photographers’ diverse perspectives in different contexts and to join us in a visual dialogue with the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It is noteworthy that the exhibition responds to “China Imagined” at the 2020 BredaPhoto Festival in the Netherlands and demonstrates the ongoing dialogue and communication between the photographic arts of China and the Netherlands.

《在几乎每张照片里#7-14》, 埃瑞克·卡瑟斯,2016,数码喷墨打印,61 x 46.5cm
In almost every picture #7-14 , Erik Kessels, 2016, Digital inkjet print, 61 x 46.5cm

“NL Imagined" is a survey of contemporary Dutch photography curated by Yining He and Ruben Lundgren. The exhibition includes the work of 11 established and emerging artists, which all currently live and work in the Netherlands (NL). The exhibition showcase the artists' responses to contemporary topics concerning the history, society and culture of the Netherlands. In the collected works of these photographers, we find challenges to established paradigms of both the language and techniques inherent in the Dutch photographic tradition. The approaches taken reflect the artists' efforts to reshape contemporary Dutch photographic arts with greater relevance to the rapidly evolving present times.

《数字中的阿姆斯特丹#1》,汉斯·艾克尔布姆, 2011,数码喷墨打印, 48.4 x 32.8 cm
Amsterdam By Numbers #1, Hans Eijkelboom, 2011, Digital inkjet print, 48.4 x 32.8 cm

“NL Imagined” features works from Marwan Bassiouni, Johannes Bosgra, Hans Eijkelboom, Marvel Harris, Erik Kessels, Dana Lixenberg, Corinne Noordenbos, Erwin Olaf, Paulien Oltheten, Viviane Sassen and Gilleam Trapenberg. Through a wide array of creative approaches, the participating artists capture the architecture of sacred spaces, look at nature, community and everyday life, together with topics of colonization, personal identity, and kinship, as topics for reflection. These combine to a newly current dialogue between history and the present, between today’s reality and what local audiences might imagine about the Netherlands.

Stay Health, Paulien Oltheten, video screenshots, 2020

Promoting deeper communication between China and the Netherlands is one of the main motivations for this exhibition project. This year marks the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and the Netherlands. “NL Imagined” is an essential cultural component of a broader program that has been conceived in celebration of this anniversary. The Netherlands is a global center for art publishing, with a long history of design excellence, including photo books. “NL Imagined” includes examples of award-winning books published by six leading Dutch publishers and other institutions on loan from the cultural section of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in China. The exhibition will also be accompanied by a range of online and offline sharing and discussion on practices in Dutch photography.

· 关于策展人 ·
About the curators

何伊宁 (b.1986, 中国)

何伊宁是一位活跃在全球影像艺术领域的研究者与策展人。在策展方面,她擅长挖掘当下全球具有挑战性的视觉艺术实践,并将其编织在政治与文化的双重视野下。她曾在中国和欧洲策划过大型的主题展览,包括“图汇未来”、“想像中国”、“在群山、丘陵与湖泊之间”、“记忆寓所”、“港口与影像”、“混合的公共性与私密性”与 “虚构叙事的转向”等。

Yining He (b.1986, China) is a researcher and curator in photographic art. In terms of curatorial practices, she specializes in uncovering contemporary photographic practices and weaving them within a dual vision of politics and visual culture. Yining has curated more than 40 cross-cultural exhibitions for museums, art institutions, and photography festivals in China and Europe, many of which have gained international reputations, including "Imaging Our Futures", "China Imagined", "Between Mountains, Hills and Lakes", "The Abode of Anamnesis", "The Port and The Image" and "A Fictional Narrative Turn".

鲁小本 b.1983,荷兰)


Beijing-based photographer and curator Ruben Lundgren (b.1983, the Netherlands) received his masters’ degree photography from the China Central Academy of Fine Arts. He made a name within the conceptual photography duo WassinkLundgren with award winning publications as Empty Bottles (2007) and Tokyo Tokyo (2010). He now works as a photojournalist for Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant, and as an independent curator of Chinese photography.


