
M50 | OFOTO新展∣从宠物到动物 - 李季个展

2017-07-04 OFOTO M50上海

FROM PETS TO ANIMALS - Li Ji Solo Exhibition

从宠物到动物 - 李季个展

开幕 / Opening: 2017.07.08 / 16:00

展期 / Duration: 2017.07.08 - 08.26 / 10:00 - 18:00 

一个艺术  ANART    全摄影画廊  OFOTO Gallery

中国上海 莫干山路50号13幢2楼

2F, Building 13, 50 Moganshan Rd., Shanghai, China



—— 有关李季的动物绘画与摄影




藏羚羊 No.2,青海可可西里

The Chiru 02, Hoh Xil, Qinghai,2015



亚洲象 No.2,斯里兰卡

The Asian Elephant 02, Sri Lanka, 2011


The Jungle Cat,2016

Li Ji was known by the art world in the1990s and early 2000 for his series "Ladies and Pets", which depicted some well-dressed ladies with different animals, implying a delicate interdependent relationship between them. This series is slightly erotic, humorous and yuppie. The ladies and pets in these photos are not actually themselves but roles being shaped by some kind of culture. Besides, since either ladies or pets have been carefully domesticated by their "masters", they know not only how to please their "masters", but also how to show their soft and tamed side. However, their "masters" are not in these paintings, because what indeed tame the women to sexy ladies and animals to pets are invisible but ubiquitous consumerism, patriarchalism and anthropocentrism.

Li Ji revealed in this series not only his interest and thoughts about people - the "ladies", but also his knowledge and extraordinary love to animals - the "pets". Grown up in a family of intellectuals, Li Ji has shown a strong curiosity about all kinds of knowledge since young especially in biology. He is even more familiar with his mother’s books than herself. His interest in the living conditions of animals around the world is so strong that he always dreams of going to Africa to see the wildlife.


North African Wild Dogs,2017

Li Ji started his wildlife discovery in 2009, when he just completed the “Ladies and Pets” series and then photographed wild animals while visiting national parks and nature reserves with his wife in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and other domestic places like Yunnan, Tibet, Qinghai, Hoh Xil and so on. In every trip he would return with countless adventurous stories and fantastic wildlife photos, even though he has encountered with the danger of life and death several times.

As an artist, Li Ji responds to the rapid disappearance of wildlife in the world with the conventional means in visual art. From 2009 to 2011, he painted a series of modified masterpieces of Western art history, such as Miller's " Late Prayer", Goya's "May 3rd, 1808 Nightmare" and Manet's " Lunch on the Grass", turning these human’s godliness, gallantry and livelihood into a denouncement to the tragedies of the large-scale massacre mankind implemented on wildlife. In this series, by misappropriation and codification to the masterpieces in art history, Li Ji responded to the world’s classic contradictions: Does human develop and evolve at the cost of eliminating animals (especially large animals) ? Furthermore, will this irresponsible and insatiable destruction of anthropocentrism be the final call of mankind in world history? In contrast to his critique of consumerism in the " Ladies and Pets " series, the critics and allegories of anthropocentrism are simpler in painting style but are filled with deep compassion.


The Polar Bear on the Ice, 2017 

In the West, ecological criticism has become an urgent proposition both in the field of cultural studies and contemporary art since the 1980s, for people realized that art can not be simply appreciated without common life scenes and cultural connotations. By ecological and ethical criticism, artists, curators and critics re-examine the increasing desertification, and the conflict among natural deterioration, drastic animal extinction and human invasion. Today, this kind of environmental-oriented scrutiny and criticism has become a global theme in contemporary art. In this sense, Li Ji's animal photography and paintings will provide the most basic textual support for ecological art.

中国上海 莫干山路50号13幢2楼

2F, Building 13, 50 Moganshan Rd., 
Shanghai, China

工作时间: 10:00 - 18:00 (每日开放)

联系电话: + 86 21 - 6298 5416

电子邮箱: ofotogallery@vip.163.com

新浪微博: @OFOTO全摄影 (可点入)




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