2018全球自动驾驶论坛议程 Autonomous Driving Forum Agenda | |
1月25日 上午 全体会议 对话2025,拥抱自动驾驶时代 Jan 25th, Dialogue 2025, Embrace the Autonomous Driving Era | |
时间 Time | 议程 Agenda |
08:30 – 09:00 | 开幕式:主持人致欢迎词并介绍参会领导及嘉宾 Opening Ceremony: The Host Delivers Welcome Speech and Introduce the Attending Leaders and Guests 领导致辞: 中国汽车工业协会副秘书长,师建华 政府领导 Leaders’ Speech: Deputy Secretary General of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, Jianhua Shi Government Leaders 主办方致辞 Organizer’ s Speech |
09:00 – 09:30 | 主题演讲:美国智能网联汽车的战略、规划与发展 Speech:Strategy, planning and development of Intelligent vehicle network 发言嘉宾:美国车联网协会会长,Scott McCormick Guest:Connected Vehicle Trade Association President, Scott McCormick |
09:30 – 10:00 | 主题演讲:中国智能汽车发展及汽车智能化指数评价研究 Speech:Development of China Intelligent Vehicles and Research on the Evaluation of Automobile Intelligent Index 发言嘉宾:中国汽车技术研究中心,智能汽车研究室暨汽车软件测评中心主任,王羽 Guest:CATARC,Automotive Software Evaluation Center, Director,Yu Wang |
10:00 – 10:30 | 主题演讲:用无人驾驶去改变、重构这个世界的交通 Speech:Use driverless car to change and reconstruct the traffic of the world 发言嘉宾:盼达用车CEO高钰 博士 Guest:PANDAUTO CEO,Dr. Yu Gao |
10:30 – 10:45 | 茶歇 Tea break |
10:45 – 11:15 | 主题演讲:建设自动驾驶生态圈:在智能驾驶领域的布局 Speech:Building an autonomous driving ecosystem: Layout in the field of Intelligent Vehicle 发言嘉宾:广汽集团汽车工程研究院 CTO 兼智能网联中心主任,黄少堂 Guest:GAEI CTO & Director of Intelligent Network Center,Huang Ted S |
11:15 – 12:15 | 圆桌论坛:当科技大佬们谈AI和自动驾驶时,他们谈些什么? Roundtable forum:When tech bigwigs talk about AI and autonomous driving, what do they talk about? 主持人 Host 盖世汽车总裁,周晓莺 Gasgoo CEO ,Tina Zhou 讨论嘉宾 Discussion: 美国车联网协会会长,Scott McCormick Connected Vehicle Trade Association President, Scott McCormick 中国汽车技术研究中心汽车技术情报研究所,智能汽车研究室暨汽车软件测评中心主任,王羽 CATARC,Automotive Software Evaluation Center, Director,Yu Wang 盼达用车CEO高钰 博士 PANDAUTO CEO,Dr. Yu Gao 广汽集团汽车工程研究院 CTO 兼智能网联中心主任,黄少堂 GAEI CTO & Director of Intelligent Network Center,Huang Ted S |
12:15 – 13:30 | 午餐 Lunch |
1月25日 下午 全体会议 群雄逐鹿,企业布局如何出奇“智”胜 Jan 25th, How do those enterprises layout and occupy the market by Intelligent | |
时间 Time | 议程 Agenda |
13:30 – 14:00 | 主题演讲:AI浪潮之巅,车企与科技巨头如何布局抢占行业“智”高点? Speech:AI trend, how can those OEMs and technology giants layout and occupy the market of Intelligent? 发言嘉宾:安波福亚太区总裁,杨晓明 Guest:Aptiv Asia Pacific President,Simon Yang |
14:00 – 14:30 | 主题演讲: 汽车零部件供应在自动驾驶中发生的技术演变 Speech:Automotive Parts Supply Technology Evolution in Automated Driving 发言嘉宾:德赛西威研究院院长,黄力 Guest:Desay SV Automotive, President of Academy,Li Huang |
14:30 – 15:00 | 主题演讲:自动驾驶的机遇和挑战 Speech:Opportunities and Challenges in Automated Driving 发言嘉宾:博世底盘控制系统中国区自动驾驶产品经理,黄罗毅 Guest:Bosch chassis control system, automatic driving product manager in China,Luoyi Huang |
15:00 – 15:30 | 主题演讲:打造智慧共享出行服务平台——接入场景应用 Speech:Build Intelligent shared travel service platform----access scenarios applications 发言嘉宾:斑马网络技术有限公司,CEO,施雪松 Guest:Zebra Technologies,CEO,Xuesong Shi |
15:30 – 15:45 | 茶歇 Tea break |
15:45 – 16:15 | 主题演讲:从资本角度来看自动驾驶出行领域的投资机会 Speech:Capitalizing on investment opportunities in the area of autonomous driving 发言嘉宾:蔚来资本合伙人,张君毅 Guest:NIO Capital Copartner,Junyi Zhang |
16:15 – 16:45 | 主题演讲:中国自主品牌自动驾驶现状及未来发展趋势 Speech:The Present Situation and Future Development Trend of Autonomous Driving of Chinese Independent Brands 发言嘉宾:吉利集团新业务战略规划部总监,刘景林 Guest:Geely Group's new business strategy planning department,Director,Jinglin Liu |
16:45 – 17:15 | 主题演讲:无人驾驶汽车的动力解决方案 Speech:Power solutions for driverless cars 发言嘉宾:奇点汽车CEO & 联合创始人,沈海寅 Guest:SINGULATO CEO, co-founder, Haiyin Shen |
17:15 – 18:15 | 圆桌论坛:新一轮技术革命风口已到来,汽车产业的机遇在哪里? Roundtable forum:Technological revolution has arrived, where is the opportunity for the auto industry? 主持人 Host 前沿产业基金联合创始人,王乐京 Front Capital,Cofounder,Lejing Wang 讨论嘉宾 Discussion: 安波福亚太区总裁,杨晓明 Aptiv Asia Pacific President,Simon Yang 博世自动驾驶产品经理,黄罗毅 Bosch Autonomous Driving Product Manager,Luoyi Huang 斑马网络技术有限公司,CEO,施雪松 Zebra Technologies,CEO,Xuesong Shi 吉利集团新业务战略规划部总监,刘景林 Geely Group's new business strategy planning department,Director,Jinglin Liu 奇点汽车CEO,联合创始人,沈海寅 SINGULATO CEO, co-founder, Haiyin Shen |
18:30 -20:00 | VIP主题宴会(定向邀请)——“智谈” VIP Dinner – “Brain Storm Talk” |
1月26日 上午 全体会议 聚焦科技热点,引领自动驾驶时代变革 Jan 26th , Focus on Science and Technology, Leading the Autonomous Driving Era | |
时间 | 议程 |
09:00 – 09:30 | 主题演讲:人机交互语音识别技术对汽车智能化的影响与推动 Speech:The influence and promotion of human-computer interactive speech recognition technology on vehicle 发言嘉宾:科大讯飞智能汽车业务部总经理,刘俊峰 Guest:the General Manager of iFLYTEK Automotive Department, Junfeng Liu |
09:30 – 10:00 | 主题演讲:以指数级优势增长的5G进阶之路 Speech:Advanced growth of 5G with exponential advantage 发言嘉宾:联通智网科技总经理,辛克铎 Guest:CUSC,General Manager,Keduo Xin |
10:00 – 10:30 | 主题演讲:激光雷达技术照进自动驾驶之路 Speech:Lidar Technology Leads the Way of Autonomous Driving 发言嘉宾:中科院电子所研究员,张珂殊 Guest:Institute of Electrics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Professor ,Keshu Zhang |
10:30 – 10:50 | 茶歇 Tea break |
10:50 – 11:20 | 主题演讲:自动驾驶技术引发的HMI设计变革 Speech:HMI Design Changes Caused by Autonomous Driving Technology 发言嘉宾:华南理工大学设计学院工业设计教研室主任,欧阳波 Guest:South China University of Technology,Director,Bo Ouyang |
11:20 – 12:00 | 高端对话:自动驾驶产业,怎么看?怎么投? Fireside Chat:Automotive industry,what do we think about it? How do we invest? 1、自动驾驶上下产业链研判 2、自动驾驶各方如何齐心协力推进智能汽车发展 3、投资机构如何在自动驾驶领域寻找投资机会 发言嘉宾Guest 蔚来资本合伙人,张君毅 NIO Capital Copartner, Junyi Zhang 北京顶峰投资管理有限公司,总经理,许坤博士 Beijing Dingfeng Investment Management Co., Ltd.,General Manager,Dr. Kun Xu |
12:00 – 14:00 | 午餐 Lunch |
时间Time | 议程 Agenda |
14:00 – 14:30 | 主题演讲:无人驾驶汽车的发展及应用场景分析 Speech:Development and application scenario analysis of driverless cars 发言嘉宾:罗兰贝格执行总监,叶亮博士 Guest:Roland Berger Principal, Dr. Liang Ye |
14:30 – 15:00 | 主题演讲:智能网联汽车试点示范区的建设与运营 Speech:Construction and operation of Intelligent Vehicle demonstration area 发言嘉宾:上海国际汽车城(集团)执行助理,陈海林 Guest:Executive assistant of Shanghai International Automobile City (Group), Hailin Chen |
15:00 – 15:30 | 主题演讲:无人驾驶汽车商业化探索之路 Speech:The Road to Commercialization of Autonomous Vehicles 发言嘉宾:前沿产业基金联合创始人,王乐京 Guest:Front Capital,Cofounder,Lejing Wang |
15:30 – 16:00 | 主题演讲:车路协同(V2X)技术应用 Speech:Vehicle Road Coordination (V2X) technology applications 发言嘉宾:武汉理工大学教授,博士生导师,湖北省楚天学者特聘教授,胡钊政 Guest:WUT Professor, doctoral tutor, Hubei Province Chutian Distinguished Professor |
16:00 – 16:30 | 主题演讲: 智能网联汽车关键技术创新与实践 Speech: Innovation and Practice of Key Technology of Intelligent Automobile 发言嘉宾:武汉光庭科技有限公司总经理,苏晓聪 Guest:Wuhan Kotei Technology Corporation, General Manager,Xiaocong Su |
16:30 – 17:00 | 主题演讲:智能网联汽车助力打造智慧交通系统 Speech:Intelligent network of cars together to help build intelligent transportation system 发言嘉宾:兴民智通 COO,张人杰 Guest:XINGMINITS COO, Alan Zhang |
17:00 – 17:40 | 圆桌论坛:重新定义智慧城市,开启智能新时代 Roundtable forum:Redefine smart city and open a new era of intelligent 讨论嘉宾 Discussion: 上海国际汽车城(集团)执行助理,陈海林 Executive assistant of Shanghai International Automobile City (Group), Hailin Chen 武汉理工大学教授,博士生导师,湖北省楚天学者特聘教授,胡钊政 WUT Professor, doctoral tutor, Hubei Province Chutian Distinguished Professor 武汉光庭科技有限公司总经理,苏晓聪 Wuhan Kotei Technology Corporation, General Manager,Xiaocong Su 兴民智通 COO,张人杰 XINGMINITS COO, Alan Zhang |
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