
Work & Production Resumption amid NCP outbreak 疫情期间,企业如何做好复工复产工作

ShenzhenDaily 2020-03-11

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Q: A series of measures and guides have been launched in Shenzhen for the resumption of work and production of enterprises. What should enterprises do to ensure that workers are back to work and production is resumed in an orderly manner during the epidemic prevention and control period?


1. Collecting and checking employee information before the resumption of work and production

* Information including recent health status of the employees and their residence history in epidemic affected areas and travel history shall be collected. 

- Those who are still in epidemic outbreak areas shall not return to Shenzhen for work at the moment;

- Those who have traveled to epidemic outbreak areas and returned shall be subject to a 14-day quarantine. They are allowed to return to work when they emerge from quarantine with a normal body temperature.


* 收集员工近期健康状况、疫情发生地居住史和员工动向。



2. Implementing closed management

In principle, all enterprises shall implement closed management. Irrelevant personnel are prohibited to enter the production workshops or workplaces.



3. Having body temperature checks

An infrared thermometer shall be placed at the entrance of the workplace to check the body temperature of all persons entering the workplaces. 



4. Wearing face masks

* Enterprises shall purchase protective materials such as face masks for employees and remind them to wear one when visiting public places, going to a hospital or taking public transportation.

*Face masks used by persons not showing symptoms like fever and cough shall be disposed of in trash bins labeled “Other Waste” in accordance with the regulations of household waste classification. 

*Face masks used by suspected cases and healthcare personnel providing medical services for them shall be collected and disposed of as infectious medical waste after medical consultation or investigation.


* 提前采购口罩等防护设备,提醒员工前往公众场所、就医和乘坐公共交通工具时佩戴口罩

* 普通人(无发热,咳嗽等症状)日常使用的口罩,按照生活垃圾分类的要求,丢入“其他垃圾”桶

* 疑似新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎患者及其护理人员,应在就诊或接受调查处置时,将使用过的口罩作为感染性医疗废物进行收集处置

5. Maintaining good environmental hygiene

* Clean the surrounding environment and objects regularly with preventive disinfection as supplement. Over-disinfection shall be avoided. Disinfection shall be conducted in time where contamination occurs.

-For the surface of objects: chlorine-based disinfectant (effective chlorine concentration: 250mg/L-500mg/L) can be applied on the surface of objects being frequently touched, such as tables, door handles, phones, switches, kettle handles, basins and toilets. Wait 30 minutes before wiping the surface with clean water.

- For the floor: mop the floor with chlorine-based disinfectant (effective chlorine concentration: 250mg/L-500mg/L). Wait 30 minutes before mopping again with clean water.





6. Keeping rooms well ventilated

* In places especially workplaces and employees’ dormitories where population density is high, try to maintain natural ventilation.

* Where natural ventilation is insufficient, enough mechanical ventilation equipment (ventilation fans) shall be installed to ensure sufficient ventilation.

* Sufficient fresh air shall be let in to air-conditioned workplaces, with ventilation rooms and filters cleaned and disinfected for at least twice a week.





7. Avoiding unnecessary gatherings and meetings

* Reduce meetings and keep meetings short. During long meetings, open the windows for ventilation once.

* Attendees to meetings should keep at least one meter away from each other and wear face masks.

* The room and furniture shall be disinfected when the meeting is over.


* 减少集中开会,控制会议时间,会议时间过长时,开窗通风1次

* 开会人员间隔1米以上,佩戴口罩

* 会议结束后场地、家具须进行消毒

8. Packing food into separate serving at canteens

* Disinfect the canteen (restaurant) once a day and disinfect tables and chairs after use.

* Pasteurize cooking utensils and tableware.

* Keep the operation room clean and dry, and separate utensils for raw ingredients and cooked food. Avoid eating raw meat.


* 食堂(餐厅)每日消毒1次,餐桌椅使用后进行消毒

* 餐具用品须高温消毒

* 操作间保持清洁干燥,严禁生食和熟食用品混用,避免肉类生食

9. Setting up quarantine facilities

* Enterprises with dormitories shall arrange independent rooms for employees returning from epidemic affected areas for temporary quarantine.

*Employees under quarantine shall check their temperature every day, and visit the nearest fever clinics for treatment with their face masks on once showing symptoms of fever, cough and fatigue, etc.

* Enterprises unable to provide independent rooms for quarantine shall follow the arrangement of the subdistrict office and report to the community after confirming the quarantine sites.


* 设置有集体宿舍的企业,安排单人单间、相对独立房间作为疫区返岗人员临时隔离场所

* 隔离人员每日测量体温,如出现发热、咳嗽、乏力等症状,带上口罩立即到就近的发热门诊就诊

* 不具备条件的企业,按照辖区街道办事处的统一安排,确定具体的隔离观察地点并向所在社区报备

10. If an employee shows symptoms similar to that of a NCP infection

* He or she shall put on a face mask and seek medical help immediately.

* Contact the local disease prevention and control center immediately for guidance.

* If a person is diagnosed with NCP, people in close contact with him or her should receive a 14-day medical observation.

* Enterprises are suggested to take measures such as staggering shifts or prolonging the holiday to avoid crowded groups.

* Enterprises should stop using central air conditioners, conduct cleaning and disinfecting and keep indoor ventilation.


* 疑似患者应立即戴上口罩就医

* 及时联系当地疾病预防控制中心指导处理

* 若被诊断为新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎患者,其密切接触者接受14天医学观察

* 建议实行轮休制度、休假等减少人员密集的措施

* 停止使用中央空调,并清洗消毒,保持室内空气流通

11. Hotlines

* Please dial 12345 for information about collective quarantine sites, NCP prevention and control and regulations on resumption of work and production.

* Please dial 120 for medical emergencies.


* 询问当地集中隔离场所或咨询防控、复工复产规定等问题,请致电12345

* 急诊就医请致电120急救电话

Foreign Affairs Office of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government

Shenzhen Municipal Health Commission

February 20, 2020




WeChat Editors/Holly, Jane

