
双语 | 习近平访美:杨洁篪《西雅图时报》发表署名文章

2015-09-23 译·世界

应美国总统奥巴马的邀请,中国国家主席习近平即将对美国进行国事访问。此访是中美关系史上的一件大事。习主席将同奥巴马总统围绕国际地区形势、各自国家内外政策、 双边关系等重要议题进行深入交流,会见美国国会领导人和地方政要,并广泛接触美国各界人士。这次访问将进一步加深两国人民的友谊,拓展双方各领域务实合作,为推进中美新型大国关系建设注入新的活力。

Chinese President Xi Jinping will soon pay a state visit to the US at President Obama's invitation. This will be a historic event inChina-US relations. The two Presidents will discuss bilateral,regional and international issues of interest. President Xi will meet with Congressional and local leaders as well as people from a cross-section of the American society. His visit will deepen people-to-people friendship, expand cooperation and provide new impetus to the new model of major country relationship between China and the US.


China-US relationship is of vital importance. It has come a long way since diplomatic ties were established 36 years ago. The relationship has gone beyond the bilateral scope and taken on growing global significance. The two countries now have close communication and coordination in extensive areas, from tackling global challenges to bolstering global growth, from tripartite cooperation in Afghanistan and Timor-Leste to handling regional and international hotspot issues like Iran and South Sudan, making important contribution to world peace and common development.


Admittedly, China and the US also have different views on some issues and there are sensitive issues in our bilateral relations. However, they are outweighed by our common interests and the potential of cooperation. Dialogue and cooperation is the prevailing trend.


There are broad areas where we should and can work with each other. Closer China-US cooperation would deliver great benefits to people in both countries and beyond. This is our historical mission and what the international community expects of us.


Healthy growth of China-US relations requires joint efforts of the two governments and societies. The involvement and support at the subnational level and from the business, academic, cultural and educational communities as well as the wider public are indispensable.


Subnational cooperation is a driver of China-US relations. We have 43 pairs of sister provinces/states and 200 pairs of sister cities, with multiple platforms and extensive network for close interactions. The Washington State and Seattle are at the forefront of such cooperation.

经贸合作是中美关系的“压舱石”。2014年,中美双边贸易额已突破5500亿美元,双向投资存量超过1200亿美元。 截至2015年6月底,中国企业在美累计非金融类直接投资项目1501个,总金额达775亿美元。据预测,到2020年,中国企业在美累计投资将1000-2000亿美元,可为美国新增20-40万个就业岗位。从长远看,中国经济正在加快转型升级步伐,美国也在着力推动经济复苏,两国互利共赢的经贸合作前景更加广阔。

Business cooperation is the bedrock of China-US relations. In 2014, two-way trade exceeded US$550 billion and mutual investment topped US$120 billion. By June 2015, Chinese companies had directly invested US$77.5 billion in 1,501 non-financial projects in the US. Estimates show that by 2020, Chinese investment in the US will reach US$100-200 billion, adding 200-400 thousand local jobs. As China upgrades its economy and the US boosts economic recovery, the future of our business cooperation is ever more bright.


People-to-people exchange is a propeller of China-US relations. There is a flight between our two countries every 17 minutes. 4.3 million people traveled across the Pacific last year. Educational exchange is also thriving. By 2014, 490,000 young Chinese had studied in the US, and over 100,000 young Americans in China. Seventy-five Chinese universities hosted 12,000 American scholars. Over 30% of the international students in the Washington State are Chinese. The vaccine jointly developed by Chinese and American experts made a big difference in the battle against Ebola.

中国人说“行胜于言”,美国人说“ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS”。我们相信,秉持共同的美好愿景,中美社会各界的交流与合作必将生机勃勃、精彩可期,共同奏响中美友谊与合作新的华彩乐章!

Both the Chinese and the Americans believe that actions speak louder than words. With joint actions, we will write a new chapter in China-US friendship and cooperation.(内容整理自网络)

