
双语 | “火星发现液态水”外媒怎么看?

2015-09-30 译·世界

Mars is not the dry arid planet we thought of in the past

today we are going to announce that

under certain circumsatances liquid water has been found on Mars

火星 不是像我们过去认为的那样 是个干旱的星球,



美国东部时间2015年9月28日,美国宇航局(NASA)火星探测项目首席科学家麦克•迈耶(Michael Meyer)在发布会上作了上述表示,尽管只有只言片语的表述,无疑将人类迈向火星的进程向前推进了一步。


撇开对于该事件本身的科学探究不谈,译世界带你一起来浏览下众外媒对该事件的不同角度的报道。一起来看看纽约时报、CNN、国广播公司、路透社等美国主流媒体在报道同一事件的时候,如何“标题党”,一起看看对于 “增加了火星上发现生命的几率”这样一个科学论断有多少种不同的说法?


NYork Times: Strong Evidence Mars Has Streams of Salt Water in Summer time


ABC News: Watch: Mars Mystery Revealed


CNN: Mars discovery boosts hope for life on red planet

美国有线电视新闻网:火星新发现 生命新希望

Reuters: Water flows on Mars, raising possibility that planet could support life: scientists

路透社:火星上发现液态水 科学家称”生命或可存活”

CNET: Water on Mars: Flowing salt water discovered on the Red Planet

CNET: 火星上发现液态水

ABC News: Mars Has Water: Why NASA Discovery Matters

ABC News: 火星液态水:新发现缘何轰动世界?


SPACE.com: Salty Water Flows on Mars Today, Boosting Odds for Life

NY Times: Mars appears to have flowing rivulets of water, at least in the summer, scientists reported Monday in a finding that boosts the odds of life on the red planet.

ABC News: NASA reporting there is flowing water and ice on Mars which may suggest life could survive there.

CNN: While the discovery doesn't by itself offer evidence of life on Mars, either past or present, it does boost hopes of that the harsh landscape still offers some refuge to life.

Reuters: Briny water flows during the summer months on Mars, raising the possibility that the planet long thought to be arid could support life today, scientists analyzing data from a NASA spacecraft said on Monday. "It suggests that it would be possible for life to be on Mars today," John Grunsfeld, NASA's associate administrator for science,told reporters.

ABC News: Traces of liquid water have been found on Mars, NASA said today, raising questions about the possibility of life on the Red Planet.

SPACE.com: Liquid water flows on Mars today, boosting the odds that life could exist on the Red Planet, a new study suggests. The enigmatic dark streaks on Mars — called recurring slope lineae (RSL) — that appear seasonally on steep, relatively warm Martian slopes are likely caused by salty liquid water, researchers said.


