大咖 | 陈明明:不要迷信外国人对汉语形象表述的翻译
尽可能忠实于原文(Be as faithful as possible);
在忠实性和可读性发生矛盾时,英语可读性优先,避免硬译(Be as free as necessary)。
1. 近40年的中欧关系,已由一颗小树苗长成枝繁叶茂的大树,这棵树上挂满了累累果实。
Over the past four decades, China-Europe relationship has grown from a seedling into a luxuriant tree that borne rich fruit.
2. 让我们以杭州为新起点,引领世界经济的航船,从钱塘江畔再次扬帆启航,驶向更加广阔的大海!
Let us steer the giant ship of the global economy which departs from Hangzhou on the shore of the Qiantang River on a new voyage to the vast ocean.
3. 中国人讲,抓铁有痕,踏石留印。中英合作要产生实实在在的效果,才能惠及两国广大民众。
As a Chinese saying goes, clutch a piece of iron and you should leave your handprint on it, step onto a stone and you should leave your footprint on it. China-UK cooperation should deliver real outcomes in order to benefit our two peoples.
4. 中小微企业大有可为,要扶上马、送一程,使“草根”创新蔚然成风、遍地开花。
Medium, small, and micro businesses can accomplish great things. We need to give them a leg up to get them going. With these efforts, China’s grassroots innovation can sprout up and grow strong, bringing flowers of creation to every field.
1. 我要为我们伟大的人民点赞。
I would like to give a "thumbs up" to our great people.
“点赞”本是网络用语,直译为click “like”,但用在领导人讲话的语境中不够严肃,因此改译为thumbs up。如果想不到这种译法,则可意译为:I would like to salute our great people.
2. 让旅游成为世界和平发展之舟。
Let tourism become a ship sailing towards global peace and development.
把旅游业比作船,这样的比喻在外国受众看来可能没有意义,为了更好地传递信息,可意译为:Enhance global peace and development through the development of tourism.
3. 解决好用水“最后一公里”问题。
Solve the “last-kilometer” problem of farmland not being connected with main irrigation channels.
4. 习主席指出,特别是要注意打通改革推进的“最后一公里”。
President Xi stressed that it is of particular importance that we should ensure that the last crucial step is taken in advancing the reform.
1. 不忘初心
We must stay true to our mission. / We must reaffirm our commitment.
外电对“不忘初心”的翻译是We must never forget our original aspirations. 表面看上去与原文对应得很好,但实际上用词存在很大问题。original意为“最初的”,可能只存在于过去,但现在没有延续;aspiration所指的“抱负”可能非常宏伟,但难以实现。这两个词义并没有确切表达“初心”的内涵,所以我们不能完全“迷信”外国人翻译的中国特色表述,因为他们对中国特有的政治和文化了解甚少。
2. “靡不有初,鲜克有终。”实现中华民族伟大复兴,需要一代又一代人为之努力。
As an ancient Chinese saying goes, “After making a good start, we should ensure that the cause achieves fruition.” The great renewal of the Chinese nation requires the dedicated efforts of one generation after another.
“靡不有初,鲜克有终”出自《诗经·大雅·荡》,意为“没有不能善始的,却很少有能善终的”。如果按其本意直译为While many can make a good start, few can work hard enough to achieve success,则与习大大引用此典故要表的意思相悖,需要在翻译时进行调整。
3. 我们要制定更加科学合理的发展战略。
We should adopt a more balanced development strategy.
“科学发展”最初被译为scientific development,然而这种直译并没有被外国受众所接受,因为他们所理解的scientific是something related with science,所以scientific development容易被误解为progress in the science field。我们所说的“科学发展”含义广泛,远远超过了科学研究领域,故现译为promote sound development / balanced and sustainable development.
4. 亚非国家加强互利合作,能产生“一加一大于二”的积极效应。
The Asian and African countries will gain far more when they work together rather than working individually.
5. 我们的合作一定能够乘风破浪,穿云破雾,让世界对金砖国家的成色有新的认识。
As long as we enhance our cooperation, we will break through heavy waves and thick clouds and demonstrate to the world that the BRICS countries carry great weight.
6. 共同奏响中美友谊与合作新的华彩乐章。
Forge a stronger bond of friendship and cooperation through President Xi Jinping’s visit.
7. 我相信,在双方共同努力下,中塞两国战略伙伴之路必将越走越宽。
I am convinced that with our joint efforts, China-Serbia strategic partnership will grow from strength to strength.
8. 我们强调,改革开放只有进行时,没有完成时。
We are keenly aware that reform and opening-up is an ongoing process that will never stop.
有外电译为…reform and opening-up is a verb that has only continuous tense and not perfect tense,由于外国人对语法研究很少,造成了这种荒唐的直译。由此可见,外国人翻译的汉语形象表述不一定靠谱,需要对这些表述有深入了解,译出本意,才能保证译文的可读性。
1. 使中国经济凤凰涅槃、浴火重生,保持强劲发展动力。
…enable the Chinese economy to successfully transform itself and maintain strong momentum of growth.
2. 中美双方应因地制宜,“八仙过海,各显其能”。
China and the United States should fully leverage their own distinctive strengths to boost our cooperation.
“八仙过海,各显其能”的英译为When eight immortals crossed the sea, each showed his or her own magic to reach the shore. 但英语受众可能不知道“八仙”是谁,因此不译。
3. 尺有所短,寸有所长。中国和拉共体成员国不分大小,都是中拉论坛的平等成员。
Countries, whether big or small, all have their own merits. China and CELAC members, irrespective of their sizes, are equal members of the China-CELAC Forum.
4. 我们能够进一步形成更为强劲而持久的发展动力,促进中国新一轮经济“破茧成蝶”,行稳致远。
We will build up stronger and lasting force for development and bring about a new round of stable and enduring growth for the Chinese economy.