
双语 | 特朗普真会只请习近平吃麦当劳汉堡?

2016-11-14 译·世界







Donald Trump was as unscripted as Chinese diplomacy is scripted, right down to the precise length of red carpets. This clash of styles makes it easy to imagine some entertaining exchanges at one of the most anticipated summits of 2017 — Mr Trump’s first meeting as president with Xi Jinping, his Chinese counterpart.


If the pattern of recent meetings between Mr Xi and Barack Obama holds, the next Sino-US presidential summit will be held next year in Washington.


On his visit to the US capital in September 2015, Mr Xi was Mr Obama’s guest of honour at a White House state dinner. “I would not be throwing him a McDonald’s hamburger.” Mr Trump told Fox News at the time, six months before he won his first primary. “I’d get him a McDonald’s hamburger and say, ‘we gotta get down to work because you can’t continue to devalue [the renminbi]’.”


In this instance, Mr Trump was characteristically wrong on the facts. Since January 2014, China’s central bank has been intervening to slow — not accelerate — the renminbi’s largely market-driven decline against the dollar.


Mr Trump will be unlike any US president Chinese officials have dealt with. In terms of background as well as temperament, he is also the diametrical opposite of Mr Xi.


As tempting as it is to imagine Mr Xi at a working lunch in the White House Cabinet Room, looking for a paper napkin to wipe the hamburger grease off his fingers, Beijing is accustomed to managing abrupt shifts in America’s political weather.


From Bill Clinton in 1993 to George W Bush in 2001, to Mr Obama in 2009 and Mr Trump next year, the ideological lurch from one president to the next has been dramatic. But through it all, Sino-US relations have been remarkably steady.


Mr Bush similarly entered office envisioning China as a “strategic competitor” rather than partner, only for the September 11 terrorist attacks to divert his attention to other parts of the world. He ended up seeking co-operation with Beijing rather than confrontation.


Surely this time is different? Mr Obama largely set aside his differences with Mr Xi to focus on areas where the two men could agree, most notably on climate change. Mr Trump, by contrast, has campaigned on potential conflict areas with China, from trade and currency issues to territorial disputes in the South China Sea.


But even if he is determined to walk his tough talk on China, Mr Trump’s initial room for manoeuvre will be limited by the actions of his predecessors. Most of China’s trade with the US is protected from unilateral actions by Beijing’s membership in the World Trade Organisation, which was negotiated and finalised by Presidents Clinton and Bush.


Mr Trump’s administration would also be internationally isolated in any attempt to brand the Chinese government a “currency manipulator” after the International Monetary Fund, without objection from Mr Obama, last year formally recognised the renminbi as a reserve currency.


Such constraints should give Mr Trump and Mr Xi space to proceed with caution.


Chinese leaders have a phrase for such gradualism, which describes their favourite approach to difficult challenges. They call it “crossing the river by feeling for the stones”, as opposed to plunging headfirst into the rapids.


双语来源:金融时报网站 有删减


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