
双语 | 自学9种语言的外国小哥:如何做到“左手翻译,右手旅行”

2017-10-16 Yee君 译·世界

Benny Lewis毕业于都柏林国立大学电子工程专业,通过自学掌握了西班牙语、法语、德语、意大利语、葡萄牙语、世界语、汉语、荷兰语、爱尔兰语等语种,接受翻译训练后结合自己的专长开始从事翻译工作,并创办了语言学习及旅游网站Fluent in 3 Months。本文是Benny在该网站上分享的自由译者养成记,超贴心哒~~

▲Benny Lewis

Finding translation work


I was in a pretty bad situation a few years ago; I had no job or money, my long-term career plan was destroyed and I was going to Canada with no working visa in hand. This forced me to consider online-based work.


There are two good translator social networking websites; Proz and translatorscafé, which have forums and many other features. But the most interesting part of these sites can be their job search boards. The translatorscafé one is free – I can't say much for that since I have never used it.

ProZ.com 和TranslatorsCafe.com是两个非常好的翻译社交网站,里面设有论坛和其他多个板块。但最有趣的当属其中的求职板块。TranslatorsCafe.com是免费的,由于我从未使用过该网站,因此不再多言。

The Proz one has a free version and a paid version; the free version shows you the advertisements after several hours delay, in which time someone else is likely to take the offer. I signed up for a paid account and have found all my other clients through that site. I find that it works pretty well; especially since you can leave and read references, which is great for confirming that they will actually pay you.


It is important to have a competitive price! If you have no experience at all, then you should actually start working for next to nothing or for free (or as a volunteer) and have your documents proofread so that you can learn how to actually translate before you start trying it professionally. After my training period, I started off with a kind-of low rate because of my lack of experience and then I raised my price last after a while.


Many translators charge per word, which I much prefer to all my previous monthly wage jobs since I get paid for the actual work that I do. The current global economic situation seemed to have caught up with me that summer as I had no work at all for over a month. I've reduced my price back to the previous one and have gotten a flood of work because of it.


The actual price you charge depends on a lot of factors; those who translate novels, for example, may charge much more per word than I do (or would charge per page), but our hourly wage is about the same. As an engineer, I was very familiar with the technical documents I translated and never needed to ponder over a more poetic way to say it (as a writer-translator would for example) so I could charge less but still earn the same because I would produce more words an hour.


Also, the language combination is very important – you may be able to charge more for a language that is more in demand, or need to be more competitive if you have a common language combination.


The importance of a good background and specialization


Becoming a translator definitely isn't for everyone! Translators do not get the credit they deserve. When you do read a translation and don't realize it, that's the sign of a good translator! Always an unsung hero, because it doesn't seem like it was ever even originally in a foreign language!


Translating a text isn't a simple task of writing over the words in a text document, which “anyone” with casual understanding of the source language and being a native in the target language can do. You need to understand the source language extremely well and at a professional level.


However, you can't be a translator just because you speak another language, even if you speak it really well. You need training and experience as a translator and complete familiarity with the subject you are translating.


Any translation work that I accepted was always just for my fields of speciality, mostly related to my studies in Electronic Engineering. Thanks to my studies and work experience both in Ireland and abroad, when I translated a document I wrote as an engineer / computer scientist naturally would, and do so only in English.


And specialization should not be taken lightly either! When I was training to be a translator, it was extremely frustrating that I would get documents from a wide range of topics, none of which I was familiar with. I tried to translate wine cultivation techniques, legal and medical documents, corporate presentations etc. and it was always a disaster! Luckily all of my work was proofread and completely corrected each time before actually being used.


I am not a lawyer or a doctor or a wine-lover so I simply can't write about these topics in English, let alone understand them in a foreign language! This means that I should have never translated them of course. I do not have a degree in translation, but I actually found it easier to get work than some people that I have talked with who do, because I focused on a very narrow selection of documents to translate that I could write very naturally.


Being more flexible in your translation topics does not necessarily make you more employable since you may have little or no familiarity or authority in that field. Someone who has studied translation in university needs to somehow also become an expert in any fields they wish to translate.

在翻译话题上更加灵活并不意味着一定更能胜任工作,因为你对这些领域可能知之甚少或不够权威,在大学研究翻译的人也需要在某种程度上成 49 31054 49 15289 0 0 3673 0 0:00:08 0:00:04 0:00:04 3673自己想要翻译的领域的专家。

Doing the work


So when you've got the translation, you just open up the Word document and replace the original text, right? Some translators may work like that, but it is horribly inefficient and cumbersome for the kinds of documents I translated! We have Computer Aided Translation (CAT) tools (not to be confused with Machine Translation!) that help us translate more efficiently and are especially useful in translations with recurring vocabulary (legal, technical etc.).


These tools can produce a file called a Translation Memory (TM), which lets you or other translators work with the same theme later and not lose consistency in terminology, and you can even translate faster as it points out and automatically replaces repetitions.


For those interested in starting off with this, I recommend installing the free Open Source CAT tool OmegaT (along with the free Open Office suite). Unfortunately, many outsourcers much prefer to work with the TMs produced by Trados, which is quite expensive.

对于一些想快速上手CAT的人来说,我推荐安装免费的公开资源CAT工具OmegaT(以及免费办公室软件套件Open Office)。但可惜的是,很多外包商都喜欢用价格很昂贵的Trados所生成的翻译记忆。

I used to work with Wordfast, which I also quite liked. If you'd like to buy these programs, you should actually do it through the Proz website, since they have huge group-paying reductions for all the major CAT tools, cycling through each one regularly. There is quite a learning curve with these programs, so it's definitely better to start with the free version and you may never need to change!


Making it location-independent


Once you can work from home, why can't that home be on the other side of the planet? Since my clients transferred payments to my bank account, I could take it out of an ATM in any country and use it there.


I rented a Skype telephone number so that I didn't have to bother my clients with new number changes as I traveled. I actually had the same fixed phone number for the last few years that forwards any calls to whatever mobile number that I happen to have at the time.


Emails require immediate responses, so when I don't have work on some particular day I can still leave the house but I have my iPhone push new emails to me and notify me of them. There have been some time-zone issues, but I've found work-arounds and have comfortably traveled with this job.


英文来源:Fluent in 3 Months 网站



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