
收藏 | 备考CATTI:口译常用词汇集锦

2016-02-23 译·世界


政治体制改革 political reconstruction

直接“三通” the three direct links (namely, direct mail, transportation and trade links)

政府机构改革 institutional reform of the government

依法行政 law-based administration

中国经济的基本面 fundamentals of the Chinese economy

两岸关系 cross-Strait relations

良性互动 sound interaction

国际经济走势 latest trends and developments in world economy

股市震荡 major fluctuations in stock markets

安定团结的政治局面 political stability and utility

货币信贷投放过多 excess money and credit supply

一线希望 one gleam of hope

包容 receptive and inclusive

多变主义 multilateralism

保持平稳较快发展 ensure fast yet steady development

西部大开发战略 west development strategy

维护每一个的合法权益 protect the lawful rights and interests of all

着眼大局,立足长远 bear in mind the larger picture and take a long-term perspective

要有突破 make breakthroughs

千年发展目标 Millennium Development Goals

外贸顺差过大 large trade surplus

天职 bound duty

以互信求全安全,以互利求合作 security through mutual trust and cooperation through mutual benefit

加强社会主义精神文明建设 promote socialist cultural and ethical standards

协调发展 coordinated development

盛大的阅兵式 grand military review

海外媒体 overseas media

元老 founding father

从紧的货币政策 tight monetary policy

鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已 exert all one’s efforts and contribute all his best to the county till the last minute of his life

剽窃 commit plagiarism

全面建设小康社会 build a well-off society in an all-round way

国情 national conditions

世界风云变幻 highly volatile international situation

战略协作伙伴关系 strategic cooperation and partnership

现代企业制度 modern corporate system

改革创新 carry out reform and innovation

重中之重 priority among priorities

解放思想 free our minds

金融资产管理公司 asset-management company

依法治国 run the country in accordance with the law

在一个中国的原则基础上 on the basis of the “One China” principle

大规模杀伤性武器 weapons of mass destruction

抑制通货膨胀 curb inflation

勇气、决心和献身精神 courage, resolve and a spirit of dedication

取得积极成果 achieve positive results

加强合作、互利共赢 step up cooperation and seek mutual benefit and win-win outcome

把奥运会政治化 politicize the Olympic Games

把眼睛盯住前方,把握现在,思考未来 look ahead, and think about both the present and the future

固定资产投资增长过快 excessive investment in fixed assets

思想体系 system of thought

市场供求 market supply and demand

降息 lower interest rate

经济体制改革和政治体制改革 reform of political and economic systems

权衡利弊 weigh up costs and benefits

税费改革 tax-for-free reform

政治献金 political contrition

秉承奥运会的宗旨 uphold the principle of the Olympics

民间资本 funds from the social sectors

不是结盟就是对抗 either alliance or confrontation

“睦邻友好合作条约” The Treaty of Good-neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation

表达和国际社会加强合作的强烈愿望 express strong desire to strengthen cooperation with the international community

三个代表 “Three Represents”

改善民生 improve people’s welfare

实现人民当家作主 ensure the people’s role as masters of the country

全世界人民的盛世 great event for people all over the world

畅所欲言 fully express one’s opinion

睦邻友好关系 good-neighborly and friendly

人民币汇率形成机制的改革 reform of the RMB exchange rate system

粮食购销体制改革 grain distribution system reform

反腐工作 anti-corruption campaign

浮动汇率 floating exchange rate

优惠政策 preferential policies

诚信 credibility and integrity

新闻发布会 press conference

采取十分克制的态度 exercise great restraint

冰雪灾害 disaster of sleet and snowstorms

国债 treasury bonds

经济全球化 economic globalization

上海合作组织 Shanghai Cooperation Organization

稳健的财政政策 prudent fiscal policy

物价过快上涨和通货膨胀的压力 excessive price rises and inflationary pressure

补充提一个问题 ask a follow-up question

清正廉洁高效的政府 clean, honest, diligent and efficient government

达到不可告人的目的 achieve the hidden agenda

美元贬值 devaluation of the US dollar

主动帮助 take the initiative to help

不良资产 non-performing loans

社会公平正义 social equity and justice

及时采取相应的政策调整 make prompt and proactive policy adjustments

吃财政饭 on the government’s payroll

反对“台独” against “Taiwan independence”

最新事态 latest development

一个具有精神文明和道德力量的国家 a country of cultural and moral strength

举世公认 universally recognized

立誓言 make a pledge

发挥优势 draw on strengths

精简机构 downsize the institutions

严格、切实地遵守联合国的有关决议 strictly and effectively abide by the relevant UN resolutions 




