

迪拜陪诊就医 丫宝和女王 2022-05-27

迪拜,2022 年 5 月 21 日(WAM)- 迪拜将在下个月举办中东首个专注于数字技术驱动的精准医学 (PM) 领域的专门展览和峰会。

来自亚洲、中东、欧洲和美国的 70 多位国际专家、思想领袖和医学先驱将就将医疗保健从“一刀切”转变为有针对性、个性化的新方法提供深刻见解方法。

在容忍与共存部长兼阿联酋遗传病协会主席 Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan 的赞助下,新推出的精准医学展览和峰会将于 5 月 24 日至 25 日在康拉德酒店举行,医疗保健专业人士聚集于此为了学习最新的 PM 技术和创新,有抱负的健康科技初创公司将在共同举办的 Emerge GHI 突破性活动中向一组投资者寻求资金。

新活动的发布正值全球数据和洞察公司 Netscribes 预测中东和非洲精准医疗市场到 2023 年将以 9.96% 的复合年增长率扩大至 25.1 亿美元的收入。

“精准医疗与一般医疗保健环境的整合让患有遗传疾病的患者非常乐观。在数字化和快速增长的知识库的推动下,个性化医疗无疑正在使医疗保健生态系统变得更好,这些知识库正在重新定义我们如何看待非常致命疾病的起源和发展的本质。精准医学将帮助我们更好地了解遗传学的作用,为每个人提供量身定制的健康管理解决方案,从长远来看,不仅可以减轻遗传疾病的负担,还可以减轻其他罕见疾病的负担, ”阿联酋遗传病协会创始人兼主席 Maryam Matar 博士说。

活动总监 David Stradling 表示:“GCC 医疗保健提供商已经进入 PM 领域,预计到 2026 年,该领域将每年增长 11%,全球价值 1420 亿美元,迪拜的穆罕默德·本·拉希德医学与健康科学大学(MBRU) 和沙特阿拉伯费萨尔国王专科医院和研究中心已经建立了生物医学和基因组学研究中心以及其他预计将效仿的机构。在精准医学峰会上,医疗保健提供者、学术科学家和行业专家将有一个独特的重点分享知识,讨论挑战和机遇。”

迪拜卫生局迪拜医疗保健公司首席执行官 Younis Kazim 博士在活动开始前表示:“通过使用人工智能和机器学习等技术发展,精准医疗使医生和研究人员能够准确预测哪种治疗方法某种疾病的预防方法将适用于哪些患者群体。除了有助于促进阿联酋的整体医疗保健技术发展外,我们乐观地认为,该事件将对我们治疗疾病的方式产生重大影响——最终导致更好、以及更具成本效益的个性化治疗方案。”

与精准医学展览和峰会同时举办的是开创性的 EMERGE GHI 投资论坛,这将成为创新的温床,有抱负的健康科技初创公司将与潜在投资者互动。在 Emerge 峰会之前发言的是 GluCare.Health,这是世界上第一个完全垂直整合的数字治疗 + 提供商平台,采用持续的个人健康数据监控。

“Emerge 投资论坛是展示我们的专业知识、先进解决方案和非凡成果的完美跳板,”GluCare.Health 的联合创始人兼董事长 Ali Hashemi 说。


Dubai to host Middle East’s first Precision Medicine Exhibition & Summit

DUBAI, 21st May, 2022 (WAM) -- Dubai will next month host the Middle East’s first dedicated exhibition and Summit devoted to the digital technology driven precision medicine (PM) field. Over 70 international experts, thought leaders and medical pioneers from Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and the USA, are due to deliver incisive insights into the new methodology which is moving healthcare from a ‘one size fits all’ to a targeted, personalised, approach.
The newly launched Precision Medicine Exhibition & Summit, held under the patronage of Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Tolerance and Coexistence and President of UAE Genetic Diseases Association, will run at the Conrad Hotel from 24th – 25th May, where healthcare professionals gather to learn the latest PM techniques and innovations, aspiring health tech startups will be pitching for funding to a panel of investors at the co-located Emerge GHI breakthrough event.
The new event launches come as global data and insights firm Netscribes projects the Middle East and Africa precision medicine market to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 9.96 percent to a revenue worth of US$2.51 billion by 2023.
"The integration of precision medicine into general healthcare settings gives patients with genetic disorders a lot of optimism. Personalised medicine is certainly transforming the healthcare ecosystem for the better, driven by digitalisation and a rapidly rising corpus of knowledge that is redefining how we perceive the very nature of the origins and development of fatal diseases. Precision medicine will help us better understand the role of genetics, provide  tailor-made health management solution for each individual and reduce the burden of not only genetic disorders but other rare diseases in long-run," said Dr. Maryam Matar, Founder and Chairperson, UAE Genetic Diseases Association.
David Stradling, Event Director, said, "GCC healthcare providers have already moved into the PM field, which is expected to grow by 11 percent annually to 2026 to be worth US$142 billion globally, with Dubai’s Mohammed Bin Rashid University of Medicine and Health Sciences (MBRU) and the King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre in Saudi Arabia having established biomedical and genomics research centres and others expected to follow. At the Precision Medicine Summit, healthcare providers, academic scientists and industry experts will have a uniquely focused opportunity to share knowledge, discuss challenges and opportunities."
Speaking ahead of the event, Dr. Younis Kazim, CEO of Dubai Healthcare Corporation at the Dubai Health Authority, said, "With the use of technological developments such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, precision medicine allows doctors and researchers to accurately predict which treatment and prevention methods for a certain disease will work in which groups of patients. As well as helping to bolster the UAE's overall healthcare technology development, we are optimistic that the event will have a significant impact on how we treat diseases - ultimately leading to better, and more cost-effective, personalised treatment programmes."
Co-located alongside the Precision Medicine Exhibition and Summit is the ground-breaking EMERGE GHI investment forum, which will be a hotbed of innovation where aspiring Health Tech startups will interact with potential investors. Speaking ahead of the Emerge summit is GluCare.Health, the world’s first fully vertically integrated digital therapeutics + provider platform to employ continuous personal health data monitoring.



