

Photronics CINNO 2018-08-05

今天(1月30日)上午,Photronics集团于合肥高新区举行合肥丰创光罩 (PMCH) 有限公司十代光罩厂动土典礼。


合肥丰创光罩 (PMCH) 有限公司十代光罩厂概况:

•           最新24,000平方米的厂房面积,用于生产世界上最高阶的G10.5以上的显示器光罩

•           投资达1.6亿美元(10亿人民币)以上, 位于中国安徽省合肥国家高新技术产业开发区

•           Photronics在光罩的先进技术和制造能力, 以及在获得客户支持等方面的早期投入和优势建立, 将有助于中国显示器制造商在全球取得成功

•           结合之前在中国厦门投资1.6亿美元(10亿人民币) 的IC光罩厂投资,Photronics将自己定位为中国最大的光罩供货商,拥有最先进的技术和能力

•       New, 24,000 square meters facility designed to produce world’s most advanced display photomasks up to G10.5+

•       $160 million investment in Hefei State High-tech Industry Development Zone in Anhui province of China

•       Photronics early commitment and strengths in advanced technology, manufacturing and customer support will help drive the global success of Chinese display manufacturers

•       Combined with its previously announced $160million IC photomask investment in Xiamen, China, Photronics is positioning itself to become the country’s largest photomask supplier, with the most advanced technologies and capacity.


Photronics, Inc., a worldwide leader in supplying innovative imaging technology solutions for the global electronics industry, held a ground breaking ceremony on January 30, 2018, for its new flat panel display (FPD) facility inChina. This will be the company’s first FPD facility in China and the third globally, complementing already leading capability already existing from at its FPD facilities in Korea and Taiwan.

新工厂合肥丰有限公司(PMCH,位于中安徽省合肥家高新技术产业开发区, 规划中的先进设面积将达2.4万平方米,拥有近6,000平方米的ISO 1洁净室。所有设备均已下单制造,其中包括MycronicABPrexision-10光刻机和一Prexision-MMS量系,能制作最高面板,可10.5以上(如G8G8.5G8.6)。也面向多晶硅(LTPS以及有机光二管(AMOLED)高端示器光罩。

The planned state-of-the-art facility, called Photronics Mask Corporation Hefei (PMCH) in the Hefei State High-tech Industry Development Zone in the Anhui province of China, will be approximately 24,000 square meters,including nearly 6,000 square meters of ISO 1 cleanroom. Orders have been placed for all tools, including two Prexision-10 mask writers and one Prexision-MMS measuring system from Mycronic AB, capable of making the mostadvanced display photomasks up to Generation 10.5+ (e.g., G8, G8.5, and G8.6).In addition, the facility will be able to produce low-temperature polycrystalline silicon (LTPS) and active-matrix organic light emitting diode(AMOLED) high-end display masks.

首席执行官彼得•科林(PeterKirlin)表示:“我们致力于成为中国领先的显示器光罩供货商,并且已经证明有能力由韩国和台湾的工厂为显示器制造商提供先进的光罩。在过去的几年中,我们在中国扩大了FPD光罩业务,事实上,在2017年第四季度,中国占FPD收入的26%,我们预计在完成我们的新工厂并开始生产G10.5+光罩之后,中国的占比将再大幅提高. 对于高新区的领导和员工在合作中的支持,我们真诚地感谢,我们的团队正在努力完成这个工程及设备项目, 让我们可以尽速开始在地化生产, 为我们的客户服务。“

"We are wholly committed to becoming the leading display photomask supplier in China,” said Peter Kirlin, chief executive officer. “Our provenability to provide leading edge photomasks to display manufacturers from our facilities in Korea and Taiwan is now being brought to China. Over the last several years, we have been growing our FPD business in China. In fact, duringour fiscal fourth quarter of 2017, China represented 26% of our FPD revenue. We expect this to grow when we complete our site and begin to produce G10.5+ masksin Hefei. I wish to express my sincere appreciation to the High-tech Zone leadership and staff for supporting us along our journey to reach this day. Our team is working very hard to complete the construction and tool installation of this facility so we can begin to serve our customers with masks manufactured in this country.”

Photronics估计,未来六年,中国的光罩需求将以17%的年均复合成长率增长,同期G10.5 +的光罩需求年复合增长率超过62%。随着新的面板制造厂加上现有的客户承诺,Photronics计划在中国显示光罩市场持续拥有领导地位。

Over the next six years, Photronics estimates that display photomask demand in China will grow at a 17% CAGR, with G10.5+ mask demand growing over 62% CAGR over the same period. With the new manufacturing facility plusexisting customer commitments, Photronics plans to continue its market leadershipfor display photomasks in China

厦门 IC光罩厂


In addition to the facility in Hefei to serve the FPD market,Photronics is also constructing a new facility in Xiamen, China to serve the IC market. This investment, which was announced in August of 2016, will also be $160 million. Technology will include mainstream, high-end memory, and high-endlogic, including 28 and 14 nm. Production is scheduled to begin in 2019.

Kirlin继续说:“中国对我们来说非常重要,正如我们在过去18个月里宣布的这两个投资协议所能表明。“两家工厂在2019年进入量产之后,我们预计将成为中国最大的商用光罩制造商。通过在合肥和厦门的投资, 发展我们在国内高科技电子零件的生产基地, 对于未来以及我们的投入, 我们感到无比兴奋。如同大多数专家所预计, 中国市场将继续高速发展,我们也将继续投资于创新技术和制造设备,以保持我们首选光罩商的地位。“

“China is a very important country for us, as demonstrated by the two investment agreements we have announced over the last 18 months,” continued Kirlin. “Once both facilities ramp in 2019, we expect to be the largest merchant mask maker in China by a wide margin. We are very excited about the future and our participation in expanding the manufacturing base of high-tech components inthe country through the investments in Hefei and Xiamen. Assuming the markets continue to develop in China as most observers anticipate, we will continue to invest in innovative technology and manufacturing infrastructure as required tomaintain our position as the photomask supplier of choice.”


总部位于康涅狄格州布鲁克菲尔德的Photronics公司是全球领先的光罩制造商。光罩是含有电子电路精密图形的高精度石英板。作为制造半导体和平板显示器中的关键模具,光罩的用途在于将电路图案转移到半导体芯片和平板显示器基板上, 以制造集成电路,各种平板显示器, 以及其他类型的电子和光学组件。光罩是依据客户的产品设计来制作, 在亚洲,欧洲和北美有战略性生产基地。

