

365天陪你学 英语口语 2024-05-18







A young boy is playing with a ball in the street. He kicks it too hard, and it breaks the window of a house and falls inside.


A lady comes to the window with the ball and shouts at the young boy. So the young boy runs away, but he still wants his ball back.


A few minutes later he returns and knocks at the door of the house. When the lady answers it, he says, “My father’s going to come and fix your window very soon.”


After a few more minutes, a man comes to the door with tools in his hand. So the lady lets the boy take his ball away.


When the man finished fixing the window, he says to the lady, “That will cost you ten dollars.”


“But aren’t you the father of that young boy?” the woman asks.


“Of course not,” He answers, “Aren’t you his mother?”



The Browns are the Smiths’ neighbours. Mr Brown’s name is John, but when his neighbours talk about him, they call him “Mr Going-to-do”.


Do you know why? Mr Brown always says he is going to do something, but he never does it.


Every Saturday Mr Brown goes to the Smiths’ back door and talks to Mr Smith. He always says he is going to do something.


“I’m going to clean my house today,” he says, or “I’m going to wash my car tomorrow,” or “These trees in front of my house are too big. I’m going to cut them down next week.”


But Mr Smith knows his neighbour isn’t going to do those things.


Mr Smith often says to his only child Dick, “Are you going to do something? Then do it. Don’t be another ‘Mr Going-to-do’.”



Mike is a small boy, and he hates soap and water.迈克是一个小男孩,他特别讨厌肥皂和水。Three or four times every day his mother says to him, “Mike, your hands are very dirty again. Go and wash them.” 妈妈每天都会三至四次的说他:“迈克,你的手又脏了,去洗洗吧。”But Mike never really washes them well. He only puts his hands in the water for a few seconds and then takes them out.但是迈克从来没有好好洗过。他只把他的手放在水里几秒钟,然后把它们拿出来。Mike’s uncle and aunt live in another city. One day they come to stay with Mike’s parents, and they bring their small son, Ted, with them.迈克的叔叔和婶婶住在另一个城市。有一天,他们带着他们的小儿子泰德来和迈克的父母住在一起。Ted is a year younger than Mike, and he doesn’t like soap and water, either.泰德比迈克小一岁,他也不喜欢肥皂和水。The boys sit with their parents for a few minutes, but then they go outside.男孩们和他们的父母坐了几分钟,然后他们出去了。When they are alone, Mike looks at Ted’s hands and then says proudly,当他们独处时,迈克看着泰德的手,然后骄傲地说,“My hands are dirtier than yours!”“我的手比你的脏!”“Of course they are,” Ted answers angrily, “You are a year older than I am.”“当然了,”泰德生气的回答,“你比我大一岁。”

It is Christmas, and there is a big party in the house. Guests come and go, but the party goes on.今天是圣诞节,家里举办了一个大型派对。宾客来来去去,但是派对一直在持续中。Then the bell rings. Several people shout, “Come in!” And a small man opens the front door and comes in.然后门铃响了。几个人喊道:“请进!”然后一个小个子男人打开门走了进来。Nobody knows him but the host goes to meet him and takes him to have a drink.没有人认识他,但是主人上前迎接了他并带他去喝一杯。The man sits there for an hour and drinks happily. Then suddenly he stops and looks at his host.那个人坐在那里一个小时,高兴地喝着酒。然后他突然停下来,看着他的主人。“You know,” he says, “Nobody invites me to this party. I don’t know you. I don’t know your wife and I don’t know any of your guests. My wife and I want to go out in our car, but one of your guests’ car is in front of our gate, so I come here to find him and my wife is waiting in our car for me to come back!”“你知道,”他说,“没有人邀请我参加这个聚会。我不认识你。我不认识你的妻子,也不认识你的客人。我妻子和我想开车出去,但你的一位客人的车就在我们的门前,所以我来找他,我妻子在我们的车里等着我回去!”
Mike’s father is ill. His mother must look after him at home. So she says to her son, “Go to the hospital, and ask a doctor to come here, Mike.”迈克的爸爸生病了。她的妈妈必须在家照顾他。所以他对儿子说,“去医院把医生请到家里,迈克。”“OK,” says the boy, “But where is the hospital?”“好的,”男孩说,“但是医院在哪里?”“In the town,” answers his mother.“在镇上,”妈妈回答道。Then Mike leaves his house. He gets to a fork. He doesn’t know if he must turn to the left or right. He stands there. Just then a farmer drives a car comes.然后迈克离开了家。他到了一个分叉口,不知道该向左拐还是向右拐。他站在那里。就在这时,一个农民开了一辆车过来。“How far is the town from here?” asks Mike.“城镇离这儿多远?”迈克问。“Two kilometers,” answers the farmer.“两公里,”农夫回答。“May I go with you?”“我能跟你一起走吗?”“Certainly.” “当然。”“Thank you very much,” Mike is happy and gets in the car.“非常感谢,”迈克高兴地上了车。Half an hour later the car doesn’t get to the town.半个小时之后,车没有到达城镇。“How far is the town from here?” Mike asks again.“离城镇还有多远?”迈克又问。“Four kilometers,” says the farmer.“四公里,”农夫回答。“Why is the town farther now?”“为什么现在城镇离的更远了?”“The car is going in the opposite direction.”“车是朝着反方向开的。”
Spring is the best season of the year. It lasts from March to May. The days get longer, the nights get shorter, and the weather gets warmer.春天是一年中最好的季节,从三月一直持续到五月。白天变得更长,夜晚变得更短,天气也变得更暖和。Everything begins to grow. Grass and trees begin to turn green. Flowers begin to come out. Children begin to fly kites outdoors.万物开始生长。草和树开始变绿,花也开了,孩子们在户外放起了风筝。Summer comes after spring. It is the hottest season in the year. It lasts from June to August. People try to find a cool place then.夏天紧随其后,是一年中最热的季节,从六月一直持续到八月。每到这个时候,人们都会找一个凉快的地方。They always go swimming in pools, lakes and rivers.他们通常会在水池,湖泊和河里游泳。Autumn is the harvest season. It gets cool. Farmers begin to gather in food. They are busy from September to November.秋天是丰收的季节。天气开始变凉。农民们开始收集粮食。从九月到十一月他们都非常忙。The coldest season of the year is winter. It’s from about December to February. The days are short and the nights are long.一年中最冷的季节是冬天,大概从十二月到二月,昼短夜长。It snows sometimes and that makes children happy. They make a snowman and dance round it. They go skating as well.有时会下雪,这会让孩子们非常开心。他们对一个雪人,并绕着它跳舞,他们也会去滑雪。


Tom’s father is a coward and not an honest man. He often tells lies and also wants his son to do so.


One day Tom and Mike see a man beat a boy. A policeman catches the man and brings him before a judge.


Tom and Mike have to go, too, to tell the judge what happens. Before Tom leaves home, his father says to him,


“Be careful, son, tell the judge you saw nothing. Remember we have to live in this village with that man.”


But Tom is brave and honest. He doesn’t obey his father. He tells the judge the truth.


Tom’s father is a coward and not an honest man. He often tells lies and also wants his son to do so.


One day Tom and Mike see a man beat a boy. A policeman catches the man and brings him before a judge.


Tom and Mike have to go, too, to tell the judge what happens. Before Tom leaves home, his father says to him,


“Be careful, son, tell the judge you saw nothing. Remember we have to live in this village with that man.”


But Tom is brave and honest. He doesn’t obey his father. He tells the judge the truth.



There is one common language in every country in the world.


All the people, old and young, men and women, must use it. It’s everybody’s second language. It’s easy to understand, although you don’t hear it. It’s sign language.


When you wave to friend, you are using sign language.
When you smile at someone, you mean to be friendly.
When you raise your hand in class, you are saying, “Please ask me. I know the answer.”
When you put one finger in front of your mouth, you mean “quiet”.
The deaf use sign language to talk with each other. There is even a university for the deaf in the United States.
There are also TV programs for deaf people. They use sign language to tell everything.
There is a poor man in a small village. He has an orange tree in his garden. On the tree there are many fine oranges.
One day he finds one of his oranges is much bigger than the others. It is as big as a football. Nobody has ever seen such a big orange.
The poor man takes the orange to the king. The king is so pleased that he gives the man a lot of money for it.
When a rich man hears of it, he says to himself, “It’s only an orange. Why does the king give so much money for it? I’ll take my gold cup to the king. I’m sure he’ll give me more money.”
The next day when the king receives the gold cup, he says to the rich man, “What a beautiful cup! I’ll show you something wonderful. Please take this great orange.”


Jim is very hungry. He is walking down the street when he sees a restaurant. He doesn’t have any money, but he goes into the restaurant and sits down at a table. He orders some soup.
After a while, Jim cries, “Waiter!” The waiter comes up to him, “There’s a fly in the soup.” He points to a speck in the soup.
“It’s impossible.” says the waiter. “It’s black pepper!”
“No,” Jim says, “The little black speck with wings is a fly.”
The other people in the restaurant come over. The manager hears the voice and comes up to the table.
“I find a fly in the soup.”
“It’s impossible,” the manager says.
“Look,” Jim shows him the fly with the spoon.
“Well, I’m very sorry, sir. Waiter, bring this gentleman a steak dinner and wine.” So the waiter brings him a good dinner.  
At that moment, a box falls from Jim’s pocket. The manger picks it up and opens it. What’s in it? A box of flies.
就在那时,一个盒子从吉姆的口袋里掉了出来。经理把它捡起来打开。这是什么?一盒苍蝇。He is very angry. He turns to Jim, “You are a big fool. Get out of my restaurant at once!”他非常生气。他转向吉姆,“你是个大骗子。马上离开我的餐厅!”






编辑 | Ada







