
济南山东第一医科大学医学博物馆 / 天津大学设计总院·顾志宏工作室

点击关注 → ABBS 2023-03-13



 不敢猜测生命的本质 唯有感受生命之美 

Dare not guess the essence of life, but feel the beauty of life


Medical Museum of Shandong First Medical University Jinan Campus is located in the south campus of Shandong First Medical University, with a construction area of 5000 square meters, including Life Science Exhibition Hall, School History Hall, Honor Hall, Medicine Exhibition Hall and so on.





The design of Medical Museum of Shandong First Medical University takes Life as its theme. Life is awe-inspiring and magical, which make us dare not to guess the nature of life. So we can only try to express our understanding and comprehension of life from the perspective of Oriental Culture. Design try to understand the beauty of life, convey the meaning of life, tell the wisdom of life, and feel the power of life through an abstract space form.




The Medical Museum of Shandong First Medical University presents a simple, quiet, introverted and dynamic architectural intention. It welcomes people to enter and feel the wonder of life. The ups and downs and spiraling layers bring a rich sense of space. At the same time, this upward state seems to convey the positive attitude of life and tell the power of life. At the same time, the curved architectural posture presents a soft and beautiful spatial form, combined with the spiral upward building facade. We hope to convey the softness and firmness, stillness and movement, contradiction and harmony of life.



水面由建筑主体部分蜿蜒流出, 犹如生命静静地流淌,为来访者营造一个驻足停留、放松冥想的公共休憩空间。建筑与水景结合,将一股轻盈的流动感与鲜活的生命力注入建筑空间。生命如此简单,如此纯洁,在这幅静谧的画面里,又似乎有一股源源的生命力量正在无声地生长。在这里,静谧内敛的空间成为视觉焦点和精神所在,用建筑空间表达生命的诗意,人们在这里休憩、漫步、交流,怡然自得。

The water flows out from the main part of the building, like the quiet flow of life, creating a public rest space for visitors to stay, relax and meditate. The combination of architecture and waterscape infuses the architectural space with a lightsome sense of flow and fresh vitality. Life is so simple and so pure. In this quiet picture, it seems that there is a steady stream of life force is growing silently. Here, the quiet and introverted space becomes the visual focus and spiritual place, and expresses the poetry of life with the architectural space, where people rest, stroll, communicate and enjoy themselves.




Hundred people have hundred understanding of life, only the beauty of life and the wonder of life will touch everyone from time to time. Through the experience of the internal and external space of the building, simply expressing the beauty of life is the interpretation of life by the Medical Museum of Shandong first Medical University.











△C01 一层平面图

△C02 二层平面图

△C03 1-1剖面图

项目名称: 山东第一医科大学医学博物馆建筑事务所/公司/机构/单位: 天津大学设计总院·顾志宏工作室事务所/公司/机构/单位网站: https://www.aatu.com.cn/联络邮箱: architect_ljr@126.com公司所在地:天津市南开区鞍山西道192号天大设计总院806项目设计时间: 2018.06工程竣工时间: 2022年建筑面积:5000平方米项目地址:山东省济南市山东第一医科大学
主创建筑师: 顾志宏主创建筑师邮箱: gu13803000703@126.com摄影师:  魏刚方案设计团队: 顾志宏、边哲、刘家瑞、梁维佳、刘峻松、王珣等委托方:山东第一医科大学合作方:中建八局第二建设有限公司设计研究院施工图设计团队:王磊、王大卫、韩海龙 等施工方: 中建八局第二建设有限公司


基准方中有岗位:建筑师 Perkins&Will有岗位:中高级室内设计师CROX阔合有岗位:建筑师、室内设计师

