
05.19 周五 • 欢迎加入Elastic people的弹力舞池!

BBB BAR 酒吧 2023-07-09

Elastic People 是一个热爱律动的团体,秉持好音乐的杂食主义,旨在向舞池传递积极,明亮,开心,有互动感的House能量。

欢迎加入Elastic people的弹力舞池!









DJ BLUE以蓝色为载体,捕捉趣味性和无限性,具有高明亮度和饱和度,她喜欢以“玩”的方式去分享她从四面八方收集来的灵感,把不一样的元素通过mixing深入浅出,游离在黑与白之间。她对DJ的哲学不仅仅是放跳舞音乐,所以她建立了网络电台《Blue Night Flight》,以卧室DJ的身份分享更多适合聆听的电子音乐,电台超70万的播放量深受听众喜爱. 2015开始音乐制作,作品是她艺术思想和阶段性个人品味的表达,这是一种感觉,不用解释,无论风格。


DJBLUE is resident DJ at TAG Club, Her style can be described as organic combination of jazz, psychedelic, classical and experimental electronic influences are interspersed within selections of minimal, her music expressing visions of human evo-  lution and creativity through a matrix of adventurous sound, she likes to share her inspiration collected from everything around her in the way of “play” ,her sets will always show the door you just gotta walk through it So what's it gonna be?the red pill or DJ-BLUE tonight?!


Nigls,出生于澳门的葡萄牙音乐人,迄今已有10余年电子音乐场景经验。2012年他移居北京,从那时起就成为北京地下电子音乐的中心力量。他的音乐旅程发迹于北京京地下电子音乐重要根据地 Lantern Club灯笼俱乐部的邀约,在这里找到了属于自己的音乐发展之路,通过探索不同电子音乐领域,带领着众多电子音乐爱好者创造了无数美好的夜晚。时至今日,Nigls仍活跃在电子音乐底下舞台及锐舞派对,狂热的舞池经历让他能够很好的理电子音乐美学,并将其融入于自己的DJ set。他喜欢将不同的音乐风格融合并延伸,让这些音符迸发碰撞出无限可能性。拥有强大的House和Techno基础, Nigls喜欢探索宏大的音景和它们的变体:Dub, Minimal, Acid, Electro, Breakbeat。2018年,他创立了FORMA系列。活动厂牌专注于House和Techno音乐的极简主义边缘,同时探索声音和艺术之间的共生关系。进入2022年,Nigls联合创办了BLINK,一个社区节日活动,旨在通过自然、音乐和艺术的形式逃离快节奏的城市生活。

Originating from Macau, Portuguese artist Nigls has been blending tracks for over a decade. Relocating to Beijing in 2012, he established himself as a local figure in the underground electronic music scene. By becoming a mainstay in the line-ups of the acclaimed underground institution - Lantern Club, he found the space to go deeper in refining his taste by exploring diverse electronic music territories and implementing it on the dancefloor. 

Nigls likes a playful blend of styles and approaches the mix with this perception, stretching between genres in longer sets, while time is key to creating a journey with diverse landscapes. As an avid dancefloor frontliner, it allowed him to have a wide understanding of its aesthetics, interiorizing those experiences to reflect them on his own DJ sets. With strong House and Techno foundations, Nigls likes to explore vast soundscapes and their variants: Deep, Dub, Minimal, Acid, Electro, Breakbeat.


北京曾经的地下电子乐地标 ECHO INC. 唱片店的老板、ByeByeDisco 厂牌驻场 Kai.F,是当下本土场景中为数不多的真正的唱片骑师。植根于对唱片历史和厂牌的丰厚知识与理解,Kai.F 发展出自己的 DJ 风格,独树一帜的选曲与编排在持久绵延 Minimal Groove 浓厚底色中,潜伏着 Dub Techno 的稳健暗涌,不时浮现 Soulful House 的温热色彩。

Kai.f has spent much of his time doing what a lot of music lovers surely envy him for: digging through crates and crates of vinyl records. Founder of ECHO INC. - one of the very few vinyl stores managing to sell dance music records in a country where few people cherish vinyl let alone play it in clubs, Kai.f is as singular a figure in China’s dance music scene as he is important to dance music vinyl records in China. As a DJ, Kai.f feels comfortable breaking genre boundaries and incorporates Techno, House and Minimal into his sets as eclectic as the many records he has on sale.

