
07.21 周五 • 避繁从简 Special Guest: E.T.H (意大利 Italy)

CHAO BBB BAR 酒吧 2023-08-27



Special Gust 



Random Voices

Shen Yue


Special Gust

Riccardo Pazzaglia aka E.T.H (Italy) is a DJ and producer based in Siena. At age 14, he became addicted to a new wave of minimal infused house that was started to gain popularity in the South-Eastern regions of Europe. 

After spending years crafting his music taste and production skills the young artist started to gain recognition in Italy playing at almost every club in the country.

His energy behind the decks and the quality of his productions gave him enough exposure to be booked in some of the major European cities such as Ibiza, Barcelona, Madrid, Vienna, Athens, Riga, Vilnius and more.

E.T.H (Italy) 🇮🇹

As his career began take off, Riccardo started to find opportunities overseas, getting to play gigs in USA, Mexico, Panama, Ecuador , Colombia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kenya, Thailand, China and more.

At the age of 27 years old he has played in fifth continents and it doesn’t seem like he’ll be stopping anytime soon.

Receiving support from Jamie Jones, The Martinez Brothers, Cloonee, Mochakk, Classmatic, ANOTR, wAFF, Enzo Siragusa, Luca Donzelli, Dimmish, Hector Couto, Mason Collective, Varhat, Janeret, Rossko and many others.

He also had the pleasure to play with: Adam Beyer, Nic Fanciulli, Carlo Lio, Ryan Crosson, Floog, Quest, Djulz, The Real Gang Soundsystem, Jean Bressan, Miller & Nicolau, Dimmish, Luca Donzelli and more…




对于DJ,现场张力和情绪的平衡就是理性与感性的平衡,这个平衡很难把握,而一直追崇minimal风格音乐的Random Voices很好的做到了这一点。

2007年9月Random Voices与其他几位心有戚戚的好友共同组建了中国电音厂牌Acupuncture Records(针刺疗法)致力发展本土电子音乐市场。

2016年,Random Voices开始十城寻游,用声音和影像为每座城市制造电气巴比伦。Random Voices以分享与记录声音为根源,寻找和发现每座城市里自然、情感真实、放松的声音,并与他们一同设计和制作属于各个城市的声像,留下所有不经意却无法复刻的记忆。


1998年组建的 A Boys 是沈岳⾳乐⽣涯的开始,⽆聊军队的录制发⾏,使他成为当时朋克⾳乐浪潮中的要⼀员。乐队⽣涯不仅带给他丰富的舞台经验,也让他接触并融⼊到当时的俱乐部派对 ⽂化之中。对于电⼦⾳乐的逐渐喜爱,让他开始不安于直⽩的⾳乐表达,也为他后来转型DJ奠定了坚实的⾳乐基础。2006年开始DJ⽣涯⾄今,他⼀直活跃于国内的电⼦俱乐部和各 ⼤⾳乐节的电⼦舞台,早年的乐队经历为他带来更加丰富的⾳乐视角,并让他坚信DJ更应是独有审美的坚定传播者,这也帮助 他完成了从早期参与者到现今推动者的⻆⾊转变。对热衷于4/4拍电⼦舞曲的他来说,DJ现场的魅⼒远不⽌于强⼒ ⿎点加甜美旋律带来的感官刺激。线条状⻓时间的沉浸感,微波律动中丰富的细节变化,解构式的⾳乐表达,多样元素的完美融 合,看似简单背后的持续可探索性,⼀直构筑着他独有的⾳乐语 ⾔,也是推动他在不断更新过程中构⾃我的强⼤动⼒。。

The forming of the rock band ‘A Boys’ in 1998 marked the beginning of Shen Yue's musical career, the recording, and distribution of the rock album Wuliao Contingent made him a key figure in the punk scene at the time. Being a rock musician gave him dynamic experience on stage, and had also exposed him to the clubbing culture. As Shen Yue became fonder of electronic music, and as he wished to expand further beyond blatant musical expressions, the thought of becoming a DJ  became deeper ingrained in his mind. 

Since 2006 when he first began as a DJ, Shen Yue has been active in the major clubs and music festivals across China, his experience as a rock musician had broadened his musical vision, and it had become clear to him that a DJ needs to be a  dedicated promotor of unique aesthetics in music, this had set the way for his transformation from just being a DJ to his multi-layered presence in China’s electronic music scene today.  As an advocator of 4/4 beat electronic dance music, Shen Yue believes that the energy in the dance floor does not stop at the sensory stimulation brought on by thumping percussion and catchy melodies, far from it. Prolonged linear immersion,  intricate changes in obscure soundwaves, deconstructive expressions of music, integration of multiple elements, and the complexity of sustainability behind the seemingly simple, continue to form his musical expressions, they are also key motivations for a constant re-construction within his progression.



