08.05 周六 • Zarah in the club
“中国地下电音坚守者”— DJ HUANG WEIWEI!他低调的行事风格,与超高质量的跳舞音乐现场形成鲜明反差;更多旋律化(melodic)及蕴藏深邃旅程感的DJ SET始终释放出巨大的能量,轻易便使人沉迷其中;专注的从业态度与文化传道者的敬业精神,更使得HUANG WEI WEI成为时下众多俱乐部/音乐节竞相邀约的顶尖跳舞音乐艺术家。
他先锋时尚的音乐理念不断推动着中国的DJ文化,参与策划过无数受人关注的主题活动,创造出最具奇妙的体验电子乐物语,释放音乐的强大力量;HUANG WEI WEI以他独特的审美格调和充满激情的现场表达始终活跃在中国电子乐第一线,传播中国电音文化。
Having a distinctive personal style while being completely devoted and passionate to the genre of electronic music draws him massive attention and admiration both in and outside of the business. The ar tist have planned and par ticipated in various events both inland and abroad that contain strong musical themes.
The artist maintains a low profile in life and possesses a set of profound knowledge and skills for his arts; combing those with a pursuit that perfectly balances between ar tistic and commercial values grants him with high recognition in the fashion industry. He has created music for various well-known global fashion brands on various events. He has created music for several inland independent avaunt-grade designers; as well as the opening music for the Beijing and Shanghai fashion week. The artist conveys original ideas for music and promotes a sense of true Chinese electronic music culture.
结束了了14年年的海外⽣活,于2013年归国, 渐渐在国内各个活动上崭露头⻆。在海外求学时,已是时装周和各⼤派对以 及⾳乐节的常客。现国内少数坚持⽤⿊胶唱⽚播放现场的DJ,也是国内⿊胶唱⽚⽂化的推⼴者之⼀。作为⼀名狂热的唱⽚收藏爱好者, ⾳乐⻛格涉猎⼴⼴泛,很难⽤⼀⼀种⻛格来定 义概括。所以,⼤到俱乐部⼩到咖啡馆, 远到⾳乐节近到时尚秀, 在各类不同的场合和活动,皆能看到他的身影。出身⾳乐世家的他从⼩受到专业的⾳乐训练,对⾳乐有着天⽣的灵性, 现场不拘泥⼀格, 对律动和节奏有着独特的理解, 形成了Watermelon式特有的现场风格。
Zhang Lin,喜欢用音乐来描述情感,创造声音场景。跟随各种音乐风格的精髓,把和声与旋律交织在律动中,在DJ舞台上建立了自己独立的品味。他是活动策划人,是推动北京的电子音乐发展的活跃人物,电音厂牌《瓷器》的策划人和创始人。他也是Café Zarah的老板,“小咖啡”是北京音乐圈,以zarahmusic为核心电子艺人的音乐交流平台。
Zhang Lin uses music to describe emotions and to create sound scenes. Following the essence of various music styles, he interweaves harmony and melody into the rhythm.
With this approach, he established an independent taste on the DJ stage.
Being an active promoter and developer of Beijing’s electronic music scene, he founded the music and event label “Ciqi”. He is also the owner of Café Zarah. “Zarahmusic” is an exchange platform for Beijing’s electronic music artists.
京城新生代DJ,音乐风格跨越Ambient、Electro、house、techno,善于把控空间氛围。zarah music成员,咖啡师、调酒师,多年的磨练中形成了自己独特的审美风格和控制力,是可期待的舞池新生力量。
A new generation Beijing DJ, whose music style spans ambient, electro, house, and techno. He is good at controlling the atmosphere of the dance floor. As a member of Zarah Music, a barista and bartender, he has formed his own unique aesthetic style over the years, which is a new power to look forward to.