
Mifan or Mafan: Tang

2016-01-21 ThatsBJ城市漫步

By Noelle Mateer

Mifan/Mafan is our feature where we review restaurants in 100 words or less. This time, new bar Tang.

“There aren’t enough cocktail lounges in Courtyard 4!” said no-one ever.

Still, Tang is a competent addition to the shaking-and-stirring crowd. And while we’re morally opposed to any bar that separates its menu into “gentlemen drinks” and “ladies drinks” [ugh], the warm East Meets West (RMB78) was undoubtedly tasty.

Decor goes for the standard cocktail-lounge-in-Sanlitun vibe - but truth be told, we kind of like that you have to go down a flight of stairs to enter the subterranean space below.

Funnily enough, this chic spot also sells fish and chips.

Mifan or Mafan? Mifan.

Click 'Read more' below for more Mifan Mafan via That's Beijing.

