
双语说河南|邀世界 共见证——2025,河南乡村将会变啥样?

大河网 2022-05-07

The grain production in this province can feed 100 million people. Still, she wants to better herself.


Recently, Central China's Henan province has formulated a roadmap for rural vitalization and modernization of agriculture and rural areas during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-25) with 9 major tasks including 62 key projects and other related programs/platforms, covering such fields as grain supply, industrial development, rural governance and urban-rural integration, with the aim of being at the forefront of China's rural vitalization by the end of 2025. 


During the Two Sessions of Henan province, we are launching the Henan to Impress the World with Huge Rural Changes series featuring 9 bilingual stories about Henan's roadmap for rural vitalization and modernization of agriculture and rural areas during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. Here is the episode II.

为更好地向世界展示乡村振兴的“河南实践”,在河南省“两会”期间,河南日报、大河网特推出双语特别策划:邀世界 共见证——2025, 河南乡村将会变啥样?今日推出系列二。

IV: Henan's Shennong Laboratory is expected to reach the advanced level in China by 2025


By promoting innovation-driven development, making innovations in agricultural science and technology and launching projects to modernize agriculture industry, upgrade agricultural machinery and equipment and build digital villages, Henan's Shennong Laboratory is expected to reach the domestic advanced level by 2025 and its National Innovation Center for Bio-breeding Industry aims to be in the world ranking list and at the forefront of China in terms of innovation capacity. Against the backdrop of rural talent program the number of farmers with vocational certificates will reach 500 thousand by then .


V: Actions including pollution control and water conservation will be implemented to promote green development in agriculture and rural areas


By 2025, Henan's utilization rate of chemical fertilizers and pesticides for major crops will increase to 43 percent while that of straws 93 percent and over by promoting green development of agriculture and rural areas with a series of actions to control pollution. Besides, the implementation of irrigation projects brings the total high-efficiency water-saving irrigation areas to 40 million mu, an addition of 15.74 million mu (1 mu equals 0.067 hectares) by 2025.


VI: Efforts will be aligned to consolidate and expand the achievements in poverty alleviation with efforts to promote rural vitalization


Henan will consolidate and expand the achievements in poverty alleviation, maintain overall stability in the existing poverty relief policies, improve the dynamic monitoring and support mechanism for preventing a regression into poverty, boost rural industries with distinctive characteristics and help those who have emerged from poverty have stable employment to keep promoting rural vitalization in once poverty-stricken areas.


来源/大河网 文案/申华 编译/赵汉青 海报/王君艺 任建东 审校/丁岚

责编:杜若森  审核:许会增



