

康好贤 Kang Haoxian / 与自己干杯 Cheers to Myself 复合板丙烯 Acrylic on plywood / 50×40cm / 2020


比弗利山庄(Beverly Hills)位于太平洋沿岸的美国洛杉矶,被称为“全世界名流聚集的住宅区”,2018年冬和2019年夏,康好贤曾短暂地居住于此。“在洛杉矶,不论什么阶层都热衷于开派对,2020年,我原本计划再去住一段时间,但疫情导致我不能离开北京,这却令我萌发了一种热情,去描绘记忆中的那些夜行动物——他们有着阳光般的肤色,打扮时髦,追求各种最新鲜的派对游戏并乐在其中。无论现实生活如何,派对中他们总是或胡闹、或放纵、或感伤,而唯一的法则就是遵循本能。”在新作中,康好贤的绘画也更加回归本能,放弃了他此前惯用的绘画媒材和研究考据式的构思方式,转而使用喷笔作画,带有陌生感的工具迫使他在最短的时间里抓住稍纵即逝的瞬时情感,如同一个派对归来者。“如热浪般汹涌的、不顾一切的洒脱;以及这种状态之后的一种无聊升级,颓废的,激情后的空虚感”。


Star Gallery is going to present Kang Haoxian’s solo exhibition There’s No Beverly in Shunyi on 9 January 2021 with a brand-new series that the artist has created during the outbreak of the Covid-19 in 2020. 

Beverly Hills, a city of the costal Los Angeles County in California, USA, is one of the world’s most celebrated communities. Kang Haoxian has stayed there shortly from the winter of 2018 to the summer of 2019. 

“Los Angeles is a place to party for everyone of any hierarchy. In 2020, I had a plan to go back and stay for some time again, but the pandemic has kept me here in Beijing. It became the spur to my passion that I should paint the nocturnal animals still vivid in my memory. They are all tanned, chic, crazily in love with all kinds of novel pleasures in a party. No matter what their real life may be, they are always fooling around, overindulging themselves, or just being moody wherever there is a party. For them, there are no rules but to follow the instincts.” In his latest works, Kang Haoxian has turned back to his instincts too. Giving up all the media he was used to and a researcher’s mindset, Kang picked up the airbrushes, an unfamiliar tool that would force him to seize the transient feelings as fast as possible like someone just returned from a party. “The state of being carefree and unstrained as desperate as heatwaves, and its aftermath – escalated boredom, decadence, and the emptiness following feverish excitement.”

Located in Shunyi, Beijing, where there are both high-end neighborhoods similar to those of Beverly Hills and affordable lofts and emerging residences for artists to dwell in. “There’s no Beverly Hills in Shunyi, let alone its bold and fun parties. The spirit of freedom is not in the air, but it’s in my imagination behind the mask.”

康好贤 Kang Haoxian / 抒情现场 Lyrical Scene / 丙烯亚麻布 Acrylic on Linen / 150×200cm / 2020



近期他参加的主要展览包括:2020年北京和重庆时代美术馆“REVIVE IN ART 在艺术中复苏”;2018年北京星空间“愚人之旅”(个展),上海hiart space“金者预言”(个展);2014年北京炎黄美术馆“后沙峪时代看不⻅的影像”;2013年北京三里屯“SURGE ART 艺起” 艺术节。

Born in Shandong, 1989, Kang Haoxian graduated from the Animation Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2013, and currently lives and works in Beijing.

Kang Haoxian’s favorite visual resources are the festival folk art prevailing his childhood and the occult elements gained from his religious reading as an adult, while the images and information overflow the social networks have excessively expanded the boundaries of his research, adding to his unique artistic expression that is typical in the ikons he has created with a mixture of both the Christian and the Taoist painting formats. In 2017, he was devoted to the research of the Chinese folk art and the Western medieval paintings, and mingled them to a full deck of original Tarot paintings on gold foils that are widely produced in his hometown. With the mashup of massive information and fashion elements as its surface, Kang Haoxian’s art has a hidden core of occultism, which is a persistent passion of him.
Kang’s recent major exhibitions include his solos like A Journey of Fools (Star Gallery, Beijing, 2018) and The Passed Future (hiart space, Shanghai, 2017), and group shows such as Revive in Art (Times Art Museum, Beijing and Chongqing, 2020), An Invisible Image of the Houshayu Era (Yanhuang Art Museum, Beijing, 2014) and SURGE Art (Sanlitun Orange Hall, Beijing, 2013). 


展期|2021年1月9日 - 2月6日  

Kang Haoxian
There's No Beverly in Shunyi 

Opening|16:00, Sat., 9 Jan., 2021
Duration|9 Jan. –  6 Feb., 2021

开放时间|Gallery Hours
周二至周六12:00 - 18:00,周日及周一闭馆
12:00 – 18:00, Tuesday to Saturday, 
closed on Sunday & Monday.

A05, 797 East Street, 798 Art Zone, No. 2 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, Chinan 100015


