
Chilcot report highlights China’s attempts to stop Iraq war

2016-07-07 CCTVNEWS

The British Iraq Inquiry chaired by Sir John Chilcot was seven years in the making and was given unprecedented access to intelligence reports and diplomatic communications. Published yesterday the report runs to 12 volumes, 2.6 million words and delivers a damning indictment of the UK’s decision to join the US-led invasion of Iraq in March 2003.

The report concludes that the British Prime Minister at the time, Tony Blair, and the US President George W. Bush were made fully aware that Iraq could descend into sectarian chaos after the invasion – directly contrary to what Blair told the inquiry.

But while world media have focused on the criticism of the actions of Blair and Bush they also paint a complimentary picture of China in the run up to the invasion as a country trying to find a peaceful solution to the problems Iraq and Saddam Hussein posed at the time and determined to follow the international rule of law.


The report has several examples of China recognizing the important principle of national sovereignty in the run up to the US-led invasion.


In one notably poetic passage the report quotes Qin recognizing that the US and the UK seemed to try and simplify the problems surrounding Iraq without acknowledging the region’s history and complexity of the situation.


While the report cites several examples of the UK and US lobbying the international community to invade Iraq it also has several examples of China urging for a peaceful solution to be found and supporting the UN in its efforts.


When the US and UK did eventually invade IraqChina still maintained its position. The report again noted China’s position ofbelieving that pursuing international law was the best course of action.

In words that would coincide with the report’s own conclusions more than a decade later the inquiry stated:


Finally in passage that might be seen by many as increasingly important in these times of increased terrorism the report looks at China’s response as to how the US and UK used “terrorism” as a cover to justify their actions.

Tang Jiaxuan, the then Chinese Foreign Minister, stated in the report that "counter terrorism should be pursued on the basis of international law and of the norms of international relations, allowing the United Nations and its Security Council to play a leading role … efforts should be made to prevent the arbitrary enlargement… the scope of the counter terrorism campaign, but proven terrorists."

At over 2.6 million words there is little doubt that the influential report will be poured over by international media, academics and legal experts for months and years to come. But what is immediately clear is while criticism has been poured on many of the countries involved in the Iraq war China was clearly pursuing a peaceful and diplomatic solution to the crisis.

