
“大洋彼岸的来客”看“一带一路”:美国得上车!| CGTN-America's Mike Walter on BRF

2017-05-13 CGTN CGTNOfficial



Twenty-nine heads of state and government will participate in the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, which will be held in Beijing on May 14 and 15.





Mike Walter


Mike Walter is a five-time Emmy winning broadcast journalist. He currently serves as general news anchor on the nightly CGTN America News Hour. For two years, he also hosted CGTN America’s flagship weekly talk show “The Heat.” 


"It's a whole new world. Years ago when I was growing up in California, the US President Richard Nixon visited China, one of the first steps in normalizing relations between the US and China. Twenty-five years of separation was coming to an end. It's been remarkable to watch what's happened since," Walter says.   


"The breathtaking growth of China, all of it occurred in my lifetime. Now after lifting millions out of poverty and growing the economy at a record setting pace, China is onto its next ambitious act. It's prepared to export more than just goods. China is preparing to, as it were, pay it forward. By offering a hand up to neighboring countries, many thirsting for trade, jobs and a future, China may be demonstrating that what happened in China can be duplicated providing a win-win situation. It appears the Belt and Road is capable of providing all of those things and more."


"As I boarded my flight for Beijing I couldn't help but think how much times have changed. Now it is the United States that is preparing to take a step back while China takes several steps forward onto the global stage." 


The Belt and Road Initiative, proposed by China in 2013, aims to build a trade and infrastructure network connecting Asia with Europe and Africa, and beyond. 

More than 100 countries and international organizations have so far voiced support for the Belt and Road Initiative, among which more than 40 have signed cooperation agreements with China.


"I've spoken to some officials from previous US administrations who are disappointed the US didn't join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the Belt and Road Initiative. Sure the US could sit this out, but they could be missing out on one of the largest collaborations of countries that we will witness in our lifetimes."


China and the United States have made "positive progress" on key issues in their economic dialogue since a summit between President Xi Jinping and President Donald Trump at the Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida in early April, said Zhu Guangyao, China's vice minister of finance.

The two countries have recently agreed on 10 trade issues. China will start allowing imports of US beef no later than July 16, and Chinese companies will be able to negotiate contracts for American natural gas exports.


The United States is to send delegates to attend the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing scheduled for May 14-15, the US government said on Thursday night.


At the upcoming forum, parties will identify major cooperation projects, set up working groups and establish an investment cooperation center. They will also sign financing agreements to support their cooperative projects.

“大洋彼岸的来客”沃尔特将会在峰会现场看到,他的祖国没有缺席这场事关 21世纪全球经贸与人文合作的非常重要的“头脑风暴”。

“There will be challenges, and hurdles to overcome, but even the initial naysayers must admit that this Belt and Road Initiative is progressing at a remarkable pace. Beijing will be the setting for brainstorming and preparing to take the Belt and Road Initiative to the next level, and I'll be here in Beijing witnessing it all and happy to be a part of CGTN's comprehensive coverage.”

麦克 沃尔特

CGTN-America's Mike Walter

Mike Walter is a five time Emmy award winning broadcast journalist. He currently serves as general news anchor on the nightly CGTN-America News hour.

Walter has won a number of prestigious honors during his 20 plus years as a broadcast journalist. In 2010, Walter won the Ted Yates Memorial award, a special Emmy only given by unanimous vote of the board of directors of the Washington Chapter of the National Academy of the Television Arts and Sciences.

