
【漫话十九大】经济强国路 | How China becomes world's second largest economy?

2017-10-07 CGTNOfficial

The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC)

will convene in Beijing on October 18, 2017.

It will elect the CPC’s leadership for the next five years 

and set a course for the future of the Party and the country. 

Watch CGTN Digital’s 19-part animation series for all you need to know about #19thCPC

-- in 120 seconds

在党的十九大来临之际,CGTN Digital精心制作了19集动画短片《漫话十九大》喜迎十九大的到来,从9月30日起一直到10月18号十九大开幕,每天发布一集,我们希望我们的读者和观众能够通过这个系列的短片,对中国共产党的历史和这次党的十九大有一个更清晰、更深刻的认识。今天为大家带来此系列的第8集视频——中国的经济强国之路。

The Chinese economy has experienced rapid growth over recent decades, particularly since the reform and opening-up policies initiated by Deng Xiaoping in the late 1970s.

With a GDP of 74.41 trillion yuan or 10.82 trillion US dollars, China was the world's second largest economy in 2016, behind only the US. 


1950s to mid-1970s

China’s GDP has grown by a factor of over 1,000 since 1952, but its growth was slow from the 1950s to mid-1970s.

The country remained relatively poor in this period, due to its backward infrastructure left by years of wars as well as the inefficient planned economy and repeated political movements.

The turning point 

The country adopted sweeping reform and opening-up policies in 1978 and gradually shifted towards a market economy, beginning to unleash its full growth potential.

China's GDP accounted for only two percent of the world's total in 1978. Now, it represents almost 15 percent of the global economy.


The results

China has not only become a world factory, but over 700 million rural residents have been lifted out of poverty as the economy expanded.

The country's economic success has benefitted greatly from a large population with relatively low labor costs and a huge market, but also an efficient and strong central government.

As China grows richer, it has embarked on a new mission: to optimize its industrial structure and foster green and innovation-driven growth engines.

