
【漫画十九大】揭秘中国共产党的管理哲学 | How does the CPC engage with its members?

2017-10-10 CGTN CGTNOfficial


The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) will convene in Beijing on October 18, 2017. It will elect the CPC's leadership for the next five years and set a course for the future of the Party and the country.


Watch CGTN Digital’s 19-part animation series for all you need to know about #19thCPC -- in 120 seconds.

在党的十九大来临之际,CGTN Digital精心制作了19集动画短片《漫话十九大》喜迎十九大的到来,从9月30日起一直到10月18号十九大开幕,每天发布一集,我们希望我们的读者和观众能够通过这个系列的短片,对中国共产党的历史和这次党的十九大有一个更清晰、更深刻的认识。


The CPC is a huge organization, with nearly 90 million members all with a role to play and views to communicate. The Party structure ensures a flow of information through the membership, but additional measures are used to boost engagement.  

中国共产党拥有将近9000万党员,面对这么庞大数量的党员群体, 中国共产党是如何管理的呢?中国共产党又有什么措施来加强党员的学习以及加强对党员的管理的呢?本期《漫话十九大》为你解答。

How to learn what’s expected of a member?

The CPC has Party schools for cadres across China. They provide training on everything from political science to economy, philosophy, law and history, and offer lectures and courses for all members.

It also has websites to help Party members’ learning, a national hotline, and even social media accounts like WeChat to organize activities – all to facilitate engagement.

But it’s not all just fun and games

The CPC also has a strict set of rules and regulations. Its system is based on regular Party meetings and classes; an appraisal system by Party and non-Party members; self-criticism; and mechanisms to manage members’ goals and development.

Leaders and cadres are also subject to supervision by Party organizations and people inside and outside the CPC. Those who do not abide by the rules can be reprimanded, demoted or even expelled.

