
2018-01-06 CGTN CGTNOfficial CGTNOfficial

2018颁奖季第一个重量级的奖项兼奥斯卡“风向标”,第75届美国电影电视金球奖(Golden Globe Award)将于本月7日正式揭晓。



Multiple sources confirmed to People Magazine that many major actresses, including Jessica Chastain, Meryl Streepand Emma Stone, are planning to wear all-black gowns to the Golden Globe awards to protest against sexual harassment in Hollywood.


提起本次入围的英国演员加里·奥德曼(Gary Oldman),你可能记不住他的名字,但是你一定知道他扮演的那些角色。

他是《这个杀手不太冷》(Léon: The Professional)里的变态刑警(Norman Stansfield,Drug Enforcement Administration agent)

《惊情四百年》(Bram Stoker's Dracula)里的吸血鬼德古拉伯爵(Count Dracula)。

《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》(Batman: The Dark Knight)里的戈登探长(James Gordon)。

也是哈利波特的教父小天狼星(Sirius Black)


“Gary Oldman has the impressive ability of being barely recognizable from role to role and he is one of the most decorated actors alive today.”

这一次他再次挑战自我,在电影《至暗时刻》(Darkest Hour)中出演与自己身形相差极大的英国前首相丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)。奥德曼也凭借在电影中炉火纯青的演技入围金球奖。

一同入围的还有两度捧得奥斯卡小金人的好莱坞影星汤姆·汉克斯(Tom Hanks)

汤姆·汉克斯曾出演了《阿甘正传》(Forrest Gump),《西雅图夜未眠》(Sleepless in Seattle),《萨利机长》(Sully)等众多经典电影。


他也是好莱坞最具票房号召力的演员之一。据电影数据网站Box Office Mojo统计,汉克斯出演的电影北美总票房已超过45亿美元,全球票房超过90亿美元。

According to Box Office Mojo, Hanks is ranked as the third highest grossing all-time box office star in North America, with a total gross of over 4.5 billion US dollars at the North American box office, an average of 100.8 million US dollars per film. Worldwide, his films have grossed over 9 billion US dollars.

此次汉克斯凭借新片《华盛顿邮报》(The Post)入围金球奖,这部电影也是他和大导演斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)的第五次合作。

除了汉克斯这位重量级影帝,丹尼尔·戴-刘易斯(Daniel Day-Lewis)——史上首位三度问鼎奥斯卡的男演员,也凭借新片《霓裳魅影》(Phantom Thread)拿走一个提名席位。

这部电影也是丹尼尔·戴-刘易斯的封山之作,口碑极佳。《纽约时报》(New York Times)和国家评论协会(National Board of Review)将该电影列入年度最佳榜单,戴-刘易斯也凭借此片登上顶级时尚杂志《W》封面。

Film critics from The New York Times listed “Phantom Thread” as one of the best movies of 2017. The National Board of Review also made it one of their top films of the year. Day-Lewis even landed on the cover of W magazine, with the headline: “Hollywood’s Ultimate Star in Fashion’s Ultimate Film.”


各大电影颁奖典礼常客,奥斯卡影帝丹泽·华盛顿(Denzel Washington)也凭借在律政电影《罗曼先生,你好》(Roman J. Israel, Esq.)中的精彩表演加入本次影帝争夺战。

2000年,电影《飓风》(The Hurricane)已经让丹泽·华盛顿斩获一座金球奖奖杯。美国新闻网站Mic称如果丹泽·华盛顿能拿下今年的奖杯,他将创造历史,成为首个两次赢得金球影帝的非裔演员。

Washington already has one Golden Globe under his belt for his role in 2000’s “The Hurricane”. If he wins again in January, Washington would be the only black actor to win twice at the Golden Globes for best actor in the drama category.

而在本次入围者中,最大的黑马莫过于新人演员蒂莫泰·沙拉梅(Timothée Chalamet)

这位被粉丝称为“小甜茶”的演员在电影《请以你的名字呼唤我》(Call me by your name)中的表演可谓令人惊艳。

22岁的沙拉梅也因为这部电影一夜爆红,更是摘下包括纽约影评人协会奖(New York Film Critics Circle)在内的各种奖项。






至暗时刻 | Darkest Hour


Darkest Hour tells the story of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill during the early days of World War II. After former Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain resigned due to the failures of his Norwegian campaign, newly-appointed Churchill confronted both domestic and foreign problems. His political opponents challenged his position in the cabinet, while other European countries surrendered to Nazi Germany - and he faced the ultimate choice: whether to negotiate with Nazi Germany or lead his nation into war against Adolf Hitler.


华盛顿邮报 | The Post


The Post is a film about press freedom. In 1971, Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee and publisher Katharine Graham fought against the government and published the classified Pentagon Papers, revealing the government’s lies about the war in Vietnam.

霓裳魅影 | Phantom Thread


Set in post-war London, Phantom Thread centers on Reynolds Woodcock, a renowned dressmaker at the center of British fashion. His life is disrupted by a strong-willed woman, who soon becomes a fixture in his life as both muse and lover.


罗曼先生,你好 | Roman J. Israel, Esq


This legal drama is about Roman J. Israel,Esq., an unsociable but talented defense attorney who worked behind the scenes, until his partner suffered from a heart attack forcing him to step into the spotlight.


请以你的名字呼唤我 | Call Me By Your Name


Based on André Aciman’s novel of the same name, this romantic drama is set in Northern Italy in 1983 and chronicles the relationship between 17-year-old Elio and Oliver, a young American research assistant.