
请回答1988 带你穿越中国“最年轻的省份”Haikou landmarks of the ancient and modern

2018-03-21 CGTNOfficial




Hainan island is gearing up to celebrate 30 years since being designated as a Chinese province. It is the country’s smallest, youngest and southernmost province, and remains the only one to be made a Special Economic Zone.

Significant economic and social developments have been achieved over the past decades, with major changes for local people and migrants alike since 1988. What kind of memories are most tangible in their eyes?

Here’s a set of photographs depicting distinctive landmarks, buildings and bridges around Haikou — the capital city of the tropical island — to show how it has developed from early “childhood” through “adolescence” to “adulthood” over three decades.

Sanjiaochi Park 三角池公园

心怀理想 求职创业的聚集地


The Special Economic Zone was founded in 1988 – an unprecedented opportunity for thousands of young talents full of expectations and dreams. They came from across China, searching for a better life and career. Sanjiaochi Park was the place they congregated to search for jobs, exchange information, meet up and encourage each other.

Haikou Int'l Financial Center 金融大厦

见证经济发展 未来再出发


The 22-story Haikou International Financial Center may not seem a state-of-the-art high-rise nowadays, but in the 1980s it was a cutting-edge design of international standing — and the highest structure in Haikou. Huge business opportunities have sprung up in the area, boosted by the establishment of the Boao Forum for Asia annual conference at the local town of Boao in 2002.

Haikou Shiji Bridge 世纪大桥



With a total length of 2,683 meters, Haikou Shiji Bridge is the largest bridge in the province, connecting Haidian Island over the Haidian River. The construction project started in 1998 and finished in 2003, spanning the arrival of the new century — and that’s why the bridge is literally called “Century Bridge.”

The bell tower 钟楼

沉淀历史建筑 迎接新融合


A philanthropic businessman raised money for the construction of a bell tower back in 1929 to help make people’s daily lives a little easier. The landmark stands to this day, acting as a useful timepiece and a symbol of the city treasured by locals.

Boao 2018

从今天起,CGTN将推出【南中国故事】等一系列博鳌亚洲论坛的报道。我们将带您探寻改革开放40年海南的发展变化,展示海南建省30年来的重要历史变迁; 我们将立足亚洲,放眼世界,发现中国和其他亚洲国家在全球发展中所起到的关键作用。                 


Story by Zhang Meng

Edited by John Goodrich

Designed by Gao Hongmei

